How many chickens do you think you've eaten?
Chicken genocide
Not enough
Just bought 3 kilos of prime breast.
They are clucking in a better place now.
This implies the goal of eradiction of a species or ethnic group. Nobody (except vegans) wants to eradicate chickens. I want to eat them the rest of my life.
Does anybody here eat duck eggs? At 9g protein per, they seem dank af.
I'll pretend this is "eating poultry general"
You get extra gains if you make the duck watch you eat its offspring.
who balut gainz here?
Tried some the other day, they taste really fatty and "creamy". But i like it.
Idk, but I have eaten 3x the yearly egg output of 17 chickens
t. Chicken hobbyist
I'm a rooster in chinese zodiac so it's okay.
If mankind had to leave for space and they could only bring 3 animals it'd probably be rats, chickens and sheep/cows, so we're doing their species a favor by putting so much value on them.
The path to eternal gains gotta be littered with the breasts of a million chicken
pls rate my OC
Recently i've been eating about one a day while bulking. I haven't been keeping this up for that long so probably around 500 in my life
why do you think it would be those animals? Especially the rats?
> 4-6 eggs/day for the past 4 years
> 1 lb/day chicken beast for around 2 years
That's a lot of chicken.
How many breads have you eaten in your life?
>bringing animals into space
>spending resources on breeding and maturing the entire organism naturally
>implying we wouldn't be growing all of our meat in labs by then
this is the future. everyone will be able to eat meat. vegans can't argue cruelty against a slab of cow cells in a petri dish. no need for loud disgusting animals. the perfect steak grown again and again without the parts you don't want. no killing and no waste.
>9 billion chickens are killed for their flesh each year
That's a lot of chicken bro
the chicken i eat are actually treated quite well and live comfy lives
before they die and become my food anyways
>chicken beast
I would love duck eggs, where can you get them?
I'm a leaf btw
1 per month~ through 26 years.
My family has always raised them.
the mass of chicken you've consumed is likely to have surpassed your current body mass
High end grocer, sometimes the Asian market
They come from ducks bro
>Canadian weed dis stronk
We kill more chickens than ever before
There are more chickens then ever before
Both of these statements are true.
I honestly don't like to think about it.
I already logically concluded that the best way I could ever limit the amount of harm I cause is to immediately kill myself but it would destroy my family. I'm selfish and care more about the effects on them than the global effects of my continued living so I don't do it. Plus I don't really want to die but honestly I would KMS because it seems like the right choice,barring family reactions.
Thinking about the negative effects I have makes me horribly depressed. I would go vegan but I have IBS and cannot eat peanut butter or literally ANY insoluble fibre so beans, lentils, soy all of that shit is a no no.
I'm a failure of a human being. Please mock me so I feel humiliated enough to die, Veeky Forums.
How many loaves of bread have you eaten in your life?
fuck off
>This implies the goal of eradiction
Genocide is just the killing of, not extermination of
wink face emoji
Lost count. I hope one day our science will be good enough that we can grow chickens headless and still healthy, that way there's no suffering for them and the wild ones will be left alone.
>implying any part of the animal goes to waste
Our modern industry has a use for every single part of every animal. Even the bits that can't go into some medicine or cosmetic gets turned into hot dogs or fertilizer
You must rebuild your outlook from the ground up. Chickens have been subjugated to be one of mankind's staple sources of meaty nourishment, and you must embrace your identity as the alpha predator of this planet.
Do not despair over man's mastery of this magnificent bird. We are not wantonly cruel to this creature and know how critical it is to our survival.
1WCAD (1 Whole Chicken A Day)
got what i came for
I love meaty nourishment as much as the next guy, but to say we are not cruel to chickens is a misinformed statement. check that shit out
how many calories and proteins in pic related though
how many lifetimes would it take to fill a lake with your piss
"self-revelation is annihilation of self"
a quote from Before the Great Collapse by Vinnie Paz. I used to agree with the statement, on some level I still do.
I went through an existential crisis like you did, and have always leaned towards being somewhat nihilistic, but you have to come through it and understand that it's better to have lived and made the positive differences that you can, such as in the lives of the people around you. it's not selfish to care for family, or for friends, or for strangers.
>Especially the rats?
Not that dude, but if I had to guess I'd say experimenting on the little fuckers.
hello my friend I'd like to introduce you to the concept of seasoning
It'll make your life so much better I promise
How do we feel about the tasty bastards known as quail eggs
poultry farmhand here. Killed around 500 chickens the past year by hand. I still die inside but unlimited eggs lmao
Fuck you. I hope you you suffer like all those chickens did.
Do you fuck chickens user?
I dont know how many loaves of bread have you eaten in your lifetime?
>How many eggs have you eaten in your life?
genocide is the killing off of a certain "group" (as supernymous to genus). What do you mean when you say "exterminate" that makes it differ from killing off a group?
You're wrong break the word down my friend GENOCIDE
From the Latin root genus meaning a group of closely related organisms
Literally to kill as in homicide means you have killed your own kind.
So it would follow that in order to kill off a genus or species of animals one shouldn't be reproducing them at a rate greater than the rate that they kill them. We literally do the opposite of genocide with farm animals. We actually ensure the survival of the species as a whole.
Wew lad.
You're projecting your own life standards onto rodents with feathers. It's not that bad by chicken standards. Free range chickens fight each other to the death, get evicerated alive by dogs, cats, and coyotes. They are cannibalistic. They get run over by cars. The list goes on and on. By human standards there is no such thing as a happy existence for a chicken.
I dont give a fuck about no chickens they aint got no soul
probably a fuckton until I was 16,
but for the last 5 years, zero.
>when I say I'm vegan on Veeky Forums
You have deceived by Judea. Embrace your existence. Death is part of life. What you kill lives on in nourishing you. Distinguish cruelty from nature.
>Veeky Forums will be reborn as chickens in the next life
Karma is a bitch.
eat roughly 2lbs of chicken a day
rougly 730lbs of chicken a year
Do you remember how many gains you have eaten in your life?
Just because it's natural, that doesn't mean it isn't cruel. Trying to lie to yourself and say that it's fine because it's natural just means that you harbor hidden guilt about what you're doing and are trying to justify it. The real way to embrace existence is to accept that life is suffering and living things are often cruel to one another, that is the course of life on this planet and you can't get away from that no matter what you do.
Ostrich eggs are better you pissy
But what is cruelty but a human construction?
Not really. Animals, aside from us, can be cruel or merciful as well. Some lions like to torture
their prey before eating it. Others go immediately for the throat to kill it as quickly as possible. Animals have personalities just like us, they aren't automatons.
We had chickens when I was a kid. My grandmother would grab one, chop it's head off, then proceed to turn it into food.
I'd do it myself if I had chickens, shit was delicious.
Your implication that they see it this deeply is false. An animal doesn't think any deeper than carnal pleasure it receives from the act. To be cruel or merciful is the construct of philosophic and moral ideals. Evidence of this is the fact that it what is considered merciful and cruel has changed over time. Did /fitlit/ teach you nothing user? You don't seem to be able to tell what is philosophy and ideology and what is objective.
this desu
6 gorillion