How can I bench 2pl8 yet only do 25 push ups?

How can I bench 2pl8 yet only do 25 push ups?

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Are you fat

got the same problem.. maybe because we never do push ups?

Nope pic related

Based on that pic I dont think you can bench 2pl8 without going full powerlifting mode.

What? This pic was taken when I hit 200lb bench for 5 rep. I can easily 2pl8

There's no way in hell you can bench 2pl8

how can you bench 2pl8 you have noodle arms

hahaahah u look like u bench 1 plate tops.

Wish I had video to prove you wrong but I think I can. I haven't tried 1RM max but I've hit 200lbs for 5 reps so my calculated 1RM is exactly 2pl8. Idk why I'm still skinny tho. I'm 6'3 with long armspan, maybe that's why.

>benching 2pl8s
Pretty sure those are not 45lbs plates

200lbs isn't 2pl8 tho. You're still 20lbs from that.

Yeah, well I never said I could lift 2pl8 for reps.

I still have a hard time believing you. But anyway. High rep pushups is for endurance, which you lack. And it's also about technique. Chances are you are doing them wrong and use your hands too much instead of your chest and back. Try doing pyramids and you will get the number up in a few weeks.

>How can I bench 2pl8 yet only do 25 push ups?
Just do 25 and do AMRAP everyday.

pushups require muscular endurance to do a lot of

being able to push a high weight for 5 reps is not endurance, it is just explosive strength

Aight took a new pic maybe you'll believe then. But doesn't really matter it's just an anonymous image board after all.

Thanks for the advice though.

I believe you less now

that's two on EACH side

( > . < )

Threads like these are why i come here from "r/fitness" toppest of keks to you my sir xD

this guy can't be seriously benching 90kg for reps rite?

maybe his 45s don't actually weigh 45?

IDK why I even bother anymore but here.

Wasn't there a popular thread where a skinny guy deadlifted like 4 plates out of nowhere?

it's because Veeky Forumsizen want to believe in the "strength=size" meme and then act shocked when skinny guys DL 5 plate or bench almost 2 plate

if you wanna get big do BB accessory volume

Pretty sure I look worse than this guy and I bench 85kg for reps. I'm a 5'7 manlet though, around 71kg.
I mean I think I look better in real life, but looks can be deceiving. Not saying I'm strong, but I do believe OP can bench 90kg for reps.

You're just not used to doing push ups. Training a movement will help you get better at the movement, it's not just a generic measure of strength. Same with how doing rows won't necessarily make you great at pull ups if you're not doing pull ups. Back when I did martial arts I could bang out 60+ push ups easily because I was doing them all the time, and this is long before I ever benched 225.

there is a omarlsuf video explaining pushups vs bench pressing

watch it

thats your problem. I can do 50 wide grip perfect form push ups easily while I can also do 2 plate for reps

pro-tip: you probably don't train much if at all for significant muscular endurance

>implying any of that is strong
>inb4 muh average gym goer can't do that!
Most average gym goers look like bags of potatoes or are small and weak.

Aware me on push up pyramids

Don't worry OP I can push 225 for reps and also look dyel. What's your routine like and stats?

I do it a bit differently. I pick a number, for example 5 and start from 1. 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 x 3.

i can do 30 and bench 1,25 pl8s for one, my bw tho


I feel for you OP.
I can squat twice my bodyweight with perfect form and my legs still looks dyel as fuck.

And to answer your question.
Just do pushups to complete fatigue more frequently. I think I've read somewhere that beyond 15 reps it's all endurance. I can do 50 proper pushups now but I started at around 20.

>I haven't tried 1RM max but I've hit 200lbs for 5 reps so my calculated 1RM is exactly 2pl8


Get the fuck outta here!

You can barely do 200 lbs for five reps and you wonder why you can't do approximately 150 lbs for 25 reps?!?