>"I've been fasting for 6 days straight! Getting great results!"
>"when you hit the 72 hour window, your body starts to release HGH, clenbuterol, and tren!"
"I've been fasting for 6 days straight! Getting great results!"
>you won't make any progress without paying attention to your diet
How do you not eat for 72 hours ?
Fasting isn't not eating
It's eating a shit ton in the morning and a shit ton at night but in between there is no eating or drinking
Get a Nintendo Switch and play Zelda BOTW. You'll forget to eat.
There are threads now where people think they'll make yuuuuge gains without eating
Yea I'm on the bullshit train unless they mean if you don't eat enough...
By not doing it.
Its that simple. After 2 days you will feel euphoric.
Should start your first fast day with a long run to feel even better. Also controll sthe craving better but those will fade away after 3 days. You will just have cravins after flavours because you only drink water but those will go away after 1-2 weeks of not eating.
>"after nofap for a week, your test levels skyrocket!"
>1 to 2 weeks of not eating
Holy shit I think you are in the top 5% of top 5% of fasters
If you drink your water with lemons/lemon juice, does that negate the whole point of fasting? Also best way to avoid hunger shakes and migraines?
Longest I've done is 3 days but I'm thinking of stretching
Max I did was 29 days in 2013.
Wrote down all the flavours and foods I was thinking (and dreaming, literally) about thought. Was like 2 pages
I would only drink water, if you pull a EF off it should be the real deal.
Some salt water for blood pressure is also ok especially if you are lifting heavy so you dont pass out.
go jogging and stay hydrated. I drink 4,5-6 L
water per day. Jogging supresses hunger very well especially in the morning.
uh that is completely anecdotal. I used to fast for wrestling sometimes lasting 2-3 days and felt like shit.
yeah thats because the first days are the hardest.
You basically never reached the turning point but always redid the most painful days.
too true user, come tell us more about keto and how you don't need gimmick diets
that's IF. The new meme is EF, where you literally don't eat for days.
CICO the record get out
>uh uhm uh thats anecdotal
>brings up anecdote
I just hit 72 hours. It's actually pretty easy after the first day. I worked out yesterday and had plenty of energy. I've had about a gallon of water a day, coffee in the morning, and a beef broth with
If you're not fat then fasting is worthless. Unlike the skeletons or hanbeasts, the rest of us need to eat so that we can make gains.
New agers are the worst of the worst desu
Yeah dude, were so much better than this crap. Fast and the Furious? PSH, give me the Shining and Clockwork Orange. Those are mans movies.
Calm down grandpa, the doctor told you not to stress your sphincter so much.
The fuck are you on about dude?
If you saw Clockwork Orange when it came out you're at least in your late 50's or early 60's...
> Counting an anecdote with an anecdote
The Anons on this board are pretty autistic, so I have no idea if I'm being baited.
Some dumbass will take seriously and almost end up killing himself.
How did you not fucking die
greentext that shit, tell us about the hallucinations
do you understand the point of body fat?
How fat do you have to be fat?
I'm actually not that fat but I have stubborn handles. Was thinking of doing Yohimbine and BCAAS mix with light jogging before work.
Provably true
That is only fasting according to 85IQ unibrow muslim subhumans
And when you finally make it and get a qt gf, the first time you nut having sex with her your test hits an all time low. And every subsequent time you have any kind of sex with her, your test drops through the floor.
No fap is bullshit, unless you have an unhealthy addiction to porn/masturbating.
>"After 96 hours your body begins to release testosterone, HGH, Anadrol and cocaine!! I'm making huge gains!!!"
If someone claims X, all it takes to disprove X is one counter example.
I'm being baited, aren't I?
no, you're being retarded
>tfw had stomach flu
>don't eat anything for 3 days
>only leave bed to shit or projectile Vomit
>tfw finally feel better
>tfw look at my self in the mirror and I'm shredded as fug
Stomach flu diet buds
Vegan actually
>4+ meals a day
>squats n oats
>up 4 lbs
>get sick
>all progress down the shitter
Life truly is a meme
>Nono, after x days you will feel a lot better
>I did not feel better after x days, so it's not guaranteed but anecdotal
No wonder you guys do EF, you are literally brain dead.
