Honestly. Why lift without roiding? If you don't care and started at 15 or something, that's cool...

Honestly. Why lift without roiding? If you don't care and started at 15 or something, that's cool, but it takes forever to look like you lift. You could just do powerlifting or p90x or something


I do it natty because I like exercising and I have an elitist complex.

you're comparing the progress of a woman in the gym to guys in the gym. After three years of seriously lifting as a guy, you'll look like you lift. As a girl though, you're never going to look like you lift unless you start taking roids.

apples to oranges

The journey towards "Looking like you lift" is more mentally spiritually and physically important then just taking an assfull of steroids to look good in the club/dyke/fag bar.

>As a girl though, you're never going to look like you lift unless you start taking roids.

Looking like you lift as a woman is different from looking like a guy or a geared up woman.

The average anavar abusing female is not what a natural dedicated woman who still wants to be a normal woman would ever look like no matter how many years she's lifted.

I think you need to go look up early female lifters and old timey female lifters from before steroids were a thing. And skip the ones that ate bulls testicles.

Because I'm not some insecure bitch that only values myself based on how other people view my body.


Don't want to put my health at risk. That's the only reason why I won't touch steroids.

Honestly, why are you such a bitch? Are you like this in every aspect of your life? That because you cant achieve something quickly, you dont even bother? Thats a really good super-philosphy to live by. That way you can go through life without actually ever having to put real effort into ur dreams, so you can wake up one day and realize youve wasted ur entire life not trying.

its actually really easy to look like you lift, you don't even have to get very strong as a guy. just keep your body fat real low and once you have visible forearms/abs and some kinda non-titty chest most women will think you are fucking ripped because they are used to fat slobs.

the only reason people on fit disagree is because there are a buncha mentally ill posters who need to be lean and dry at 225lbs 5'8", so they inject horse steroids into their butt.

>mentally ill posters who need to be lean and dry at 225lbs 5'8"
fuck you too

because im fine with how i look and lifting helps me cope with mental illness

also im a giant pussy

because I don't have a source and I'm too lazy to find one and too scare to buy from the internet

>how to take a feminine attractive body and turn it into a roided out unattractive mess

There is nothing more cringe than a girl bodybuilding


I did it natty for 8 years before I realized how pointless it was. Still, I had a 1300 total, which was a nice natty base to build upon.


she also has a pump and good lighting in right pic, after 3 years unless you have trash genetics you should look a hell of a lot bigger than the right pic under those conditions even as a natty

>20 mg of anavar

so this is what it takes for natty asian to look like they lift? sheesh. no wonder sparrow quit

what's the point of roiding if you're not an actor or a bodybuilder or some shit?

if you just want a nice body for people to look at you're just putting yourself at risk for something that you could achieve with 2-3 years hard work

You could have a job that doesn't allow you to reliably inject or that would effect your performance if you was on PCT, like working on a oil rig being a soldier etc

Also you could work in a job where they could fire you, like my policing district that takes hair samples every 3 months because they found out some fucking retarded colleges where cheating the conventional test


The body on the right isnt hard to get OP.
For men or women (obviously bigger for guy) it doesn't require steroids.
I spent ten years doing weights on and off and not the right way. In one year of proper training I got a bber physique.
Stop saying everything is roids.