Haha vegans are protein defici--

>haha vegans are protein defici--

I eat 300g of seitan a day and exceed my protein requirements before I eat anything else, at 1200 calories

why are you still an omnicuck again?

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=when did humans start eating meat&oq=when did humans start eating meat&gs_l=serp.3..0l10.12531.15643.0.15719.

chicken tastes good

>chicken tastes good

Don't act like you aren't mixing a bunch of ingredients when making anything worth consuming as a meal...also, 300g/day is a terrible fucking idea. You're only supposed to consume one gram of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. Any more beyond that just isn't necessary and it put strain on your kidneys when they try to deal with the excess nitrogen compounds.

>implying I use any of those things

>300g of gluten a day

gluten affects everybody desu especially at that insane amount per day

it causes cell atrophy in the intestines, decreases nutrient absorption, creates leaks in the walls and lets contents spill into the body, whereby the immune system must clean up and allergies can be formed to the food proteins.

stop now user, the companies don't care about you, they are just trying to sell wheat as meat to vegans.

nice momscience

Yeah fuck those guys user. Take 600 grams a day just to be on the safe side of sikk cuntsburg

You're either too stupid to realise that myths essentially are facts just pretty altered. Or just a shill, which seems more applicable in your case.
Either way you made me bite the bait gj

>all protons are the same

>what's eating a variety of food


>eating a single gram of gluten ever

>"Wheat-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis is a syndrome in which the ingestion of a product containing wheat followed by physical exercise can result in an anaphylactic response."

Gluten sucks, eat beans instead you vegan idiot.

What beans? I eat red beans

I think black beans are the best but all of them are good.

I know seitan doesnt have enough Lysine which is an essential amino acid, if you supplement it with tahini or something, would it be enough?

And, is there a reason NOT to eat some seitan on top of my normal protein diet? The more protein the better, no? And it's very protein dense so just a few bites is a shitload of proteins

The human race did not evolve to the top of the food chain being pacifists over millions of years who cared about what they ate for survival.

>me badunga
>me family hungry we starve
>me see wild wolfdoggo eat animal
>me eat wild wolfdoggo for survival
>oh wait dat bad because malnourished veganrains the green alien saucer man on boomtube tell me animal fat and and cholestral bad.
>me make family starve because we no eat me like savages
>me definately evolve this way

Veganism is the biggest meme I've ever heard of. At least be vegetarian and eat eggs.

Exactly, we evolved eating ~90% plant based for millions of years. Hence why our bodies are way better at handling those foods than meat/dairy. Your point is retarded.

>The human race did not evolve to the top of the food chain being pacifists over millions of years who cared about what they ate for survival.


How constructive. How about you finish secondary education before posting here again.

>resulting to ad hominims because you can't refute me

I already won


> still caring about protein intake
One more redpill bro, protein intake doesn't matter.


no man, no...

whey gluten is no good for your health, is maybe worse then meat.

If you want your vegan Protons, just eat Almonds and Spiroulina.

Those articles never link to the studies they're paraphrasing which is annoying.

Also it's kinda missing the point, even during all of that time, when people discovered fire and started cooking, their diet was heavily plant centered. I never said anything about avoiding meat all together. And today our bodies still deal with plant food way better than with meat.

Reminder that nonvegans are 18th in line to the gaschambers

you my friend... are an idiot...

Your Point is just wrong.

>me badunga
>me family hungry we starve
>me see wild wolfdoggo dangerous!
>me run away and grab some apples from tree there
>me make family sated with good fruits

why the fuck spend energy huntuing and killing something if you can just go and grab something to eat...
If i want to fight, i going to fight you and fuck your grill

Stop shilling veganism, it's for narcissistic retards

t. Meat eater suffering from brain damage due to prions

What's wrong? Getting insecure about your habits?

Low tier trolls, but still vegan threads are the worst threads on Veeky Forums. I'll live through the consequences of my meat eating life style to not look like a bunch of agenda pushing faggots. If you don't eat meat, your opinion doesn't matter

Woah dude calm down. You might have caught mad cow disease or something. You should probably see a doctor. I'd recommend you one, but being vegan, I've never needed to see a doctor in my life due to my overall better health.

Stop ignoring science and facts.

> I'll live through the consequences of my meat eating life style
Well in that case you better be prepared for heart disease, hypertension, cancer, CVD etc etc

Chicken is disgusting unseasoned.

Actually cooking meatbober a fire w provided our brains the nutrients they needed to evolve into what we are today. We would literally not exist as we are if we didn't eat meat; you're going against that which made us what we are today.
>thinks we evolved from eating plants
Nope, plants do not contain the nutrients to evolve our brains to be as large as they are today. Fire+ meat = modern human brain. You're an idiot

Cancer didn't exist until humans began eating meat. Coincidence?

Ah you're that shitposter again. Will you link those retarded blogs from the other thread? Enjoy that last (You) from me.

>spend all Thread doing the same thing
>suddenly had when someone else does it to you


>still eating decaying animals hahahaha

Not only cooking meat, but food in general. In fact starchy foods probably played a much bigger role.

>Cancer didn't exist until humans began eating meat
did you just say fuck you logic, not today?
>Carnivorous humans go back a long way. Stone tools for butchering meat, and animal bones with corresponding cut marks on them, first appear in the fossil record about 2.5 million years ago.
there isn't a way of even detecting cancer from something that existed 2.5 MYA. you cannot make a statement like "cancer didn't exist before we ate meat", there's no logic there

>he thinks humans have been around for 2.5 million years

Damn dude you're 0/2 right now.

>Ah you're that shitposter again
actually that was my first post on Veeky Forums today. looks more like you're going to be that delusional guy that can't comprehend multiple people disagreeing with them simultaneously.
> Will you link those retarded blogs from the other thread?
oh lawdy, you're still butthurt from another thread, from another user- no wonder youre not making sense, the "rational" parts of your brain have already shut down

Not to mention people lived such short lives, cancer was the least of their problems. But we might as well give it up brah, I'll catch you in a gainz thread, time to leave these DYEL faggots be. There is no logic with them



Pretty sure it's that one guy who posts in many threads about nutrition and especially vegetarianism/veganism. He's either just wants attention or he's plain retarded, ignoring any amount of scientific proof and claiming bullshit himself without any references.

>he thinks humans have been around for 2.5 million years
lol, youre so stupid its hilarious
google.com/search?q=when did humans start eating meat&oq=when did humans start eating meat&gs_l=serp.3..0l10.12531.15643.0.15719.
>Carnivorous humans go back a long way. Stone tools for butchering meat, and animal bones with corresponding cut marks on them, first appear in the fossil record about 2.5 million years ago
what is google for 300, Alex?

He's talking about hominids but his point is still valid.

>Pretty sure it's that one guy who posts in many threads about nutrition and especially vegetarianism/veganism
first im not a "guy", secondly I tend to avoid these threads because vegetarians and vegans are mentally damaged from being malnourished, and third I'm a meat eater.

was talking about when humans started eating meat, not when humans first appeared
>what is reading comprehension