Didn't see a /running/ thread.
Does that mean I can make one?
Does that mean no-one fucking likes running?
>ran hills today
>only bailed a few times
>postholing is bad
Beautiful day out there, Veeky Forums
Didn't see a /running/ thread.
Does that mean I can make one?
Does that mean no-one fucking likes running?
>ran hills today
>only bailed a few times
>postholing is bad
Beautiful day out there, Veeky Forums
Only faggots do the different coloured shoe gimmick. Real runners shoes are so fucking filthy from trails that it'd be a retarded picture to take. Hope your colour runs are going well though.
EVen with mud, they stay clean and pretty.
How many kms / week to qualify as a 'real runner'? Or is it a speed requirement?
or is it just filthy snirt? (snow/dirt)
What's the difference between running and biking?
Cycling is more thighs and butt, running is more calves, ankles, and feet.
I have a question, to preface my roommate and I started going to the gym about 2 and a half weeks ago. When we started and I wasn't giving it my all I could run a mile in like 17-18 minutes, today I was able to do a mile in 9:05. what would be a reasonable but challenging goal time to get by the end of the month?
more info about me I'm a manlet 5'9", fat fuck (don't know weight but pant size is 38), really out of shape obviously first time doing a decent amount of physical shit since high school (3 years ago) really loving the gym though
How often are you running?
6 days a week, I do a half hour of running to start out.
If your life depended on it? Maybe 7:45
To put this in perspective I ran a 7:20 mile in 5th grade and was 3rd or 4th in my class
If I wanted to lose weight around the thighs... should I run or bike?
Spot reduction isn't real.
To lose weight around the thighs, you need to just lose weight.
But you will get more definition in the bits
said, depending on what you do.
alright thanks mate nice dubs
>Does that mean no-one fucking likes running?
Nobody actually likes running. It's literal hell, and anyone that says otherwise is lying or has a pain fetish.
>run a mile in like 17-18 minutes
That's 3 mph. Old people walk faster than that.
How easy is it to lose my running gains if I do stationary bike 3 times a week?
I haven't ran in a week because reasons
Yeah I was being a bitch not giving it effort, big fuckin deal what it WAS my dude. It matters what it IS now.
9:05 is still pretty slow. You need to focus on losing weight.
Any decent middle schooler can run a mile in 6 minutes.
I started running a few weeks ago, and through reading random articles on running form, I picked up the hazy notion that I ought to avoid heel-striking.
What about when I'm going downhill? Conversely, when I'm going uphill I feel like I'm stressing my shins a lot.
What are you running down Mt. Everest?
If you're running down a steep enough incline that it causes you to heel strike for a considerable time, then you're running in the wrong place.
Is 2 days of not running enough to lose running gains? If not how long before you start losing them?
It depends on what kind of running you're doing.
How fast, how far, and how long have you been doing it?
Adding cardio once a week is enough? I'm doing it because my circulatory system is shit and it takes me a lot of time to recover in between sets.
No. At least twice (10 minutes+) if you want results.
you dont lose it quickly if you eat and rest well, 2-3 weeks to lose some gains.
Ran 3.48 miles worth of 3/2 intervals this morning
Podcasts are both officially and objectively the best thing to listen to while running
Ran 24.5 miles last week, up to 15.5 this week already with a 8 miler this morning. usually my shins bother me but meh doing fine.
>arch pain
wuts wrong wit me
are they really that good? Ive heard a lot of people say this but ive never tried it myself
also how do i enjoy running outside? I prefer biking as cardio, but i also want to be a runner. THe treadmill is only good for HIIT work as i literally get bored in less than 2 minutes if i do LISS stuff
I tried it starting this week and I'm already in love with it. It really takes my mind off the fact that I'm running. Plus the information in the podcast is pretty sweet; I recommend A Brief History of Mathematics
I ran my intervals on a treadmill lol but if you wanna have fun running outside doing LISS do this:
Plot a nice long loop that starts and ends in the same place, there are apps for this
This will force you to keep running or just not get back home in a timely manner
Music/Podcasts or just observe your surroundings. Become aware of whats going on around you and how you're interacting with it
I like running and I have neither.
"Literal hell", to me, is lifting.
git new shoes
Podcasts are a transit/chores thing for me.
I listen to fast music to burn out my adrenaline when running.