Post your PR's, mine are as follows:

5k - 22:42
10k - 48:17

1600 - 4:36
5k - 17:30
10k - N/A
10 mile - 72:45
Then I graduated high school, stopped running, and started lifting. Think I could still break a six-minute mile with two weeks to prepare, maybe.

I literally did not train for any of these...just signed up and ran.

Half marathon-1:57:27

Makes me wonder what would happen if I actually trained.

16:50 5k
16:40 10k

800 metre: sub 2
Mile: sub 5
5000 metre: sub 16
looking to dominate/run w any female runner reading this post

Why does this thread smell of bs

Post pr b4 talking shit

Fastest 1k is 3:30
Fastest mile is 6:20
Fastest 5k is 20:35

Everyone else is posting times that people cant just go out and run whenever, it requires some practice, hence not what id call 'casual' runners.
Just my 2 cents.

5k: 32
10k: 1:12

Just started. Did first of each in years last week.

Aiming to get my 5k to 18 in a year. Gonna b me tough, but you've gotta have goals. Should be easier as I lose weight though, right? Right??

Yeah, it sure does look fishy.

OP here, anyone knows how long would it take for me to get sub 20 5k? I'm gonna start running 5-6 times a week to actually get faster.

Right. I ran a sub 5:30 mile as a freshman in hs. After I graduated hs I stopped running with a team. Only training once or twice a week I broke 5 in the mile again. Now I'm on a team again but still open to running casually yk?
If you were really adamant about running only casually you wouldn't know any PR.

5k PR is 32:27

Running is no fucking joke, it's hard but fun. Signed up for a 5k next month, hopefully I'll be able to actually run the entire thing with no walking

Ive been running about 5 months now, and only seriously for about 2 months. In that time ive managed to get my 5k time down from 24:30 to 20:30ish, but now im running a 5k most days but ive stagnated around ~7 mins per mile. Its definitely possible to make a lot of progress, just gotta put the time in. A lot of it depends on your build as 5'11 and 80kg, so i need to either lose some muscle mass or gain a fair bit of speed, neither of which is gunna be easy.

Yeah, running a 5k burns like 350-500 calories depending on effort. If you don't factor that into your TDEE, which you probably shouldn't, it'll make your deficit bigger.

Yeah, bullshit

Do you mean you run but didn't specifically train for them, or you literally just got off the couch and ran those? If the latter you are so full of shit

Fuck I'm mirin the quads on that guy

> if you were adamant about running casually you wouldnt know any PR.

You just proved my point, by your logic nobody posting in this casual running thread is actually a casual runner.

Only reason I know my PRs is cus I use the Nike running app to find out where I went.

Bro that's ez times if he has any background in another sport

Sucks that capitalism had managed to finally drain the last ounce of fun from bipedalism

Define "casual." I don't compete professionally, but I'm very fast by Veeky Forums standards.

Fuck off commie. I hated running before getting one of these run tracking apps.

Don't use it if you don't like it

Post PR fuckboy

A good trick I used when I ran seriously was mile repeats.
You want to run an 18:00 5k? That's three 6-minute miles in a row. Get on the track and run one mile, making sure your lap times are 90 seconds each.
The idea is to get the pace down so well that you don't have to expend any energy thinking about how fast you want to go. Your other training will have to prepare your body for the faster pace obviously

Nice deflection, but yes, capitalism has managed to monetize running for many years now.
Then again, if theres a demand, someone makes the supply.

I don't even wear a watch when I run

Are we not but mortal combatants pitted against each other in a battle of wits?

200m - 27.1
400m - 57.0
800m - 2:05
1500m - 4:13
3km - 8:55
5k - 15:40
10k - 32:17
HM - 73:43

Have also won numerous trail races of random distances.

Last time I used a calorie tracking app and put in workouts I think I gained weight. Biggest waste of time.

I haven't started tracking yet, just eating less and excercising more (no scale, so I don't know how much I should be eating) but once I get on it I'm not even going to put anything in on my 10k days. Those things seem to underestimate caloric content and overestimate calories burned by working out.

If we are for some reason combatants in a battle of wits, you lost by basically stating that everyone in this thread is by admittance of their own PRs is not a casual runner, the essence of which this thread is based.

However, I dont really give a shit, so do as you please.

