Who does /fit nominate as the best fighters in the world? For military I nominate finns...

Who does /fit nominate as the best fighters in the world? For military I nominate finns, for hand-to-hand combat probably some slavs like russians or poles.

>For military I nominate finns
Why? Because of Winter War - the only major war in their history?

This. Finns got cucked by swedes for centuries

Basically, yes. They beat major odds and were the steadfast force in aiding estonians in their independence war too. Just because they haven't had lots of major wars, doesn't mean their soldiers are not good. Their worldwide military power is not huge, because of their country's size, but the quality of the individual soldier remains.

That has to do with other factors as well. Namely while the finns were nomadic tribal people, swedes were an united kingdom.

It was more on the incompetence of russians

The thread wreaks of autism but I'll bite. I still think Merica cause Merica but the Fins were pretty based.

Gurkhas m8. And Vietcong.

>best fighters in the world

>Just because they haven't had lots of major wars, doesn't mean their soldiers are not good
No, it does

Assyrian army was one of the best ever

if you count january and february as russians like alexander III, and I do, then you are correct

>january and february as russians

Military: USA
Hand-to-hand: Armenian, Chechen, Polish, Irish, Mongolian

Finns by far when it comes to individual soldier,but not to the equipment

Who are Navy SEALs and Army Rangers?

Gurkhas got beaten by Nazi Wehrmacht in h2h.


>Finns nominated
>This pleases me.

This thread is full of memes

Armenian and polish strong street brawler. Even if the never took a single martial art lesson. They dont get down so easily and can take alot of punches.
Its if they have an inner aggression.

already grew up fighting for scrap of potato

According to most of the SOF community, the British SAS, Australian SASR and American Delta Force have the toughest selection courses, doesn't mean they are the best but they probably get the best training and most action

Army - US
Hand to hand
(not a kyke i swear)

>I nominate finns


Finns have the greatest military leaders

jidf plz go

literally modern day spartans

t. Jaako

>best fighters
generally speaking, no such thing
you do have cultures and surrounding that can have a positive effect on average soldier in wartime, but what matters in the end is education, training, equipment, logistics and so on
soldiers aren't born, soldiers are made, and war is more complex than average soldier


also gurkhas

If I had Gurkhas, no armies in the world will defeat me.

this is a joke

