Are you going to go try the Starbucks™ Unicorn Frappucino®?

Are you going to go try the Starbucks™ Unicorn Frappucino®?

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No, I am not gay. Hope it has aids

Fuck off fattie

If by aids you mean sugary goodness then yes.


Are you 13 years old? Do you like cotton candy as well?

Nigga who doesn't like cotton candy?
The fuck is wrong with you.

t. american

You know we see fats in the same light as drug addicts right?

How long until I fry my brain then? This sugar best kill me fast.

I can't see how. I never saw a fat crackhead running from the police. At least druggies can put the fork down.

i dont even know what that means

You know caloric intake vs physical activity is the most important thing right? I eat nothing but garbage fast food and ramen and soda but because I do physical labor at my job outside all day it all still gets burned, so I'm a twig at an 18.5 bmi. You can indulge yourself as long as you still burn that assload of calories off somehow.

Thin people have heart attacks all the time.

I didn't know sucking cock burned a lot of calories.
I guess when you do it ad much as you do it counts as cardio.

That's not the problem.
He's worried about looking too gay before he goes to the gym shower to suck his lifting partners dick.

>I didn't know sucking cock burned a lot of calories.
Have you ever gotten a bj? That shit doesn't look easy, how'd you not know that?

that looks pretty good honestly, id try one it's only like 300-400 cals right?

Cause I'm usually laying in my back when I get one...and you know....i don't suck cock.

Add a k to those numbers and that's your calorie intake on that thing.
According to this website, 280 in a tall one. Couldn't find anything about it on Starbuck's website.

>Cause I'm usually laying in my back when I get fucked...and you know....i suck cock.
fixed that for you

fucking loled.

Fucking lol.

Of course the hands have fat little crocodile fingers

Best laugh I've had all day.

I also love cotton candy, but plain white the most, so fuck you nigga

I bet it's infused with estrogen

They make plain white cotton candy?

So do fitness nuts, faggot.

He means he likes semen

>thread on Veeky Forums
>just about 1/3 of the post have either gay or something about cock in them
Business as usual.

>tfw have GERD
fuck this life

That's my point. Fit doesn't mean low cholesterol

Looks nasty. Ever since I've stopped eating sugary items I nearly vomit at the thought of eating them.

Depends, how sweet is it? I prefer Vanilla bean and green tea frappucino because its not that sweet for me but still sweet enough

From an outsider looking in, you guys really fucking like bringing up the fact that penises exist.

Is this thread an accurate representation of how conversation is held here? Because god damn guys, this is fucking gay as fuck.

You wouldn't talk so much with my cock in your mouth.

It's pretty spot on.

You know how stupid that sounds right?

That looks fucking disgusting

I mean, I get that the pink shit is probably strawberry, but that color looks appalling.



nigger the t. thing has been around for like a few months at best. and i just dont get where its from. is it like a reply from reddit thing?

also your post might just be like 9/10 b8
>retarding spacing
>calling newfag for a reason that makes literally no sense

From what I've gathered, the "t." means "regards," or something like that.

>the t. thing has been around for like a few months at best.

t. newfag

You fucks are too new. Lurk more.

>I can't believe it's not Butter
Gets me everytime.

My ex loved cotton candy.

>/mlp/osters said to remake the thread on Veeky Forums
>tfw it's more gay than our whole board



This is a family friendly board!

>A Starbucks representative told Business Insider that a tall Unicorn Frappuccino made with whole milk and whipped cream would have 280 calories and 39 grams of sugar.

There's no way in hell I believe that pile of sugar is only 280 calories.

Yes but not to drink/eat.

I will identify traps by seeing them drinking this. Then bring them home and stroke their penis against their will for that forced orgasm.

A "tall" is the equivalent of a small everywhere else.

I feel like getting one and sticking my dick in it.
I bet it'd feel great.

A "tall" is 12 oz according to the official site, which lists most of those sugary monstrosities at ~300 calories.

Hi guys, I'm a barista at Starbucks. Do you want to ask me any questions about these dogshit drinks?

What the fuck is in this one? Why is it that disgusting color?

