Bodyweight fitness

What do you guys think of bodyweight fitness as fitness plan?
No weights, only pull ups, dips, push ups etc.
I love it because I can train everywhere without a subscription but I'm not sure how effective it is for muscle gain.
I use this app for logging

I love it too. Get a set of rings and there's basically always something harder than what you're currently doing. Calisthenics gives great gains but takes longer than weights, unfortunately. Invest in a dip belt too for more gains.

Enjoy being small forever, NERD.

It's great for anything, muscle, posture, mobility you name it. The problem is bodyweight fitness is free. No gym fees, no nothing. So these meatheads Veeky Forumsizens are programmed to hate it without even knowing why.

After a certain point its hard to progress fast without equipment and barely train legs. Otherwise its okay

Thinking of incorporating this can I get big if I add this to normal weightlifting?

Don't you have some working out to do at the library?

Uh yea, if you're sitting reading for hours at a time-- it's a good idea to do some pushups every now and then to increase blood circulation.

There is actually a lot of truth to this.

You can get surprisingly fit and strong and athletic for free at home as long as you are hardass about it, but somehow the fact that it is free makes a lot of people dismiss it out of hand.

The only problem is the lack of lower body exercises

body weight squats, pistol squats, body weight lunges and, box jumps off the top of my head.



yeah but once you master pistol squats how do you progress? with upper body bw exercises there are a shit ton of increasingly difficult variations, but lower body not so much

"i do body weight"

>but lower body not so much
normies believe this

get into martial arts.
kicks = amazing leg strength

add weight, cans, water jug or just bring up the rep range. you could always do a jumping pistol squat where you land on both feet after you explode with the one leg. I'm not really to into the body weight stuff.I'm also a no legs fag.

Most people here will never master pistol squats.

They'll do 1 or 2 and they'll basically think okay, that is mastered, now what.
Uh uh.
The real power of calisthenics isn't in chasing the dragon of bigger numbers like in powerlifting/strength training.

It's full true mastery of very heavy movements and doing them repeatedly to build a rock solid base of strength, joint strength and health.

Yeah you can squat 405 as a natural. Then what? You're not going much further as a natty and you see putting more weight on the bar as the only REAL way to see progress or do anything at all.

Completely fucking stupid and very dangerous way to approach things if you aren't 1000% serious about powerlifting/strength training and are willing to sacrifice and learn about how to do things as safely as possible.

>I love it because I can train everywhere

I fucking hate this meme. Getting access to the proper equipment to do calisthenics is 10 times more difficult than just going to the gym or buying a power rack and weights.

>Getting access to the proper equipment to do calisthenics is 10 times more difficult than just going to the gym or buying a power rack and weights.

What proper equipment do you need to do calisthenics again? Outside of being alive and basic understanding of calisthenics movements that is.

Nigga I wouldn't worry about that. Get to 3 sets of 12 reps of pistol squats and then we'll talk.

using this progression guide to reach my autistic goal of larping as a ninja

A way to do pullups with beyond regular rom that allows you to eventually train towards muscle-ups. You can't do that shit on a pull-up bar you hang onto your door frame. The only options I see are either go to the gym, which defeats the argument of "you can do calisthenics anywhere" or go to a playground, which depending on where you live isn't always an option either.

the problem for the most part is progression. it's very slow compared to lifting. if you put two complete noobs on beginners programs in both weightlifting and bodyweight, the weightlifting guy will make insane strength gains compared to BW one. most BW don't translate well into lifting apart from a few.

BW is fine as accessory but if you are serious about it and want to replace weightlifting you have to buy shit like weighted vest and weights. also you need to do some other shit for legs.

Get a towel, or your shirt, or a rope and put it over something that hangs very high.
Instant rope pullups/chinups. Works the fuck out of your entire fucking back and if you do it correctly, it will decimate your forearms.
Anything that you can put your hands on and you can pull yourself up on can be used to do pullups on.

that's a pretty neat guide

>the problem for the most part is progression. it's very slow compared to lifting. if you put two complete noobs on beginners programs in both weightlifting and bodyweight, the weightlifting guy will make insane strength gains compared to BW one. most BW don't translate well into lifting apart from a few.

Litterally everyhing in this post is fucking wrong and retarded. Outside of it taking a bit longer with bodyweight exercise.
That's a good thing. It builds a deep rooted base of physical strength that can be EASILY maintained and will last for the rest of your life.

