What is a typical normie workout routine?

What is a typical normie workout routine?

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Curls and Bench.

Gril on the left is a qt. Right looks like a fucking hog.

Confirmed faggot. They're both on point m8

Came here to post this. You forgot a few things though.

>take a selfie of DYEL body for inspirational social media post

both of them look good in this picture, but outside of this one picture they're both nothing special


Squatting in the smith machine, 20 different ab exercises, curls

Rep and set schemes? I'm kinda serious. I wanna incorporate normie shit into my usual routine to see what happens.

Right wins you big faggot.

>1 set consisting of as many reps as it takes to failure

Your taste is shit, you will never make it. Hogfucker

Ana Frank the lost vlogs.

8-12 reps obviously. You never see nromies work out their brosplits?

Put it this way; what is a typical anti-normie workout routine?

Lat Pulldown
Tricep pushdown
Decline situps

Leg day is
Leg press
Leg extension
Hamstring curl
Social media posting about ebin leg day

Set and rep schemes are completely random, as are the chosen weights.

I go to the gym when it's empty because of my crippling anxiety :_:

Chad does brosplits in between eating pizza and banging Stacy/your oneitis.

>tfw you'll never live in a hidden apartment with Anne Frank

weird boner

Why would you have a boner?

i heard this person is male.any truth to that ?

That is totally a guy.

then its intriguing. whats hes name ?

Absolutely positively a boy.

Drop sets xF

I go to the gym when it's empty because I'm xenophobic

Holy dat ass

No normie does serious lifting. Normies do curls, rubber band pulling, push ups, stuff like that. Nothing hard ir heavy.
Also, running and biking for legs lol.

Day 1
>incline bench
>overhear press
>incline bench
>rope pull downs
>side lateral raises

Day 2
>bent over row
>face pulls
>cable row
>cable pull down
>inner/Outer bicep curl with barbell

Day 3
>leg press
>leg extension
>leg curl

t. the most normie shit ever



>not fairy bread

Girl on right doesn't shave her legs in the winter and definitely plans to balloon up in weight once married/first child.

Left is ideal.

Threemilk t. Lives in IL

Hell, my instructors at my gym hand out brosplits to beginners
Fucked up stuff



hey, thank you

Back/bi day, chest/tri day, quarter squat/ab day.

My old roommate did this routine, had been "lifting" for a couple years, and I surpassed him on the bench in 9 months as a beginner

Cable machine shit and curls with the occasional bench and leg press.

M- chest day
Flat barbell bench
Flat Dumbell bench
Decline Bench
Dumbell flyes
Cable flyes
(no incline because "it feels weird and hurts my shoulder")

T-back day
Every once in a while deadlift 185 with awful form
Half rep pull ups
Lat pull downs
Seated rows
Dumbell rows
Dumbell lawn mowers
T bar rows

W- shoulder day
All presses with dumbells
Lateral, frontal, and rear delt raises
Weird ab workout

T- legs
Skip this, if not then do
Quarter squats
Leg press
Leg curl
Leg extension
Calf raise machine with the most weight barely moving at all

And finally the most beloved normy day

F- arms
Everything 3x12
Do every type of curl known to man
Then do Tricep pull downs with the rope

Abs occasionally, also run in the treadmill at max speed for 30 seconds when you want some cardio. Increase weight every workout, don't care about form