What do the E in EF stand for?
Erotic Fasting.
Only eat sexual fluids.
Only do sexual exercise.
Whatever happened to having a well balanced diet and working out?
How do you talk to your girlfriend about getting enough fluids? Going down on her only a couple times each week will get me into starvation mode!
Unless she's a squirter buddy, you're in for a rough one.
Eat her cunt. A lot. Convince her to shave first, believe me on this one.
It's not ramadam yet Muhamed
lads I'm on day 3 of a water fast and i just took a big shit, it wasn't huge but it was pretty big. what the fuck does this mean?
>mfw this thread
You are literally cleaning out your bowels. This can only mean good things are in store for your butt fungus.
>convince her to shave
But you're missing out on dat dere keratin
Wasnt that bad desu, you should just never stop jogging doing it because it supresses hunger really well.
After a week you dont have any hunger at all but you will get flavour cravings because the only taste I got was water and black coffee.
You obivously should only do that if you got enough bodyfat to supply you when fasting. If you do this when lean for that long you will lose some muscle and when you doing this when skinny it might kill you because your organs will be used as kaloric supply.
Also did a lot of buddhist meditation when fasting, really cleared up my mind.
I lost about 21 KG during that time and about 5 of them came back when eating again.
I also lifted during the fast.
It is very important to NOT break your fast with meat though because that might kill you since your digestive system has no bacteria to process it and if the meat is not 100% okay you might get an infection.
So break fast with fruit and after about 3 hours you could eat normal again. Wouldnt do it though since if you eat shit tier food right after the fast like a Burger it will plunge through your digestive system like molten lead.
you staded that you fasted sometimes 2-3 days.
I told you those were the hardest days you fucking nigger
lmao you fucking plebs
you don't get the true benefits of fasting until you hit 195 hours of absolutely no ingestion of solids
chewed gum? not a fast
drank black coffee? not a fast
took your anti-psychotics? NOT. A. FAST.
fasting turned me into a ripped demigod
no pics or stats, sorry
>advocating fasting
>in 2017
top cuck m8
>not doing CICO
>not getting this crazy metabolism decrease
>not eating 18 little meals a day
>not bulking your insuline resistance
>not laughing about puny autophagy
>not ignoring human nature since its the fucking current year
never gonna make it
ty for the information gandhi-user
>Don't put food inside mouth
Haven't been hungry at all so far but damn the flavor cravings. Couldn't focus in class. Is it even worth it?
Do you jog?
I was jogging yesterday and lost 1,6 KG from yesterday to today.
Feels good man.
My current routine is alternating one week EF with one week 20/4 IF til I hit my goal weight.
Then I will maintain that weight while doing IF and do an EF once a year to keep that insuline resistance at bay
How long should a beginner fast? I was thinking of a simple 24 hour just to get used to it then 36-48 hours fasts every other week
Alright im sold
Will I still get the benefits of fasting if I eat small amounts of pure protein (canned tuna and the like) everyday?
wow so 3 hours and some fruit re-populates your entire digestive tract with bacteria, who knew!
well eat some tartar on your fasted stomach then you fucking dolt
Well thats IF then and not EF.
Before you do EF you should have done IF anyways.
Start with two weeks of IF on a deficit and then go from there to EF. start with 24 hours fast and push it to 72 hours for example after a week of IF.
You will get used to it.
If you have the willpower you could go cold turkey and start right now with EF. Its not like your body couldnt handle it but your mind will be the problem because it will tell you to eat because you are used to it.
Do you guys really think you'll do anything but become scary skeletons doing this? You'll lose any gains your retarded ass might have already made
The human body can live off of body fat alone, plus a micronutrient supplement for good measure, indefinitely until body fat runs out.
One study followed a fat man that weighed like 500lbs or something and he didn't eat for more than a year and eventually ended his fast at 180lbs.
The amount of proteine you lose during a extended fast is minimal if you have enough bodyfat.
About 90-95% of what you lose is fat.
And of the proteine you lose a lot is dead cells being resorbed.
