How do you react when you see another guy at the gym doing the same movement you're doing but with much higher weight?

How do you react when you see another guy at the gym doing the same movement you're doing but with much higher weight?

I sometimes mire or critique their form, what the fuck else can I do

I feel like I have something to work toward.

Decide to try harder until I can do that weight too.

I'm so dyel that I've never dealt with anything else

I start mirin of course
> I'm not gay I swear

I tell him to get the fuck out of my garage.

that pic seems super new age mindfulness bullshit at first but it actually got me to ponder some stuff about my approach. an abstract kind of feel

I remember that there's somebody there beating me for my next set, and I push myself past what I previously thought my limit was. I love seeing people who are beating me at the gym. Reminds me that no matter how strong I think I'm getting I still have a lot of room for improvement.

I never see that because I'm the only person who squats are deadlifts in my gym, and the only person who benches more than 1/2 pl8

I go to a nice inner city gym with lots of cardio bunnies and good equipment

Personally, I slip a 45 plate on while they're stuck on the bottom of a rep really subtly

Honestly it might seem meme-like and like a cliche but it's legit.

Compare the attitudes of unsuccessful people and successful people.


It's probably the fucking autism awareness color scheme and everyone's a winner motto at the top right. I don't know why people trying to spread legitimately good advice insist on doing it in such a way that no one who's not an indigo child love bead-farting Aquarian would take it seriously.


pic related
i get motivated seeing people bigger in fact i want to move to a PL gym so i feel small again

there is no way only you are able to bench more than 40kgs, are the members infants? or numale like this

watch them and as soon as they do something wrong (deadlifting with a rounded lower back, push pressing instead of pressing), i turn away in disgust

That guy squats the bar on the smith machine, it's on video. Veeky Forums is full of guys who estat height and lifts so it gives a warped perception.

I have yet to see someone bench more than 2pl8 at a big gym and thats even super rare.

but come on 40kgs is not heavy, I did that as a 60kg auschwitz mode the first time i stepped in the gym

>I am going to train my brain
who here /fitlit/?

Generally ignore them and continue on with my workout