Veeky Forums, i need a new desktop background - show me what you've got

Veeky Forums, i need a new desktop background - show me what you've got.

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Haven't added to it in months but what you want?

where my jp niggers at?

what does veni vidi vici mean in english

I came,I saw,I conquered


1 vs many

Vaporwave pls

I'm not crazy about anime, but jojo is one of the best tv shows ever, I cant find any decent wallpapers but if some exist that show off their physique that would be nice









so you can pretend to have a >gf

Isn't it "we" not "I"



without the text





there is a board for that faggot


i never really liked having hot girls as my wallpaper, shit would just give me blue balls.

I like animals though, especially strong ones

pic related my fav


Same here bro. I used to have desktop girls when I was like 14, but then the years of nogf made it painful. Nowadays I just use dark images, as they are easier on the eyes. Pictures of nature and stuff that make me feel at ease.

got any more of those nature ones? I think we have similar taste.

lets trade papes


Sure thing.
I also like to attune them to the time of the year. Blossom in spring, lots of green in summer, reds and oranges in autumn and snow in winter.

fuck yeah yuru yuri




and doggos any time of year

I added a background to this.