I said multiple times that this is for fat people or trained people who want to lose some stubborn fat.
You are a fucking idiot, kys.
How long is your EF?
Nah the week before I've already been so exhausted from my diet I've been running 1/3 of what I used to. This has just been a last ditch effort to see the scale move before moving on to maintenance for a while for my sanity
As I said, I alternate 1 week EF with 1 week IF til I reach my goal weight.
My current EF ends on Sunday night when I will have been waterfasting for 7 days.
Then I will eat slightly below maintenance while lifting heavy and jogging for 7 days til I waterfast again (Using 20/4 fasting in the eating week).
When I do EF I jog but dont lift heavy, basically just doing circle training or some shit at medium weights just to keep the muscles moving and signal the body that they are still needed and to increase autophagic activity in the muscles.
>check em
Thinking about doing a 24 to 36 hr fast Friday because my gym is closed this weekend.
What are the pros and cons? I'm 6'1 260. Have been Cal restricting to 1700 a day for last two months. Will this fuck with metabolism further, causing a slow down in bmr? I'm probs gonna pig out the day after because Easter supper at my grammies, not turning down that homemade deliciousness.
Dang dude that sounds really effective
I don't think I have the discipline for that but it sounds sustainable
Thanks for answering my question
no problem
Fasting actually improves your BMR by about 10%.
I know it sounds insane but that is how it works. Because you changing the energy supply from your 1700 kcals/day to basically unlimited (in comparison) supply of bodyfat. That is why your BMR doesnt drop when fasting but does when doing cal restriction.
24 to 36h fasts are a good start but for the best effects I would recommend 1 to 2 weeks of strict waterfasting.
That is because when waterfasting the firs three days are the hardest and actually hell, after that it gets much easier and you become euphoric.
When you always do 24-36h fasts you never get into that state.
For men it takes 72h anyways to fully switch into burning stored fat mode
>done multiple fasts
>IF normally
>start up another fast, shooting for a week
>hit true hunger on day 4
never felt so fucking cucked in my life than when i had to drink coconut water and yogurt last week
Well yoghurt contains kalories and so duss coconut water I guess? That doesnt make it a fast then.
Its basically you just taking in the right amount of kalories to stop your body from using its own fat.
Correct me if I got that wrong.
jesus fucking christ is this EF meme real?
everyone is just memeing
if you're super fat just eat like 1000 calories of chicken and vegetables daily and do cardio until exhaustion
Or fast because thats like double the weightloss you dumb nigger
Now i know his secret.
>1 to 2 weeks of no eating
this nigga gon die
I did it for 4 weeks already and am fine x)
It is not my fault that your imagination is that limited.
This is the most retarded thread I've ever read
Thank you for infecting me with autism
>Get really sick
>Shit liquid for almost five days
>No food, only water during that time
>Lose around 4 kg
>Seize the oppurtunity to eat smaller portions once I got better
>Don't gain the weight back, lose even more
Now my bmi says I'm in the normal range, better skinnyfat than just being fat
useless. Fasting is done at least for 24 hours otherwise you're just memeing yourself and setting up an eating disorder
nofap is for people who are desensitised that they need extreme porn,usually involving pain to get themselves to even half hard. If a hot chick in skimpy underwear turns you on,you're probably fine. You shouldn't jack off to the porn jew anyways,you're looking at a woman getting fucked,it's cuckholdry in the real sense., Amateur pov is where it's at
did you use any multivits or salt/potassium other electrolytes?
So I just finished an 80 hour EF. I dropped 11 pounds. Last night I ate about a 2500 calorie dinner consisting of steak, cheese curds, salad, veggies, and a couple glasses of wine. This morning I am 3 pounds heavier, so still down 8 pounds from when I started last Sunday. I'm starting another EF today and I'm going to go until Easter Sunday brunch. I'll let you know how it goes.
Fasting causes your body to release HGH, tren, testosterone, and you build muscle without working out while fasting. Your IQ also goes up 35 points and your dick starts to grow!!
>not also chanting GROW GROW GROW for maximising dick gains
not gunna maek eet