Tv show

>tv show
>character starts lifting for whatever reason
>within a matter of weeks has giant arms, abs, and such

Fuck you tv, why do you lie to me.

It was a muscle memory regrowth. Bill was fit when he was younger.

Propane must have some serious gain benefits

Bill "The Bulldozer" Dauterive is an American icon and beyond high T.

You lied to yourself thinking you could compare OP.

He was also probably roiding. The guys were giving him all his supps and he was taking them blindly. Probably like 100mg anadrol a day

Well then what about Marge Simpson?


did u never hear her voice? Marge is the highest test male character on the show

Marge is trans and their children are adopted. Why else would they be so extremely different from each other?

Is this a thing? Is this why I resemble being fit despite not working out for years? Because I worked out like a maniac during my formative years?

I feel like this could become one of those internet rumors that changes the canon of the show. Simpsons needs a trans to be progressive anyway.

yes, you have more muscle fibers than someone who has never worked out, if you started again they would "regrow" much faster than someone starting from scratch.

you've probably also got better motor patterns for lifting so you'd be immediately stronger anyways even with the same muscle weight.

It's true, athlean-X actually talked about studies on this. It's a very real thing. Something also to do with mitochondria I think.

the nuclei, actually

>t. just read the wiki article

Muscle cells nearly never have 1 nuclei.

He was also a top secret military experiment to create a super soldier (although that's also what made him fat and hairy).

I'm sure they heavily implied Marge was roiding, esp with the tren like mood swings.

>Japanese tv show
>Main character works out for the entirety of the show, throughout all the source material
>never actually improves but tries his best

Yet he can still level a city with his mind

>He was also a top secret military experiment to create a super soldier (although that's also what made him fat and hairy).

Bill was in the control group, he got placebos, he became fat and hairy of his own accord

Its Hollywood
Gear is everywhere

But he does improve, he can run with the guys without passing out now iirc

>Watched pic related as kid
>Be in awe
>Recently rewatch
>Still be in awe but feel sad that I'll never be able to jump like that

He was huge to begin with. He had inadvertently been bulking for nearly a decade before that episode.

I thought they found out he was in the control group from his file but it was implied at the end the files were mixed up and he might have been in the experimental group. But I dunno, I haven't seen it in years.

She was doing steroids that episode

Started rewatching this too so I can watch the new season. Went to the gym and did so many leg exercises that I couldn't walk up the stairs properly. Feels good man

Could it be?

>Muscle cells nearly never have 1 nuclei.
Exactly - someone who was jacked has more nuclei than a fucking nerd who started lifting in his late 20s.

More nuclei = more transcription = more protein synthesis.

>being this far out of the loop
There're 3 episodes out already. Fourth comes out tonight.

Rick and Morty got it right though

fuck i intially thought you were talking about king of the hill

>play video game
>go to video game gym
>spend 3 minutes on bench
>click like mad
>spend 3 minutes doing bicep curls
>click like there's no fucking tomorrow
>ripped as fuck

What do /fit? I've already gone to the gym twice and still nothing has happened

Wait are you saying TV is fiction? So I can't kill 50 bad guys with a 30-round clip in my M4 carbine? So I can't redecorate a house in one afternoon? So I can't jump a car over a helicopter?

All these things are possible, just eat more and sleep enough

All those things are physically possible for a human tbf, just really hard.

She was blasting a ungodly amount of steroids. Earlier in the episode she meets her old neighbor and she convinces Marge to hop on.


Sry meant to say shell


What makes me even sadder is that working out in anyway similar to that would completely obliterate your joints.

>wants to find logic in a cartoon
>obliterate joints
>a 3 ton rock on top of you is only gonna fuck your joints
sure m8


Bill has muscle memory because he was jacked in high school and throughout his army career he slowly got fat

Muscle nuclei come from when the syncitium forms u dunce

Henlo komrade