The lifters will hit a wall made of diminishing returns, boredom, dissatisfaction in how their body looks or worse horrible injury and stop.

do you guys do ppl or full body routine? also what do you do for your legs?

Box jumps, pistols, sprints.

strength does away if you don't use it. doesn't matter how fast it was obtained

>The lifters will hit a wall made of diminishing returns, boredom, dissatisfaction in how their body looks or worse horrible injury and stop.
you hit this even faster doing BW stuff

>strength does away if you don't use it. doesn't matter how fast it was obtained
That's actually a lie. The strength gained from doing something for long years repetitively every day. That never fully goes away.
Strength gained in a weight room over a few years? You'll lose that in a lot less time.
Bodyweight? You can maintain that with a basic workout with minimal injury potential that you can do every few days.
Serious injury risk and can be done even fewer times.

>>The lifters will hit a wall made of diminishing returns, boredom, dissatisfaction in how their body looks or worse horrible injury and stop.
>you hit this even faster doing BW stuff you don't.
It will take a long fucking time before you hit the wall with bodyweight training. And no one actually ever hits the wall with it.
They just get bored and want SOMETHING to happen FASTER doesn't matter what that is.

Yes, but you can't do them properly the way the advanced calisthenic guys do them and you can't do them into muscle-ups. When people say "you can do calisthenics anywhere", what they really mean is you can get started on the beginner to intermediate exercises anywhere. The more advanced stuff all requires a gym, a park / playground or gymnast equipment, so it's limited to very specific places.

Dude...advance calisthenics is more about pushing your body to overcome resistance at higher and higher levels and being able to do it for longer periods.

Muscle ups are nice. But they are not needed. A lot of the advanced stuff is just nice but not needed.

All you need is a cheap set of ring and you will keep it going for a long time friendo, also the dumbest argument i heard in a long time...

>You can't do that shit on a pull-up bar you hang onto your door frame.
You can do it with a regular pull-up bar you can screw into a wall, or you can do most of the movement with ones that you can put into the frame itself, you can make your own bars (watch scoobys video), you can use rings, you can practice the two parts of the movement by doing pull-ups and doing explosive dips and every other playground has a bar you could use.

downloading now, ty for mentioning

I can do 19 overhand pull ups, locked out and everything. But I can't do a single muscle up.


If bodyweight shit could make you strong, so could low weight high reps
And that's just not true

No matter how much you lift a 5lb weight, you will never gain mass

Progressive overload just doesn't happen with high reps.

>It builds a deep rooted base of physical strength

so does lifting weights.Its does it faster and increases test. At the end of the day you are going to be 90's soaking wet. If thats what you want then thats cool. To say what your saying though is pretty fucking stupid

Bodyweight shit can make you strong, as log as you keep progressing the difficulty of the exercises. You can do low rep high difficulty with bodyweight just like you can with weights.

There's nothing you can do with bodyweight that can compare to the four major lifts with heavy weight.

If you use funky angles to increase the difficulty, then you're just putting more stress on your joints.

Why be elitist and pretend you can become big while doing pushups?

When you do a push up, you push almost half of your bodyweight. On a pull up you pull almost all your bodyweight. When you get good with your own weight, you can buy a vest and add in increments. For me, it's more fun and more relaxing to work out like this.

>you can buy a vest and add in increments
So you're saying... That if you put... Weights... On your body... And lift them... It's BETTER than just bodyweight?
Does it need to be a vest... Or can I use another means to hold these... weights?
A rigid pole, maybe?

People get into bodyweight for 2 reasons. Getting fit and/or progressing to gymnastics. Getting fit may mean reaching your natural limit, which you can do but of course slower than lifting weights. For me bodyweight was the fun option. Going to the gym felt like grinding in a shitty mmo full with weird people. I'd rather do my stuff at home. Maybe I'll buy a power rack soon.

Don't worry, you don't need weights to be a pole dancer.

perhaps some sort of bar.... made of bells? or even multiple constructed out of liquid dumb

im a manlet so doing calisthenics keeps me looking proportional to be honest

If you fucking lifted weights every day all day? Yeah. You don't.

Test can be built from doing hard as fuck bodyweight movements. And I am 6'3" 240 lbs and doing handstands(knuckles only wrist is fucked) moderately advanced bw stuff and am on my way to one arm chinups.

What are you doing?

Not saying it'll get you as big as lifting can, but you can get a nice physique with just bodyweight training.

Why would there be a difference in the amount of time it takes you to lose your gains?

At the end of the day you're simply lifting, either your own flesh or something else, so why is there a difference?

squats give me hemorrhoids, what I can do to prevent them? 21 here.

