Multiple starving human beings in africa could survive off the calories this man eats and he would still have enough to...

>multiple starving human beings in africa could survive off the calories this man eats and he would still have enough to survive at a lower weight

Should the government make obesity illegal? We have to do it out of humanitarian concern.



The problem is our ability to get food to famine-stricken areas, not our ablility to produce enough food. This is because famines typically occur in conflict zones and unstable areas.

Regardless, we should make obesity illegal. It is a drain on our medical system and a plague on our society.

>humanitarian concern
no matter how Americans choose to live their lives there will always be hungry children in Africa, if you send them Boogie's extra food they'll just shit out 4 more kids and you're right back where you started.

People should stop using the starvin dindus meme. No one cares.

well is it 60 or 500

Multiple starving human beings in Africa can also survive off Ronnie Colemans diet, are you gonna complain about that?

I'm beyond caring about fat people's future, they need to die

>Make Obesity illegal
>Imprison a third of the country
>have to feed them and pay for lodging
>Crash Country into ground

Sounds like a fantastic idea

You don't make laws around addictive substances unless you actually want an enormous prison population.

Looking at you war on drugs

Isnt this what malthus said?

Just make people do mandatory weightloss camps.
Its not like they can run away.

No his ideas where a little diffrent.

Just make an incredibly high tax for being fat and make it illegal to give healthcare benefits to people over a certain weight and bodyfat.


the wapanese basically openly fat shame fatties except sumo cunts who are gods. god bless nips

No. Bad idea.
That way leftists would have to work out.
They would then realize that it feels good.
So they work out even more.
After 2years the streets is full off communist muscle machines.

Bad idea friend. Let them be fat

>multiple starving human beings in africa could survive off the calories this man eats

Will you shut the fuck up? You sound like a commiefag.

Wether this guy being a fat tub of goo is bad or not is for another thread(which it obviously is) but he deserves to be a fat fuck if he chooses to. Those insignificant worms in Africa that can't feed themselves don't deserve the calories that this guy wouldn't have eaten if he were not obese. Feeding those peasants Africans only breeds lazy people that don't deserve to live.

Yeah, good on you for praising this disgusting lard asses ability to eat a lot.

If they can pay for their addiction I don't really care if they are fat, but they shouldn't get any help from the government

project harder

>fuck black people bc theyre black.
>this obese blob is a model citizen because MURICA'

not being a piece of shit and communism are not, in fact, the same thing.

Feed one american, you get one fat american.

Feed one african, you get 10 africans.

Brilliant idea!

I know this whole thread is trolls trolling trolls, but world hunger has nothing to do with food shortage, it has to do with capitalism.

We could produce enough to feed every nigger on the planet, but they can't pay so we don't bother.

I think in the case of obesity there should be a treatment which involves (the person would have to sign of course) locking an obese patient in a seclusion room and only feeding them vitamin water for a couple of months. They would need to be forcefully restrained to the bed .

Within 3 months of just vitamins and water even the most obese of patients would end up dropping weight.

I know from a $$$ standpoint this could be expensive, but it would be less expensive then the money they are currently costing the healthcare system. Vitamin water and a seclusion room would be perfect. We lock people in seclusion rooms at the hospital in psych wards who have lost control of themselves for their safety, we should do the same for obese people.

Fat people like Boogie simply just do not have self control. It's a disease what food addiction has done to him, a disease he cannot fight when he himself is in control. That control needs to be stripped from him for his own good, he needs to be thrown into a seclusion room, given vitamin water, restrained to a bed and the door locked for 3 months.

What a waste of potential energy.

We need camps. Work camps.

You feed them a multivitamin and anabolic steroid gruel. And put them to work. Have them manufacture exercise equipment. Or build the wall.

>muh capitalism
It's just the laws of nature. The unfit ones (low IQ niggers) die from starvation. Otherwise you have niggers reproducing at 10 times the rate of any other continent and their offspring invading Europe.

Why would we want to feed schvartzes?

to clarify, who are you proposing pays for the shipping of food to Africa?

it's 0.12

That's just flat out wrong, senpai

I'm not that guy but what he said seems to have at least a ring of truth to it. Why else would bill Gates spend so much money on African birth control?