How can I bench 2pl8 yet only do 25 push ups?

>benching 2pl8s
Pretty sure those are not 45lbs plates

200lbs isn't 2pl8 tho. You're still 20lbs from that.

Yeah, well I never said I could lift 2pl8 for reps.

I still have a hard time believing you. But anyway. High rep pushups is for endurance, which you lack. And it's also about technique. Chances are you are doing them wrong and use your hands too much instead of your chest and back. Try doing pyramids and you will get the number up in a few weeks.

>How can I bench 2pl8 yet only do 25 push ups?
Just do 25 and do AMRAP everyday.

pushups require muscular endurance to do a lot of

being able to push a high weight for 5 reps is not endurance, it is just explosive strength

Aight took a new pic maybe you'll believe then. But doesn't really matter it's just an anonymous image board after all.

Thanks for the advice though.

I believe you less now

that's two on EACH side

( > . < )