Cold Shower General

Just did my Wim Hof breathing exercises and took my coldest shower yet. Intense tingling on my body and a huge surge of addrenaline. Feeling PUMPED.

Anybody else into cold showers / Wim Hof?

Aware me on this breathing and why is it important for cold showers

So you take super deep breaths for a minute and it fills your cells up with air, you still here?

Anyways you take deep breaths for a long time and it oxidates your cells.

I'm not exactly sure WHY but it makes you withstand the cold better. Your entire body will tingle and you will find yourself warm in a cold as fuck shower.

I love it, I get adrenaline boosts. Wim Hof, through an entire lifetime of breathing exercises and challenging his body against extreme cold environments, has been able to fight off infectious diseases on command. Shit is pretty awesome if you ask me.

wim hoff blows my mind I do his breathing technique before I meditate when lying in bed getting ready to sleep. It really helps clear the mind.

yes, its extremely hard for me to go cold from start to finish so ive been going warm/cool then the last part of the shower go as cold as i can. it just sucks trying to shampoo and body wash while freezing but im working towards it. definitely feeling 100 times better afterwards compared to a steaming hot shower. best done in the morning or before bed

It's called 'tummo' by Tibetan monks and 'the Wim Hof method' by trendy, fashionable types.

It's part adrenaline from intentionally hyperventilating and part regulating your autonomic nervous system through intense focus. In Wim Hof's case, who is a record holder, it also has a lot to do with him having more brown adipose tissue than the average person.

> it oxidates your cells.

So, breathing, any kind of breathing, "oxidates" your cells (I think you mean, oxygenate, technically it does both but oxidation of cells is bad and is the reason you need antiOXIdants in your diet).

What tummo does in the short term is create a surge of adrenaline. You hyperventilate when you panic, and so when you do it on purpose your body takes this as a signal to initiate the fight or flight response, thus adrenaline is released.

Adrenaline can help you ignore the effects of cold, it can also prevent an immune system response.

In the long term tummo is a form of meditation where you dedicate your focus on bodily functions that are usually completely automatic and try to control them. This is extremely difficult to do and takes years of dedication. Some expert practitioners of tummo have been known to be able to sleep hanging upside down while forcing their circulatory system to fight against the effects of gravity.

All due respect to OP, but this is entry level stuff, basically Tummo 101 - First Lecture. I mean, the fact is if you have trouble consciously breathing in a way where you hyperventilate the suggestion by tummo gurus is to have a cold shower so your body is FORCED to hyperventilate. The Wim Hof method is basically 'something that happens anyway when we're exposed to cold'. There is somewhat of a distinction though which is that we accept things more easily when we have control over them, and acceptance is a big part of any kind of meditation.

OP btfo'd

Link me one study that actually say cold shower got benefit.
The hydrotherapy study that is always posted says that it cause test drop and lowered serotonine level.

So, where can I enroll for Tummo 102?

Dr ronda said it makes your body release certain proteins that help deal with inflammation

My wim hof and my warm washing showers are 2 completely different activities. Trying to wash in cold water seems pretty impossible lol.

Well I'm definitely not a trendy, fashionable type, its just that the west has no monks. We just have Wim Hof. Thanks for the lecture, though. Insults and belittlement aside.

Well I'm definitely not a trendy, fashionable type, its just that the west has no monks. We just have Wim Hof. Thanks for the lecture, though. Insults and belittlement aside.

delet this

I'll be your monk, brah, lemme get high first. Srsly, you can't experience full transcendence without taking advantage of the fruits of Mother Nature.

I've smoked plenty of weed in my day my man. I don't as much anymore, makes me paranoid.

I would love to trip balls on DMT though and have some true visions. Get in touch with the spirits.

Been taking cold showers at the gym after workouts hoping for them test gainz. I dont really time it out but i go hot to luke to slightlycold to shocking cold. I only stay under shocking cold for like 60-90s, making sure not to stand still.

and this

>ITT faggots who need special breathing techniques to take a cold shower

I take cold showers in summer, it's fucking awesome

I actually just lost a lot of respect for him after reading this. He's just using Tibetan disciplines and then making money off of them. On the plus side though he is bringing some attention to it.

Well there's smoking weed in public and then freaking out because you don't want people to know, and there's taking some hits off of your bong in the privacy of your home and then just losing track off time while you're in a whole other plane of existence. If you live somewhere where weed is legal, you could try less psychoactive (higher cbd) strains. Although after meditating on weed for a good few times, it'll be a lot easier to keep yourself under control.

>There are Tibetan monks browsing Veeky Forums right now

I've begun subjecting myself to short cold showers during my steam room time, ie 5 minutes in the steam room followed by a 1min extremely cold shower, repeated a few times.

Is this enough time to get the benefits from the cold? It's pretty excruciating but I'm getting more used to it.

I belly breathe in the steam room but I'll look into this win ho guy and see how he breathes.

Tried it.

Basically hyperventilation and cold exposure. I don't see a real point to it and it feels like an odd physiological response being peddled as a miracle cure.

I guess the point is to have voluntary control over otherwise autonomic body functions. I don't know about you but that fascinates me.

I'd be interested in info on this, where can I read up?

>white people stealing ancient shit from non whites
>rename it then sell it as your own discovery
>make millions and don't give credit to where you stole it from

What a fucking surprise. Shit stinks, water is wet.

I'm white and I agree. I'm stealing this post btw.

Ill do a cold shower after 20 minutes in the suana, post workout. Feel really tired after it all and do not notice any effects otherwise. I'm neutral on it.

>not realizing that the whim hoff method feels good because you are depriving your brain of oxygen
fucking retards nowadays will gobble up the stupidest garbage

Wim somewhat does admit in his TED presentation(s) that the whole point of sharing this practice is to recognize that the body is capable of exceptional ability and potentially healing when consciously controlled. We mundane minds always need to see a bit of the miraculous first before stepping onto a path that requires such solitude and focus.

Imflammation of what exactly?

Summer is only 3 months of the year, faggot.

How do you actually start this?