DAY ONE: UPPER BODY (STRENGTH) - Rest Period: 2-3mins
• Flat Bench: 6x6
• Pendlay Rows: 4x6
• OHP: 4x8
• Tricep Pushdowns: 4x10
• DB Alternating Curls: 4x10
DAY TWO: LEG DAY (STRENGTH) - Rest Period: 2-4mins
• Squats: 5x5
• SLD: 4x6
• SL Leg Press: 3x8
• Hamstring Curls: 3x8
• Calf Raises: 5x10
DAY THREE: UPPER BODY (HYPERTROPHY) - Rest Period: 1.5-2mins
• Incline Bench: 6x6
• Flat DB Press: 4x8
• Cable Flys: 4x8
• Neutral Grip Chinups: 5x6
• Seated Rows: 4x8
• Face Pulls: 4x8
• Tricep Pushdowns: 4x10
• Cable Curls: 4x10
• Squats: 6x6
• Walking lunges: 4x10
• Leg Press: 4x10
• Leg Extensions: 2x10
• SLD: 5x10
• Hamstring Curls: 4x12
• Calf Raises: 4x10
DAY FIVE: UPPER BODY (SUPERSET DAY) Rest Period: 1-1.5mins
• Incline DB Bench: 3x12
• Seated DB Press + Side Raises: 3x15
• Face Pulls + Side Raises: 3x15
• Cable Curls + Rope Press: 3x15

a friend of mine has been going to the gym way longer than I have. I was asking him what kind of weights he is lifting.
>this and that, I switch it up
He actually goes to the gym and just does different machines without any plan whatsoever.

>Michigan state

This is by far the most accurate

look, im only here for the set of pics or rights so let's make this quick and sauce me up

You must be smoking crack right is way more feminine

It's the nose aye?

See that's the problem with white women. They either look like pigs or goblins.

Hard to find that golden ratio in between.


you forgot behind the neck press

faggot confirmed. The one on the right is a qt3.14. woodbury/10.

she looks better than the manjaw on the right.

Do Coolcicada's PPL program. In addition add Deadlifts on pull day. Do it for 6 days/wk for 6 months. Eat big and sleep. Get yuuge.

who this qt?

Whats wrong with michigian state t.non-burger

Typical normalfag routine you say?
>first time in the gym
>benches your ORM for 15 reps
>goes to your house and fucks your bitch

michigan girls are easy

also go wolverines

t. uofm fag

pointy elbows too


This is correct
Source: me and my friends in high school

about this.

usually some form of PxxPxx(L), but bench is the only compound they use and they use machines instead. some use the smith machine on (leg day) but nobody does real squats because they don't want "trex legs".

>The Press

>>bent over row
I've literally had normies flock to tell me that pendlay rows look 'scary/dangerous/painful/hard' (those are all synonyms for normies).

Every single one of those fucker had several excuses why he can't do barbell rows from the ground, but I've seen some try to imitate the movement, while doing something that looked like shrugs mixed with minimum ROM upright rows, because it's 'safer that way'.

So what are some NON-NORMIE moves then?

Pic related is what I've been doing and seems pretty damn Normie

>So what are some NON-NORMIE moves then?
full rom high bar squat
pendlay row with your bench press weight

>full rom high bar squat + pendlay row

Ah word, can't do BW pendlay but I do those and high bar squatz

>He doesn't do twisters
>He doesn't do kickers


Most normie routine I've seen is PushxPullx""Leg""xx

All rest periods are either 10 seconds or 5 minutes. No in between.

Arched back overhead press with dumbbells 3x7
Bench (ass 1ft above the bench) 3x5
Decline dumbbell bench (clank DBs together as loud as possible) 3x10
Overhead tricep extensions 3x10
"""Cardio""" on stationary bike (no resistance)

Cable curls FxF
Dumbbell curls FxF
EZbar curls FxF
Hammer curl FxF
Barbell curl 1x3 ("they hurt my arms")
Bent over DB rows in 2" from mirror 3x10
Smith machine shrugs (mainly move neck back and forth) 3x10
Random pulldown machine work ???x???

Smith machine squats/quarter ROM highbar 2x5 ("yeah its just my ankle and I don't want to hurt my knees")
Flailing, aggressive leg extension 3xA lot
30lb lying leg curl 3x10
Bouncy seated calf raises 3x???
A 135lb dead lift once
"Creative" ab work FxF

>doing an upper/lower or P/P/L split rather than a bro split
These are not normie splits.
These are normie routines.
These are not normie routines

I went to Michigan State, got into drugs fucked me up

Not gonna lie that girl on the left looks alot like my cousin...

