>Be lanklet 6'4 125lbs >decide to start getting fit >hit the gym hard for 4 years >now 6'4 242lbs look like tall guy in webm >as I was progressing started getting erections when I looked in the mirror n-no homo >now I literally can't look at myself in the mirror with getting rock hard
This is not what I signed up for Veeky Forums. any of you guys noticed changes you didn't expect?
Oliver Ross
pic of u? im 6'4 to and am on 2.5 years of training and wanna see my future
Daniel Hall
>6'4" 125lbs how the fuck were you alive?
David Robinson
eeesh, don't ever stand next to a dude like near a girl if you're that short :(
William Richardson
>6'4 215 now >175 pounds 2 years ago >this guy was a whole 50lbs lighter
I was spooky skeleton, nigger you were a nervous system. >OPs before pic
Angel Howard
Not homo but it was a little arousing when they were taking their shirts off for some reason
Juan Price
>Gain about 120lbs in 4 years >That's 30lbs in 1 year >More than 1kg gained per month >Claims to have physique/bf of Connor Murphy after only 4 years of training and being literal bag of bones That's the biggest bullshit i've read this year you fucking liar
Xavier Turner
Truss me when your that skinny the mass comes on really fucking fast.
t.went from 120 to 160 in 5 months and actually got leaner.
Nicholas Robinson
>tfw no matter how hard you work, you will never be half as aesthetic as connor murphy >you will always be like the other guy in the webm
Joseph White
conor is only 6 foot is that guy like 5'2
Jack Diaz
When I joined the army I was 135 lbs at 6'0, and after 4 1/2 months I shot up to 185 lbs. They put me on double rations and I would just eat a fuck ton and the muscle just kind of packed on so a ton of noob gains. After that I spent about 6 months weight lifting and I went from 185 to 205 and was at around 15-16% bf. I think it just depends on how much you eat and your natural recovery time. Now I'm dealing with staying stagnant for almost 2 years and having shot up to 250 lbs. Back down to 239 and dropping fat and keeping my lifts decent but not amazing.
Going to keep dropping until 210-220 15% bf and go from there. If I can get 10% at 200 I'd be happier but we'll see.
Ethan Perry
Thank you hungry skeleton
Nathan Davis
jk, he looks like a ftm with dem tiddies tho
Lincoln Mitchell
I'm jewish
Grayson Sullivan
Sneaky merchant can survive for years on a single sheckle
Blake Lewis
yeah same. I'm not even connor murphy tier yet but I can't stop looking at myself in the mirror
David Rogers
this tbqh
Asher Bailey
Probably because you noticed the chick getting ready to pounce on the tall guy. Or you're just a faggot.
Carson Lopez
what is genetics right? i'm 23 now and it took me 2 years to went from 185lbs to 200lbs, a little leaner but thats it, my neighbor that is 18, he went from 150lbs to 180lbs in 10 months, he is now almost as big as me, i still outlift him in every lift easily, but it pisses me off that he is starting to look better than me in half the time that took for me to look like i do
Benjamin Fisher
Dominic Murphy
the small guy is 5"11? lol wat
Joshua Ross
just a meme there budday
Kevin Anderson
oh gotcha
Jason Ortiz
>125-242 in 4 years Mirin as fuck. I went from 130 to 210 at my heaviest in 4 years.
Blake Ramirez
does anyone have the version where the middle eastern guy comes in who's a perfect mix between the two and she then gets glued to him
Isaac Anderson
>Be lanklet 6'4 125lbs
holy shit, any pics? i started at 5'10 130lbs and was super scrawny, cant imagine you
Carson Young
I'm on the road right now so I can't look for em but I'll look on my old phone when I'm home... didn't take many for obvious reasons
Zachary White
6'4'', 180 lbs literally 0 muscle gonna start trying to get fit and shit any tips?
Cameron Johnson
This is me at 6'4 and 200lbs.
Genetic potential to add another 15-20lbs of muscle on my frame in my opinion.
The future is bright for us lankets boyos
Cameron Butler
that shirt lol
Jack Wilson
Lol you really are a fag for wearing that shirt. Good luck autismo
Wyatt Long
Oh man I love poptarts my kryptonite for sure
Ryder Evans
What are shirts like that even referencing?
William Jones
you retards can't attack my physique so you make fun of my shirt since I'm genetically superior to you.
Camden Hill
This video makes me want to die
Elijah Gutierrez
>you retards can't attack my physique so you make fun of my shirt since I'm genetically superior to you. was asking a question about the shirt, but thanks for showing your insecurity
Oliver Roberts
But who was forearms lel
Joshua James
you have to actually bulk when you're 6ft+ you just can't make leangains like a manlet can. Don't be so afraid of gaining fat because right now you look extremely weird(read:bad).
Aaron Sullivan
Btw you look like an ottermode guy who the spanish inquisition really worked over on the rack
But enjoy i guess lel
Angel Bennett
now you just need to start hating women and or chase traps and you have become true fitizen