Because high weight few reps builds you faster.
That's a fact

yeah, okay. So because you gain it faster you lose it faster? Is that what you're saying?

Builds what faster?
Strength that you can't fucking maintain and will end up fucking your joints forever because you attained it too fast and are now stupidly ego lifting because putting more weight on the bar is all you fucking know?

It depends on your goals.

Going exclusively for an aesthetic semi-cut ottermode physique it can work as far as I know.

But getting the maximum amount of strength and muscle in the shortest amount of time is always going to be gym oriented. Being able to progressively overload your system, use a LOT of weight safely via racks and spots, and being able to monitor your progress accurately is all superior imo.

How do I improve balance and control for proper pistol squats? My balance is not that great and I've heard that you can really fuck your legs up if you don't maintain proper balance and control while doing them

Using negative mechanical advantage to make bodyweight shit more difficult is what shreds your joints

Why not both?

Because then you can't pretend you're smarter than the other guys

Well damn

That's actually not true.
High rep and very explosive stuff through really unfamiliar and physically uncomfortable movements like hindu squats?
Oh yeah. That'll fuck your shit but good. You do that sparringly for a reason.
But just doing a harder variation of a basic movement? Never heard of that.
If you build up to a point where doing it is comfortable through a moderately slow range of movement then it's basically "mastered" and you can build up to doing high reps with it and truly getting full benefit from it.

Don't tell anyone, it's a secret.


Strength is a skill that must be practiced.

I suggest following "Greasing the Groove"(look it up) for a few weeks. or realize that you haven't actually gotten the movement down and start doing assisted pistol squats with relatively high reps till you can do basic pistol squats without any shaking.
Because shaking means that those small muscles that keep you balanced during the movement are weak and out of shape.
A relatively slow and controlled movement means that you have the movement down and that you can start using it the movement as a way to build more strength.

Thanks amigo

If you're doing anything with negative mechanical advantage, you're stressing the hell out of your joints
By the very definition of it

I'm not talking about maximizing your bodyweight on a movement
I'm talking about doing things to increase your perceived weight so that's it's greater than bodyweight

That's the only way you can match regular barbell lifting.
Barbells allow you to have extra weight and do it with your joints in full optimal position

That's useless. Had the same problem. Wide grip pull ups with weights (when fatigued or using heavier weights bring arms closer) and weighted dips is the only way to go.

Pull ups are easier the skinnier/lighter you are. Giving some illusion of strength. Weighted pull ups is the only way

forgot to add if you don't have weight belt, you need to do explosive pull ups. Abit harder to do if your CNS is not used to weighted pull ups. you basically want to 'fly off '/be like a slingshot at the top of the movement that your palms can't keep up with the sheer kinetic energy your back produced (with good form obviously)

chest to bar pullups, pull the bar under your nips

muscle up negatives to better learn the movement

How do you guys incorporate calisthenics with a traditional barbell routine? Obviously a lot of isolation lifts would be dropped to make room for bodyweight stuff so you aren't in the gym for 6 hours, but how do you know what exercises from the two categories go best with each other?

I do calisthenics on my "rest" days
It's obviously less stressful

No, that's the single most fucking retarded thing I've ever fucking read.

I will see dozens of fucking horror stories of people with ruined joints doing TOTES 100% SAFE BARBEL MOVEMENTS but almost nothing from people who hurt themselves doing moderately advanced calisthenics movements outside of the most stupidly dangerous shit and shit that we know for a fact will lead to injuries if overdone.

You either have little experience in both lifting weights and calisthenics or you're an idiot who's scare mongering.

My biggest issue with calisthenics is that some people are complete idiots and don't listen to you when you tell them that just because their muscles are strong enough for something doesn't mean their tendons are. Then you get to listen to them bitch about their tennis elbow because they though they were ready for ring dips before they could even do a support hold.

>I will see dozens of fucking horror stories of people with ruined joints doing TOTES 100% SAFE BARBEL MOVEMENTS
I'm not saying that at all

It's about the load on your joints.
If you're squatting 500lbs it's going to take a serious toll on your joints

But it's doing it when your joints are their best
That's why you can even get up to 500lbs.

But with negative advantage calisthetics
You're doing like 200lbs of bodyweight but you're forcing your body to fight against physics to make your muscles work harder

So like a 300lb load is far easier on your joints with a barbell than the same load on your joints if you have to force it negatively.

>negative muscle ups if youve never done them before to learn the technique

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