"Going running", treadmills. Especially when also coupled with fad diets or fasts

Aaaand both of them would laugh in your face if you even dreamed of talking to them. Lmfao.

>overhead press
>bent over rows

altough for some reason everyone pretends to like squatting now

I actually saw a normie deadlift at my gym today.

Then I saw him OHP in the squat rack with bad form.

Why do normies do this.



Girl on the right kind of looks like quasimoto desu


incline bench
decline bench
leg ego press
bicep curls
hammer curls
cable curls
sit ups
ab machine
hanging leg raise
v squat machine
chin up
row some more
row again
and row again
shadow boxing 10xf

Zercher deadlift

Incline DB/barbell
Cable Crossover
Pec Deck
Cable Rope Extensions
V bar extensions
Throw in some extra sets of crossovers or decline bench

T bar row
Lat Pulldowns, maybe pullups
Cable rows, maybe db rows
Reverse Pec Deck, maybe rear delt flys
V bar lat pulldowns/straight arm pulldowns
bicep curl
hammer curl or something similar
shitty deadlifts once in a while or smith shrugs/80lb db shrugs

Leg Press/Hack squat/terrible form squats (most likely a plate squat)
Leg Extenions
Leg Curl
entire stack for calf raises
random situps/leg raises/crunch machines
skip this day as well

dumbbell seated press, skip standing barbell OHP and do it seated if u want a change, half reps as well
front raise
lateral raise
optional rear delt fly
cable lat raise
upright row

any cable tricep extensions with cable biceps
finish with shitty form cable kickbacks and cheating cable curls

3x8-12 for every movement, add weight whenever it feels easy and dont make any progress past noob gains

Bench max-155 (bounce off chest/spotter)
Squat max-185 (half rep or just skip it u dont squat anyway)
Deadlift max 195 (round your back)
OHP max- could be anything really, normies never do this (95)

Nothing because normies don't actually go to the gym. Well maybe every third January they do.

Like 15-20% of the adult US population reports going to the gym regularly to lift weights. Of those I bet half consider once every other week regular.

Going to the gym 3-6 times a week for 60-120 minutes consistently for an extended period of time (>6 months) is just not something a normie does with their time.

Girl on the right in OP pic

Wtf is wrong with this routine? You'd get results from it

Shockingly accurate down to the ebin leg day maymay.

>stand infront of the gym mirror with his shirt off
>"I've been through a lot these last 9 months and I'm proud of the progress I made. I cut out the bad people dragging me down and accomplished a ton of goals. This year is going to be my year and this is only the beginning. #FollowMeOnMyJourneyToGreatness #InstaMuscles #Goalz #Greatness #Limitless

This is eerily similar to the posts I see on normiebook. Are normies everywhere the same or something?

this pretty much. then probably add dumbell press + some machines and some ab workout.

>Are normies everywhere the same or something?
yes, that's the whole deal about being normie, they don't think for themselves, they just repeat shit hte media feeds them

Normies squat now since "skip leg day" became a meme.

then we actually did some good with that

This is concerning. I assumed normies would have different habits by region or country.

am i gay for wanting to fuck that... thing boy girl whatever it is... just fucking grab it, make out with it really agresively stick my fingers in its mouth, then put her on her knees, force her to give me oral pleasure and then finally just rape her little boi hole, rape her so far inside it and explode in his intestines. am i gay for this?

That's a jewess.

wait i dont get it, its a girl?

Sorry, gayboy. It's a grill.

then ill impregnate it, guess im bi

>girl on left
someone you can totally chill with and date long term
>girl on right
parties way too much and is good for nothing but sex

halo effect

lol why would he let chad beat him up like that
what an idiot

>bring normie friends to gym
>they just sit on the leg extension machine while putting me squatting on their stories
