How can the human body get this fat? you need at least 5500 calories per day which is like 5lbs of food

how can the human body get this fat? you need at least 5500 calories per day which is like 5lbs of food

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I think every episode at least had a family or significant other that enabled them.

Has there ever been an episode where the fat person lived alone?

What you don't think he could eat 10 Big Macs ?


hour and a half boys, get them oats ready should be a good show

is there a stream?


dr. now is fucking dead inside man

part 2 already aired last night didnt it

no, tonight

how to get these leg gains?

I'll personally be using

'mirin calves

I hope he FUCKING dies, I really do.


>average Veeky Forums lanklet on the left


DR: We need to send you to detox rehab
Fatty: Do they have internet?
DR: your life should be the top priority
Fatty: Do they have internet?
DR: no, but you need to worry about uour life
Fatty: can I bring my Ipad
DR: ((shakes head in disgust))

I watched it last night tho

Is that a giant ball sack I see?

it's about to start!!!


lmfao this fat fuck just ended up getting addicted to suboxone and called the police on his care taker.

"yeah they took back the gift I don't give a shit"

this is seriously quality tv.

is there gonna be a part 3?

Also, what country are you guys in? i watched this yesterday

Does anyone have a link to part 1?

That fat dick has nurgle's rot, we need to purge him is wojack
Assanti is pepe
YOU cannot refute this

is this achievable natty?

it feels like there gonna be a part 3

30+ years of being the literal text book definition of pepe

Lmao he's just addicted to his detox meds now

stevens story was so good

I feel so fucking bad for the dad holy shit

he seems like a cool dude

he was just trying to have some fun with his whaleson and he fell off the golfcart and got hurt'


I hope he dislodged that clot
He needs to die

If I didn't give a single shit, I could eat 5500 calories a day.

My body doesn't need that much, and I'd feel full basically the entire day, but I could do it.

he faked the fall for pills.

Dude, Steve sometimes eats 27,000 calories a day. Could you stuff 9 large pizzas into your mouth?

27,000 sounds inhuman, I could not eat that, I don't know how anyone could. If Steven did, props to him I guess.

You could supplement your diet with a few liters of oil per day
That'd push 20k alone

why is this allowed

If all you do is eat all day, you become adept at it.

Mega props for him to still be able to walk at 700lbs it takes some kind of leg gains to do that and I don't care who you are.

yes, a woman who lived alone, her nephew visited her once a week, she made it.Cant remember her name

>look in the mirror? do you see anything that resembles a human being


I think that's when it sunk in for him, by the end it looked as though he finally got it through his thick skull. Also dipping out those 50 gallons of soda probably helped to.


What keeps this doctor alive? I can't imagine having to witness the most selfish and greedy people alive day after day, after day.


Did you get a screen grab of his fridge door full of soda? CAUSE I'd save that shit in a very clogged heart beat.

Yeah, I had similar thought, OP. I mean, I understand the body wants to store energy, but after a certain point doesn't the body go "hold on a minute this is no good" and just shut down?

no i wish i did, but i saw it...steven was fucked from the start

Isn't this guy dead now or am I mistaken?

No, the black guy is dead

>According to TLC’s summary for the second episode, Steven Assanti has been unsuccessful on Nowzardan’s weight-loss plan and has been “abusing” the Houston hospital system in search of pain killers. Nowzardan won’t work with Assanti under those circumstances. Assanti enters a drug detox program but doesn’t last long.

The fucking money are you kidding me? On top of being a dietary/skin surgeon he's on two different tv shows, one's for fixing fat fucks and one for taking there fat fuck skin off and selling it to the news for there for skin coats.
I'm sure him and his family will not have serious money issues for the next several years.

>are you kidding me?

No I am not kidding you!

Maybe it's just me but even with all the money I'd imagine watching obese fucks flail around ,waste their life, and then proceed to blame everyone but themselves would bum you out at a certain point.

Thanks dude! Glad I could trust another anonymous poster! ;)


Being bummed out in a literal mansion is better than being bummed out in a tralior home.

for real though if he started lifting and ate right he'd be a monster. cut away the extra weight, his max deadlift is probably higher than most guys on gear despite his body not even producing testosterone.

Yeah, or you could just do what you're passionate about and be happy. The other explanation is that he's passionate about fat people.

Could easily squat 5pl8 with minimal training, somewhat envious of is genetics. But then again he did fucking waste it all.


Who gives a fuck if they decide to kill themselves? He tried, but it's up to them. If I was him I would be laughing my Persian gremlin ass all the way to my Bentley.

>Implying his muscles aren't totally wrecked from being sedentary and abusing drugs
Once he loses that weight he'll still have some mass but it'd probably take years of therapy to get him to the ability of a human

I'm not dissing his passion, he defiantly has it. Just saying he's probably loaded from all of the shit he's doing.

He is fat himself

You realise being user is just a meme?

He subsists on the energy that the participants in his program.
Pretty neat


Is there another episode of this?

He squats more than you every time he stands up. There's like 100 grams of protein in a pepperoni pizza, and he can put away ten in a day.

Face it, he is a fucking beast.

He didn't waste it, he's a chaos marine fighting for Nurgle. Underneath his half ton of decaying power armor is almost three hundred pounds of pure lean terror.

keked hard

>1000g of protein/day
>800lb squat
Fuck you're right

That bigtoe nail getting pushed out the cuticle by his fat is freaking me the fuck out.

it's almost impressive if he wasn't so disgusting.

check that macro profile dawg
Should we get on NPAD diet?

By being a weak, slothful, gluttonous parasite.

>an ounce and a half of salt a day

>he got bigger than both of us combined on accident

The human body is magnificent to be able to withstand such punishment.
>1,368g of carbs

What I don't understand is how we throw people with psych problems into psychiatric rooms for their "own safety" and the "safety of others" costing taxpayers a fair amount of money, but when it comes to morbidly obese people literally eating 20x more then a normal human being should be eating, consuming enough resources for 20 people, killing themselves in the proccess, costing the taxpayers millions of dollars, we just sit by and let it happen.

We should treat them just like psych patients. Throw them into psych rooms, restrain them to a bed, hook them up to an IV, feed them vitamin water, lock the door shut, monitor their vitals, and come back in 6 months.

A lot less people would be morbidly obese if people stopped tolerating it. The fact you and me have to pay for these cunts at much higher rates then others is bullshit. If you want to be inhumane about it and treatment is completely ineffective a bullet to the head would be a cheap cost of treatment.

His wife divorced him and took 50% of his assets. Even part of the weight loss clinic belongs to her now

Why do people get their body hacked and sawed by surgeons overnight instead of spending 6 months dieting and exercising properly?

These people complain about looking like shit, yet try ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to change their lifestyle.

Did she get fat or is this some next level weight loss?

It never ceases to amaze me that fully grown humans can range in size from meerkat to elephant seal.

She sure as hell didn't lose it or she wouldn't look like that.

Anyone got d/l links for the episodes?



Everybody post your rare assantis RIGHT NOW.

Or just stop considering obesity a genuine disability. It's something they inflict upon themselves with their shitty choices. At most the government should shell out for operations like gastric bypass. The current situation just enables them.

Nah, I mean honestly...I'd probably fall too let alone if I was 800 pounds hanging half way off the seat.

She actually gained it but then lost it all. That's pretty fucking intense if you ask me.

>when you have so many chins they go all the way to your foot
wait is this just a future picture of arin hanson

The resemblance is uncanny

>tfw Steven can lift more than you because he can move his 500 lb body around

why is he turning green?

>When he got up and walked over to the scale only to find out he weighed 800lbs
A-Are we gonna make it brehs