I guess we finally made it bro

Are you a stick with legs

I swam in High school pretty heavily but that's it.

5k: 19:14

Not bad

I saw this thread was a thinly veiled dick measuring contest and entered guns blazing.

huh you have great 5k and 10k times but your half marathon is bad compared to your other. seems like half of these post are all bullshit.

Tell me something I dont know, my friend

Everyone and anyone who calls bs on anyone else needs to post their own times

Uh Im still getting faster even as I sit on this toilet and comment itt

NEVER try to factor in calories burned from workouts into your TDEE. Use sedetary when calculating it and use it as your base line. People ALWAYS overestimate the amount of calories they burn through exercise and cardio, a typical 5k run only burns 400 calories and that is much more strenuous than many xfit workouts.

One of my coworkers told me he burns 2k calories just from his crossfit workouts alone, on top of his BMR. I'm just like yeah that's cool man. He always eats a SHITLOAD to make up for those burned calories and is so fucking smug about it, however he looks like shit and has no abs. Needless to say I'm the one with a six pack, he always goes on about how he needs to eat more than what I do because of his workouts. God I hope that fucker dies.

K so you're full of shit. A half marathon at all, much less in 2 hours, is not something you do without specifically training for.

Fair enough, I run a 5 mile route through my neighborhood in about 40 minutes. Not sure the exact time I only know by how long my mp3 player has been going.

5k: 10:20
10k: 3:26
Half marathon: 22:40
Marathon: 6:04
100k: 00:02

Yes i know theyre shit, would be a lot better if I trained yknow. Thanks for making this awesome new rule that definitely helps enforce what anonymous people say on a mongolian gregorian chanting forum

More or less. I've managed to develop good strength for my size though.

Fuck off mate. You've been condescending to everyone else in this thread, you're not my bro.

I'm with you user. Whole thread is shit

I think most of it came down to pacing.
My running partner and I had 6 minute miles and we had 11 minute miles.

Also we had no clue what we were doing.
(We ran in sweatshirts during a rainstorm)

Cool story bro, tell it again

My dudes I just want a qt π running partner
I apologize if I've done anything to offend your delicate sensibilities

>5k - 19:30
>10k - 50ish
I wanna get the 5k under 18 for test reasons. But man this hot weather is killing me

Fair enough bro, good on you. How did you train to run that fast?
Also yeah that cas runner guy is a cunt.

still faster than u ^^

My first 5k was 30:18 or something like that. I dropped my time to 22:10 on a cracked metatarsal in a month and a half so I'm sure its not going to take you a whole year to get down to 18 mins.

But you have to run 5-6 days/week with different intensities without getting injured.

Also running is easy as fuck. Lifting is so much harder.

nobody itt is fast LMAO

Well even if there was a female on here, you being a cockend to everybody wasnt exactly gunna get you some digits was it...

Says you. I get the impression youre a fat shit overcompensating for something.

fat is good lol...stores water
I mean they deleted the email field so it's not like whoever runs this site INTENDS for contact to extend beyond the brief lifespan of whatever thread you happen to be posting in

Dude youre cringe as fuck, its pathetic. Whatever your issues are, go sort them out, go talk about them, whatever you need to do.

> its not like they intend for contact to extend past posting

Then why in the name of christ are you shitposting about trying to find a qt to run with...

get the fuck out you goddamn normieI unno i figured if she was that impressed by my mediocre times, she'd post itt
it gets to you being stuck here with such faggots as yourselves

A long time ago I greentexted a few weeks of training from my training logs going back from early HS to late HS to college to post college. I don't think I have that any more, but here's a very truncated version.

Middle school: 15-20 miles per week, occasional racing, hills sprints once a week
Early high school: 30-45 miles per week, two hard days per week, races count as a hard day
Late high school: 45-60 miles per week, same workload as above, started lifting weights casually once a week
College: 70-80 miles per week, usually two hard days per week but sometimes three, fullbody SS type stuff twice a week after hard workouts

Quality days fell more or less into three categories.
Tempo runs: 30-60 seconds per mile slower than 5k race pace, started around 15 minutes of running early season, built up to 30-40 minutes over season.
Interval running: what you would all call "HIIT," sort of. Usually 2-5 miles of running split up as 400s, 800s, 1ks, miles, or some combination. Recovery is short, usually half the amount of time it takes to run a given interval.
Speed work: not true sprinting, but very fast sustained running, usually around 800m race pace. Long recovery between reps. Usually 800m to 3k work of volume.

