How to de-autism sleeping

So we all know sleep is a major factor in recovery, and getting in 8 hours of solid Zs is a base requirement for gains. But here comes my question: How does Veeky Forums sleep? I find myself questioning my sleep position at sperg levels I didn't think possible, I'll explain:

on my back
>pro: good to fix back/shoulder problems and APT, breddy comfy
>con: too hard or high pillow can bring neck problems, increased risk of sleep breathing problems, a bitch to actually fall asleep in

on my side (feet pulled in, "embryo")
>pro: even comfier, easy to fall asleep in, stable enough not to turn onto stomach in my sleep
>con: worry about the shoulder I sleep on getting problems, worry about digestion momscience (depending on which side), worry about flexing knees for 8 hours shortening my hamstrings

on my side (feet stretched out)
>pro: hamstring problem from above fixed
>con: all others of the legs pulled in variant, plus less stable so chance of turning on stomach while asleep

on my stomach
>pro: absolutely uber-comfy
>con: furthers APT by disgraceful amounts, gives digestion problems, neck strain from overextending it all night, fucks with REM sleep in some people, all around pretty subhuman way to sleep

I know I worry too much about this, but there really seems to be no sleep position I can safely trust in not damaging me long-term. Help me fix my sleep autism pls

pic unrelated and just for attention

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holy shit I've never thought about this so extensively, been sleeping on my back for all my life out of habit, but I DO have sleep apnoe problems. fuck you for making me rethink stuff I didn't worry much about before, fuck.

eh, cannot contribute much to the topic but have a bump m8

>talking to yourself



foolproof way to avoid the shameful archived/pruned without replies feel

That's not autism, that's OCD, but the neurotypical kind (i.e. not really a clinically pathological state).
1. Don't worry about difestion, it is, as you said, mom science.
2. Flexin your knees won't shrink your hamstrings.

I tend to fall asleep on my stomach and once the REM fuck up kicks in, I turn 180° to my backside. Because I'm sleepy as fuck I simply fall asleep back again.
IMO it's better to be able to sleep than the position you sleep in. It's more a matter of having the correct pillows and matress than anything else. So it's a combination of what position you like to sleep in, and what position you can sleep in.
I also rest my shoulders on my pillow, so that my neck isn't bending forward, to avoid apnea & shit.

What does 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 stands for? My page is showing it right now in the section you marked.


After my breakup with my gf i havent slept properly and its been almost three years
The only nights i sleep well is when i managed to bring home some peace of ass and tried myself out fucking

I seriously hate this because i need to sleep but i cant, the thoughts are keeping me up and driving me crazy and this affects my recovery and overall mental health but its a problem i cant solve
Im not able to bring home a piece of ass every night or even regularly so wtf am i to do?

Hm, makes sense. So sleeping on my side should be cool if I have the right pillow and mattress (which I believe I do), thanks a bunch for clearing that up. Still gonna wait for others to post because I genuinely want to know how Veeky Forums sleeps out of boredom, but thanks for soothing my crippling doubt lol



posts / images / unique posters / page

>forgot pic
I should probably kms

Read and shut up.

Intredasting, thanks. Basically confirms what was said ITT but gives even more details.

>Basically confirms
Also debunks a lot of what OP said.

That's the point of this thread. I am OP, and now blissfully aware that I overthink things way too much.

mouseover the numbers m9

I do all of them. You simply can't go wrong.

With my shoulders and abs tensed, which i realize is contributing to my anxiety and not getting proper sleep. i tend to want to curl up into the fetal position (no homo) and it fucks my sleep right up. started trying sleep completely stretched out on my back, and its so uncomfortable and tables forever to fall asleep like that but I wake up feeling so much better its rediculous. nigger penis in my face every night

You can also add that your face will suffer from sleeping on your stomach ( dead skin,grease,filth,sweat,all over your face for 8 hours ) you'll get pimples and shit ( and it's gross af )

what are you even saying, are you high

Melatonin isn't all that useful if anxiety is the reason why you can't sleep. Use instead valerian caps or valproic acid. They're like diazepam's little brother. It won't knock you out cold, but it should be enough to fall asleep.
Also note that, while they're useful for anxiety, they shouldn't be your go-to drug when you are feeling depressed because you miss her. You'll only create tolerance and make it less and less useful.

t. I'm now taking bromazepam because valproic acid stopped working on me because I would chug them up like candy whenever I got a panic attack.

I use a longish pillow or a folded duvet to keep me at an approx. 30° angle.

basically a japanese love pillow?

180kg / 140kg / 100kg / 60kg

>sleep on back
>fall through bed into nightmarish dream universe
>Have no mouth and i must scream

Yeah im gonna stick with fucking up my shoulder

90% of what you typed is bullshit, also sleep the way you can sleep best, i can't sleep on my sides for shit, i always wake up in the midle of the night because my arm and feet gets numb

Used to only sleep on my stomach, now only sleep on my back. It honestly sucks but I don't want APT.