For discussion of powerlifting on the ipf platform. Freakshow lifting can stay too I guess.
Tasty meals addition
For discussion of powerlifting on the ipf platform. Freakshow lifting can stay too I guess.
Tasty meals addition
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Having a wank.
to what
Imagining myself getting poon in mid 18th century France
thats pretty cool i never thought about jacking to stuff set in the past
is there porn like that
I've only ever seen image sets. I'd imagine no one wants to finance a film set back then. Think about it, why pay for those dresses if they're wearing them for 3mins tops.
yeah but that sounds pretty hot tbqh
>is there porn like that
I feel like the answer is yes pretty much regardless of what "that" is if you're willing to search hard enough
If only there were some rule of the internet that established that as an unquestionable fact.
What does figjam mean
Anyone ever tried mixed grip bench press for some accessory movements?
It's old meme.
Rule 34: There is porn of it.
You mean one hand pronated and the other supinated? I can't imagine that it's a great idea.
>/plg/ pioneers the Jefferson Press
what possible benefits would a mixed grip bench press even have? Not shit talking, genuinely curious
>early morning deadlifts because I'm travelling at 10am.
Haha, time for caffeine
probably give you massive imbalances but now i wanna try it
inb4 Simply Eric Jefferson presses 500lb within the month
ive got a sore throat what the fuck do i do if i get sick its been years
simply try harder
deadset just convince yourself you're not going to get sick.
like make yourself genuinely believe you're not having any of it
thats honestly what ive done the past few times this has happened and it works
ill do my best
>pressing movements
He's done videos with a 405 decline bench
he'll going to get bored of jefferson bulgarian split squats eventually
Bryce Blom btfo
you dont get BORED if you LIFT with INTENSITY
Fuck 83kg is a crazy class
Is this guy Junior as well?
I wish i was in the gym getting FIRED UP
nobody here is even drinking STIMULANTS
Look at that dyel
I bet he doesn't even train Bulgarian
tfw lactic acid
not that i'm going to let that STOP ME
I bet nobody here can even Jefferson-bulgarian high rack pull deficit 1325lbs
>rack pull deficit
Deadlift absolute maxes are always gonna be ugly right?
there will always be some breakdown in form but shouldnt be horrendous
Are the powerlifts 3 as good as 2?
>200 years before the invention of toilet paper
>boner gone
Just tore my hand for the first time on deadlifts ever cause I used a shitty bar, do I just strap up and continue or call it there?
I tore my hand at set 7 out of 10 at 270kg wat do
Nathan was a junior but just went to open. Here's a year older than bryce
>10 sets
was it rest-pause or something?
try the old Lilliebridge superglue trick
Nah senpai, 10x3
I don't have any glue :(
I've never prepared for a torn hand before
Seconding superglue, it was originally designed to seal wounds
thats a basic and common fix for a torn hand...
superglue the bar to your hand
can i get muscles in this program?
Nvm, using straps helped
I'll remember to bring superglue next time now that I know I have bitch hands
First 5pl8 did at 86kg today. Feel like I'm at least normie strong today
what are you meant to do with the superglue
Do you think spotoshot style training works with the squat and dead too?
Pick variations and do 5 sets of RPE9 4 times per week. Adding weight each week.
glue the bar to your hand
pls be bench
plz respond
>16 press sets per week
is it too little? or too much
too little duh
So I started doing curls 3x a week recently since neglecting them for more bench work.
3x8-12 every time
It's normal to be only able to progress a questionable form rep at a time right? First time I've started to do curls seriously.
12/12/9 then 12/12/10 etc
yeah curls take ages to progress as you're working such a small muscle group
it's literally two muscles, that sounds fine
I'm doing 16 sets of bench per day.
Pls be stones
8x8 30 seconds rest
3x a week add 2.5kg a week
Holy kek that guy looks like he started SS two months ago
That's atleast 3 months mate
I got really helpful feedback here earlier this week. Squat; Knees caving in, and forward bar path.
Deadlift: using oly shoes
Today was a ligher session and I tried to fix these problems. Anything else I should work/focus on?
Is 42 total pressing sets per week enough volume? This isn't including LTEs and tricep accessories
>Anything else I should work/focus on?
work on the qt in the background on the deadlift vid
for both movements: i know coach rip says "head as neutral extension of the spine" but since your back is a bit "forward" arched i would want you to try to look up to something slightly above standing eye level. keep your chest more upright in both squats and deadlifts. for deadlifts PUSH your chest out before lifting the bar. that should put your back in a slightly more arched position. you still have some minor back rounding in your deadlift that will probably increase with higher weights. so better fix now.
not that guy, but i'm gonna try this
What's the best way of fixing my lifting technique if I'm not working out at a gym with good instructors and don't have a video camera?