Total volume and intensity were built up over time over many years. So I might have done an interval workout of 10x400m at 1:30 per interval with 60 seconds rest as a high school freshman trying to run 6 minute miles for a 5k XC race. By the time I was in college, my best ever interval session was 5x1 mile with 3:30 rest between intervals, where I went 4:59, 4:53, 4:53, 4:49, 4:46. So obviously that's 8 years worth of progress. Consistency, patience, doing little things to never get injured. My HS coach used to joke with athletes after I graduated that I was the least talented athlete he ever sent to a state meet, but when I heard he was telling kids that I told him that patience is a talent.

since we're around the same marks:
last week I ran 16 miles and shared half a cigarette with a pretty woman
on friday I raced a 5000 metre and PR'd by 23 seconds

My bad it appears as though our run time was faster than I remember...for some reason I had 1:57:27 stuck in my head.

Pic related :me and my friend .

I saw this thread and thought to myself AH MAN THIS MY SHIT
but you dickweeds are either slow or aggro

What, exactly, is your mile? Or mile equivalent?

how much do you weigh?

Then, 140-145 at 6'0. Single digit bodyfat.

Now I'm trying to become a more balanced athlete, so I've cut down on my running to just getting out with my wife and my dog, and picked up lifting. Up to 155 since the new year.

Just when I thought you couldn't get any more fucking douchy...

how come most runners have a "fit" upper body too?


>make a thread about casual running
>people posting PRs with times which are hardcore for newbies
>cas runner takes over the whole thread


1600 m

dw we're all anonymous on Veeky Forums. try not to wet the bed bc some entity on the internet claims to run at a certain pace.

> getting this butthurt being called out as a shitposter

Does your mom know youre on the internet?

I saw you post the whole half a cigarette thing on another thread.
Nobody cares.

5k: 31:56
10k: 1:07:45
Half Marathon: 2:24:12
Marathon: Haven't attempted one

Not bad overall desu, you should train if it interests you, but be warned, it can get pretty tedious

Baby runner!

I did c25k about a year and a half ago and when I finished I was at like 24 minutes or maybe it was 26 I can't remember, but for me running is hard as fuck. I messed up my knee for a few months from doing something else and I never picked up the habit again. I need to though cause I'm starting to get fat again. Fuck

I honestly didn't start out shitposting
I only mentioned the cigarette again BC that other poster with near identical times to my own posted his huge a$$ routine which produced roughly the same results as half a cigarette and however many miles I did. If we wanted to we could dox him probably. Most times get posted online.

I went back and skimmed his postAnd it looks kinda like a lot of work :(

5k - 21:30
10k - 52:40
I run once a week after lifting on fridays


Oh, no, please, don't dox me and tell people that I've been posting about my running times and training routine on a board called "fitness." I'm not sure I could bear the shame if people found out.

>Also running is easy as fuck. Lifting is so much harder.
lol no

Hi guys my name's Christopher Tose and I'm a real live track star!

Check out vo2maxproductions on YT.

18:50 5k without having trained. Bull fucking shit

m8 he was a swimmer. he'd probably walked on land before though I'd imagine.

Thanks man. Nice work.

Yeah right now I'm on a 5days/wk schedule that totals about 13 miles with some interval stuff and fartleks mixed with longer runs.

Mind sharing how you improved so quickly?

When did you run it?

Couple years ago.
I'm wanting to run a half iron man this year but i have no idea how to train for it/maintain my gains....also haven't done cardio at all in 10+ months

Just run faster. It's harder to do that on your own. The first time I trained solo I was out of hs and just taking the piss. Maybe find a pack of runners and try not to get blown off the back

think of it like lifting weights. when you want to make the work harder instead of adding more weight, you run faster
ffs it's simple

Yeah m8 and there are shit tier lifting routines and good lifting routines and this whole fucking board says you're an idiot if you're not following a plan for lifting, but only retards would ask for a plan for running.

This is possible if you are a twig dyel. If you have any mass no way.

do whatever will optimize your metabolism and your form
other than that all you need to worry about is pacing and not pissin yourself in the face of competition