Why aren't you eating kidney yet?
>75% of protons
Why aren't you eating kidney yet?
i need my kidneys user lol
organs taste disgusting
Why is it all poopular
never gonna make it
I prefer liver, full of a vitamin and doesn't smell of piss.
Cause it's fucking disgusting and I can hit my protein for the day in easier, tastier ways.
>literally a sponge that does nothing for its entire existence except produce urine
yeah no I'm fine
like i know it's not actually unhygienic once it's been cooked but might as well be eating colon meat
>Literally eating a filter.
I don't want gout.
>OP, they know
>does nothing for its entire existence except produce urine
pls finish your secondary education and never post again
>produces 180 L primary urine each day
>Filters out slag and shit so that it doesn't stick in your skin and kiell you.
>What is salt
I take dessicated liver pills every day.
>muh iron
>muh vitamin a
Actually its about 50% protons
that looks like a polished turd
>he doesn't just eat a kilogram of greek yoghurt every day
I am but I keep FUCKING IT UP
how the FUCK am I meant to clean all the tough fibrous fat out.
I braise them for twenty minutes and it's STILL crunchy!
Hearts are better.
When he grins or smiles his cheek bones look so insanely massive. It is honestly unsettling at time.
you need to clean it before you mong.
Get rid of all the white stuff and boild it for a minute.
If you do it well it tastes amazing.
>not knowing about dat dere b12
And yes I'm french
Remove the white stuff with a sharp knife
you must be intimidated by his superior genetics.
I find it gross and repulsive
ye's I'm a fuckboy
I agree kidneys, liver, lungs and all that shit are the healthiest thing you can eat that comes from an animal tho, I'm just too much of a pussy.
>colon meat
Tasty andouillette
i'll take the hearts and add in gizzards. slow cook them, make a stew, grill them after letting them brine for a couple of days
You can buy massive bags of frozen chicken hearts for dirt cheap
>26.4g protons
>0.1g carbs
>7.9g fat
Tastes like meat balls, its great
Hearts are too fatty.
Faggot don't lie to me I've eaten chicken heart it does not taste like meatball. the texture is super fucking weird
Salut fitoyen, t'es de quel coin ?
Laisse les burgers tranquilles, les pauvres ne sont même pas capables de se faire cuire un œuf.
du coin ou on mange la choucroute
De mon côté on est plutôt ratatouille.
Mom! Get the camera!!!
Laughed really hard desu
Because I'm not a wolf or some shit
>tfw you will never achieve wolfmode
I've only eaten liver. How does kidney and heart taste?
do not want to each crunchy pee
>How does kidney and heart taste?
Cannot describe the taste but it's delicious
>cook it with a good amount of butter
>add mustard
>add a tablespoon of floor
>add beef broth
>salt and pepper
in Argentina we eat kidney frequently, but not everybody likes them. Personaly i think they are very food with garlic and lemon. We like "molleja" too..
>with garlic
everything is good with garlic
This is too retarded to be bait. The heart is literally leanest meat on any mammal.
lmao fpbp
> they are very food
These. Liver and heart are king and queen(not necessarily respectively).
Kidney tastes like urine no matter how much you soak it in milk or whatever other dumb meme tricks you try. Heart tastes like the reddest red meat possible, even when taken from white meat animals. Heart has a much finer grain than other muscle.
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