>6 feet tall, even taller with heels
>thicc af
so THIS is what men really want
6 feet tall, even taller with heels
Other urls found in this thread:
literally who
Does she do pr0n?
> small, stupid nose
> stupid lips
To go to jail for the 24 hour tender yet savage rape a thick hot bitch?
I don't know user.
She doesn't look nigger race.
delete this.
Literal cuck
Her mouth looks better there. They photoshopped the other to make it look more pursed.
>those oversaturated, huge fat areolas
This is unironically disgusting. Big areolas are the meat curtains of breasts.
Those round things are padding in the bikini top.
bruh that's a fucking wicked weasel bikini it doesn't have any padding rofl
>being this gay
>that mega-deep belly button waiting to be filled with cum
shes 5 ft 11 in dude.
yes, alison tyler
>Hating big areolas
Great, just 10 more hours of work to go now..
> tfw ywn have her sit on your face
>people THIS fucking gay share this board with you
i really like this video
> link blocked by work network filter
I'll save it for tonight, thanks user. Last fav pornstar is sophie dee
>tfw she retired and there are no other amazon pornstars
She does look a bit fat around the jaw, no?
I really don't like her face
>She does look a bit fat around the jaw, no?
delete this
Could you imagine fucking a big chick with a really tight pussy?
doubt her bussy is tight dbh
Her allgirlmassage scene with the bolster is goat
Nah dude she probably got that loosey goosey snu snu poosey probably uses shampoo bottle dildos
Never really liked Sophie Dee. Who's that on the right?
Off topic, but what does ywn mean?
Looked it up and google told me it was Young Women's Ministry.
no idea lol. You like this alison tayler but not sophie? How/why?
Young womans ministry is about right
Ywn=you will never
Her face is weird and her voice is irritating.
I guess I can see that. Her face reminds me of my cheating oneitis (she also liked to make baby voices like sophie). Can't be healthy to fap to that but who cares. We're all dead anyway
My 5 inch benis could never satisfy her.
Your saying you actually tried to access a porn site at work
My dad owns the company.
Well, I came.
if you have to ask you will never know
my nigga
who else /nepotism/ here?
she's 5'3" ya dink
Melissa Murphy. She's the one who did all of those pornstar makeup before/afters.
>YWN wake up with her crawling on top of you for sex and her smothering you with her massive body
>YWN do reverse cowboy while she lets out sweetbraaaps
who is this disgusting swine and why is she in any way relevant?
>likes to travel
so she's a huge whore?
Mmmmmmmmmmmm juicy, ooey gooey easy cheesy chunky mozzarella mommy. Soft lil brappy mama
If you dont fuck thiccbrapps, you're fucking LOWTEST
Yeah. Pretty huge deal, but that aside she has fetishist proportions that I have never seen except for in a few Chinese cartoons.
5/10 butterface would smash and dash just for the experience
Holy shit look at the leg size difference
what's with the poop?
This meme didn't catch on faggot
if her core would be better then ye
Cookie nipples...gross
MOMMY. Thanks op, just busted a nut watching her.
TFW you are disgusted and loathe yourself after you cum.
i know this feel. did you find something worth sharing of her?
Fucking eww
>wears makeup
lol fucking pass
>that once scene where they make a concerted effort not to have her stand up next to her manlet costar
gonna need to see more
this chick is a fucking space marine
>tfw you will never satisfy her with your tiny little needledick
>don't like her face
She looks like a goblin that drank a change race to human potion
user I will through the power of Dragonball Z fusion give you my 7.2 × 5.5 dong and add it onto your dick for you to take her on the fuck truck to pound town. God Speed.
Overrated with her shitty site
Not even the best Australian
>Inbox 4 Gigi
>tfw no 6 foot thick big titty gf
so youre the faggot daddys boy that cant be fired despite being the type of guy that does nothing but look forward to jerking off to porn
Hang yourself right now, cunt
Yes and she has an incest porn where she walks in an cover's her daughter's mouth and fingers her to orgams. Hottest shit ever, brehs.
Degenerate cuckboi. Ngmi
would she feel anything? If a chick like this wanted to fuck, would it be physically possible?
Holy shit
this video is fucking hillarious