H-how much weight is this?

H-how much weight is this?

maybe 30lb

probably 31 lbs

More than likely 32 lbs

I'd say 33 lbs

Around 34 lbs

35 lbs at most

35ish lbs

I'd say tree fiddy

Well thats a normal 5kg dumbbell but it looks small becouse snyders like 5'10

I'd say it's around 36 lbs.

Pshhh no it's totally like 36 lbs

Maybe 37 lbs

It's probably only 38 lbs at most.

My gym has those, their 39 pounds

That one is around 100 pounds when empty. The ends can be filled with sand or water or Bluce Ree metal shavings.....this guy is lifting it empty.


41lbs it looks like

c'mon its definitely 42lb

Like 19.5045 kilos

looks like n+1 lbs

not sure if 29 or 43 lbs. Either of those.

44 lbs. For sure.

no wait... 45 lbs.

Could be 46lbs, could be 46.5lbs

You're all retarded if you think that's anything other than 47 lbs

I'm learning towards 48lbs.


Tfw no gf

49lb no question


Great thread lads

Probably 100kg aprox.

About 51lbs give or take .5

It's shopped, that's totally a women.

love circus dumbbell push press trukish getups w/ my wife and other meme workouts

52lbs minimum

Is this a fucking reddit thread?

I'm think 54 lbs

If it doesn't weight 53lbs then yes, it's Reddit.

Unironically probably about 130 pounds completely empty, which I assume that is. Fully loaded about 300 pounds.

>tfw you were the one to make the second post and get this reddit thread rolling

feels good man

my gym has ones like that, they are 54

shh were having fun

200 Kinograms

get the camera mom

>let's see if /b/ can count

Awww, it's angry :^)

I bet you hate Facebook too. Sucks having friends, dude.