After cumming, how long will it take for no more cum to be in your urethra/pee when you piss?

After cumming, how long will it take for no more cum to be in your urethra/pee when you piss?

what do they teach in health class these days? back in the day, we were taught there's a binary switch at the back of your penis, so either piss comes out or cum, but never both.

are you fucking retarded or 13

after you blow a load, once you're able to piss again, it's gone.

3.5 seconds

Just grab your dick below the base and squeeze out the sperm in the tract, you fruit.

How come sometimes after you ejaculate, and then later piss, the tip of your penor burns

I know that, but wouldn't there still be residue left over in there after cumming?

why are you asking Veeky Forums? why didnt you ask your sex ed teacher?

are you fucking retarded?

Even the diagram clearly shows that it is the same fucking tube, but you can *never* guarantee that there isnt any sperm in there.

It isn't an STD, it's something else

Why the fuck does this even matter? When you piss, your piss kills any sperm left anyway.

Youre partly right. It depends on your cums genetics. Typically if youre above 6 ft your cum wont leave residue because they are strong willed sperm that knows that every little drop counts when impregnating a thicc woman.

But if youre under 6 ft ur cum will leave residue because it knows it shouldnt continue manlet genetics.

Hope that helps.

Wait, are you serious? How the fuck can your jizz tell if you're over 6ft?

How do you think you became 6ft in the first place? Those same genes exist in your sperm too

Its called dna, man. Your sperm contains ur genetic code, and ppl over 6 ft have different genetic code than ppl below 6 ft.

Also, if you start drinking your own cum, you can gain a few inches of height. But it will take a couple of months of daily sips of cum.

You can always drink ur cum weekly too, but it will have to be atleast 1 cup of ur own cum. If you dont have enough test to produce that much cum, you can have one of ur bros donate some cum. But becareful of drinking other cum for height gains, it can actually make you shorter.

Hope this helps.

did someone say sips?

I always saved some pee to pee out the extra cum else it gets stuck in there. fap wrong and have cum in ur dick after ejaculation is not a good feeling

I came about 2 hours before a unrine test and failed due to excess protein in my urine

What were you failing at, exactly?

Health check for work. They said I had to get more tests until I, extremely embarrassed, mentioned the ejaculation. They then took a new urine test and it was fine.

What does excess protein in urine signal?


Git this, too.

Happens rarley like 1 times after 70 faps. Like once a month.
It is often ,if imcome too fast. Then there is sperm left and it burns like shit. Then It feels like I have to piss, but cant and it kills me

I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty sure it means something is wrong with your kidneys, as the kidneys filter the blood and minimum amounts of protein should make it into urine.