Women look dyel no matter how heavy they lift. Why not advise them to just stick to pilates, pole workouts and running since they can get lean doing that? I see no reason why you should make a woman do SS so she gets no results physically.
Women look dyel no matter how heavy they lift. Why not advise them to just stick to pilates...
Who is this semen demon?
Loser chicks with terrible bodies, SS shills, and queers wan't chicks to be strong and swole.
Gonna post non dyel girls because op is a fag
every person looks like the shape that they are in. some women are small, some are large. some are fat with big arms some are skinny with no muscle.
nothing trains the body like swimming
> more muscle
> higher base metabolic rate
> easier to be not fat
> rage outlet during shark week
They take steroids. This is about natty lifting, retard.
You never said shit about roids, just said heavy lifting won't make ripped females so stfu
It doesn't. You should use common sense.
>Squidward in the patty vault
So...you convince women to lift weights by posting women who have worked to get bodies that normal women have nightmares about attaining?
I'm not convincing women to lift.
This board is full of autists who take everything literally, learn to express yourself
How low is her voice tho
a six pack on a woman is just a straight boner killer
> squidward in the patty vault
> women have nightmares about attaining
why the fuck would they?
what u say bech
Well, almost no woman wants to be as swole shredded and vascular as most of the women posted.
Couple of these chicks are hot INSPITE of how muscular they are. The rest are just "aw that's a shame" kind of deals.
It's a well known fact that all asians know each other who is the girl in the OP
Yoko Ono
I don't know what I expected
if you had abs of your own it would turn you on instead of emasculate you
Projection, protecting ones ego, or obvious queer/dyke/fag who uses the word fag as an insult.
A six pack isn't emasculating. It's not a sign of power or strenght. It's horribly low bodyfat and something that is normally found on men.
The way it's displayed in that pic is the same way a man would display his own six pack as a sexual secondary characteristic. Shit's gross.
But a guy who's really into muscularity or someone who's part of the LGBTQA rainbow will more then likely find it hot.
So...yeah. Don't worry about me. People out there find her six pack hot as fuck.
Holy fuck who is this
>Hah, I'll bet these saucefags didn't even try a reverse image search. Newfags probably don't even know it's right on the post dropdown
>Best guess for this image: female
Thanks, Google.
goat musclegirls
if tayler would put on like 2% more body fat she would be a literal, actual 10 in my eyes
>A six pack isn't emasculating
>It's horribly low bodyfat
lol, now I know you're an insecure fatty
Low enough to make me cum when she hums while deepthroating me.
I was literally about to post a comment just like this before I realised lmao
I have more saved from a while ago, trying to find them.
I love your work bro. Did you find a name?
I beg to differ. I've never been to the gym in my life. Now imagine if I did. I'm hardly unique either. There are plenty of women on their board who worked damn hard for their bodies and you just want to invalidate it because you're intimidated by the fact they could beat you down.
I don't understand this board. One minute you complain women are fat and lazy, that they should do something about it rather than getting complacent, the next minute you call them liars or traps when they get results.
Cheekie, tell OP he's an idiot
>I've never been to the gym in my life.
Please leave
You're an idiot sandwich OP
fuck me someone find out her name
Cheekie pls don't go
>I don't understand this board. One minute you complain women are fat and lazy, that they should do something about it rather than getting complacent, the next minute you call them liars or traps when they get results.
Because a lot of people on this board are insecure as fuck. They're not here to get fitness tips, they're here to laugh at fat people/manlets and make themselves feel better. They're also afraid of women because of fears of being rejected and emasculated, so women will always be in the wrong no matter what they do.
If she had slightly bigger tits she would be a solid 10
She's like a 9.9 right now so would not bang
There are people here that do other forms of physical activity that do not involve pointless repetitive motions in a building you convinced yourselves you need to attend. Some people here like body weight training that can be done at home, running, hiking, swimming, martial arts/other sports and so on. You arbitrarily lift weights, I lift hay bales because it needs to get off the truck and into the barn to feed horses. You can spend all day on a bike, treadmill or some other machine, whilst I pull carts because shit needs to be transported. I don't go to the gym, but I work my body with PURPOSE all day, 7 days in a row.
Sorry to shit on gym-goers but you cannot possibly believe that the gym is the ONLY valid place to expend your energy. The need to go the gym is the result of a modern society where we eat far too much and don't go the fuck outside to rid ourselves of caloric excess or build muscle. The lengthening working week and prevalence of desk jobs (like my old one in the film industry) rob us of opportunities to exercise, so that's why I made a choice to go back to doing something to benefit beings other than myself and get paid to get decent looking back and biceps whilst I'm at it.
forgot to tip your fedora my man
>I don't understand this board. One minute you complain women are fat and lazy, that they should do something about it rather than getting complacent, the next minute you call them liars or traps when they get results.
Veeky Forums is more than 1 person
there you go
I want to lick her stretch marks
N A M E?
Anyone got that topless blonde that was up a few days ago? The one with the nice core & better tits