>tfw boris makes you do reps on squat
>tfw 7 reps @ 65% is RPE10
ayy lmao
I take it if I want bigger arms and a better curl this is better than 3x8 or doesn't it matter?
Should I be busting my ass on every set or something?
>dont have a video camera
cmon dude...its 2017. you really want to tell us you have access to this shitboard but no smartphone or whatever to take a video?
if thats really the case you could try to describe what you think is wrong with your technique...
Does your phone/ipod/etc. have a decent camera?
What do you mean when you say that my back is 'arched forward'?
Yes, for deadlifts my chest could definitly be pushed out more, will focus on this next time.
>he unironically owns a zogphone
Good goy
Had this terrifying dream
Basically one man took control of the entire internet and used its power to summon aliens to come destroy the earth.
They came and floated their huge space ships in the mesosphere. There was helicopters flying round everywhere and mass pankv but nobody could do anything.
It was late evening and getting dark when every speaker started playing a loud warning message in an alien or foreign language. My phone turned to that language as well and I couldn't understand it.
At the beginning of the dream, that evil guy who took control of the internet told me they would increase the planets electron density and effectively electrocute the entire planet.
What happened was I was with my friends as we panicked and tried to take our stuff and leave, and I was looking for my family when all of a sudden earths gravity turned off and I was stuck floating, unable to move.
A new warning message played for the last time, and after a few moments it was like being inside a Tesla coil as the whole planet got fried. I then for sleep paralysis for ages until I finally realised I was dreaming and woke up.
I don't think there's anything really wrong with my technique, but I want to be sure since I have shit flexibility otherwise, and I just started lifting seriously again some time ago.
It's a bad phone, but I could give it a try.
dont know how to upload apparently...
What's going on?
I've been cutting at 2200 calories a day and in just 2 weeks I've lost 7kg and I don't look that much leaner...
I understand I lost a lot of water weight. I didn't think I had 7kg of water tho...
My wilks has just shot up, but I don't want to be a twink :/
You think looking up more will help against this?
Not that dude but my mental ques for deadlift (when I actually start the lift) are to push down as hard as I can, look up, and think about puffing my chest up and forward. If you tape this or get a friend to watch you'll see the end result is a pretty straight or downwards arched back
I miss my friend bleu shoes )':
I'll try it next time and I'll see if it makes a difference. Thanks
why am I so bad at reps, specifically in squat and deadlift, anything over 4 is RPE10 pretty much regardless of weight
What programs are you doing / what have you done in the past?
Programs like SS, SL and TM are so low in volume that you are not conditioned in any way. Once you start doing some higher volume programs with higher rep schemes you'll get used to it. Just give it a week or two if you're struggling.
I have done SS, TM, Dietmar and Sheiko, now I do sheiko.
I've invented this new text face
You're seen it here first folks
Which one and how did it go?
not if you also enjoy walking
I think the most similar layout out be with wraps on one day and paused squats the other, but I would absolutely not recommend it
>Mfw just imagining those amraps
Fuark that would be murder for the first couple weeks
>That filename
>16 sets
>not 21
not gonna make it
>he doesnt build momentum
3 day, went well, but I think more than anything it improved my work capacity.
Now how to improve doing reps? I don't struggle with doing many sets or having low rest times or anything, just doing many reps.
just do more reps more often?
well, they're not programmed so often, mostly just 1-3 reps, but today I had pic related, could barely get through
tfw highbar meme feels good explosive
anyone else hate highbar and much weaker with hit?
Squat 3x5 heavy
Deadlift Primary 8x3 moderate
Romanian DL 3x8
Incline light 3x10
Row 4x10
Bench 6x4 heavy + 1 singles
Squat 4x5 very light
Pulldown 4x10
DB press 3x10
DB incline 3x10
Flies 5x10
Squat 8x5 moderate
Deficit deadlift 4x6
Leg curl 3x15
Chins 3x8
Bench 5x10
Closegrip 3x8
Pulldown/row 4x10
DB press 2x10 light
DB incline 4x10 light
Flies 3x10
Amounts to 3xSQ, 3x BP, 2xDL (weekly)
You are welcome
literally low bar
you maybe less quad dominant
>not doing both in the same set for maximal muscular confusion
Chadlex, I...