I've only seen the recipe card once since it's not coming out until tomorrow (I think?), but I'm pretty sure it's the following:

1. Drizzle the cup with sour bullshit (mix of white mocha and sour pre-mixed crap)
2. Blend whole milk, white mocha syrup, mango syrup, creme base, pink sprinkles (no idea what the fuck is in that), and ice.
3. Pour into drizzled cup, top with whip cream, more fucking sour drizzle, and more fucking pink sprinkles

12 oz. in a tall, 16 in grande, 20 in venti, for a probable total caloric intake of 280, 340, and 400 calories respectively per size of basically pure sugar. Fucking gross.

What's the most unhealthy, disgusting thing you've ever had to make?

How often do you get customers that look like this?

I didn't realize until yesterday, but I've been working on-and-off at the same story during college (not during summers) for about 3 years now, and there's this one black girl that has been coming here ever since I started working there.

Her drink is a Trenta Ice Coffee with extra heavy cream (~200 cal extra), 10 pumps of classic syrup (simple sweetener) and 5 pumps of caramel (in total, about ~75g of sugar). She comes by to get it about twice a day according to the other people on the earlier shift, and she easily weighs over 400 lbs. Blows my fucking mind.

Quite a bit. Nine times out of ten they order a frappuccino too, hilariously with nonfat milk or no whip cream (like that will fucking help). There's a regular who visits us that always orders a venti (20oz) frap. and two cookies for a grand total of about 1000 calories. I have seen her three times in the last week alone, meaning she pays like $33 a week AT LEAST to ingest an extra 3k cals into her diet. She weighs like 400lbs easy.

This shit looks absolutely disgusting but it will probably make a profit from retards like me that would try it for the ironic lulz

How soon until Starbucks starts offering handjobs?

That calorie count has to be wrong, right?
Even in the smallest size, 280 calories seems way too fucking low.

Jesus fucking christ, it won't be long before she loses her fucking feet to diabetes.

>the t. thing has been around for like a few months at best

Not soon enough.

There are ~200 calories in 12oz. of whole milk. The rest of the additions are pretty minimal, so people are basically paying like $4 for blended milk, ice, and random sugar crap. It's not as caloric as it is overly-sugary.

Those drinks easily go up to the 500 - 600 calorie range if you buy a 20 oz and add in the whipped creme and whole milk.

Just in case you Hackers decide to try this again! My very intelligent friend who is an attorney said to post this just for you! Good enough for me. The violation of privacy can be punished by law (UCC 1-308- 1 1 308-103 and the Rome Statute). NOTE: Veeky Forums™ is now a public entity. All members must post a note like this. If you do not publish a statement at least once it will be tacitly understood that you are allowing hackers the use of your computer, as well as the information contained in your posts. I DO NOT GIVE MY PERMISSION. Friends, you can copy and post this if you like.


>Look up trenta iced coffee
>It's 31 oz
>She gets that twice a day

I really can't fucking tell what's bait or not anymore
Send help

checkin 'em and (you)'n some premium meta bait right here.

That looks fucking magical user
homosexual, but magical
>no homo drink twink

Oh, for the copyrights, I get it
I was wondering what I the fuck you were ratcheting about


>people go to starbucks and buy milkshakes and call it """coffee"""

tehe, everyone knows coffee has 0 calories


holy shit, how can he ever recover?

Are you a gril

No :(

The pink sprinkles is just mostly natural vegetable dye

Calorie counts include whole milk and whip. The "large" is 26 oz

It's sour, way too sweet, and has mango flavouring in it. There you go Veeky Forums, a barista just saved you 600+ calories of regret and $6.

the sour drizzle on top isnt the default for the drink, and i wouldnt recommend it anyway since its wayyy too sweet and sour to put on whipped cream


never drank a fancy coffee in my life. only black or with milk. one of these days when I go to the mall I'll drink a crazy one instead of a meal.

>Tfw frenchfag
>no starbuck around
>it's not even snails and frogs season yet

Since I work there, yes, I'll make myself a sample

I'm not looking forward to making them tomorrow though, since we're gonna have a rush all day of mouth breathing teenage girls with hideous midwestern accents who want to take pictures of the drink next to their dumbass faces.

is it just me or does the starbucks logo look like a girl holding her legs spread eagle...

I will wait until I get a gf to take me to Starbucks

Exactly. They traded the fork for the spoon.

I've never been to a Starbucks and I don't see the point in ever going to one.

Doesn't sound stupid at all. What the fuck is your major malfunction? Diabetes?

Did you major in literature or sociology?

what the fuck why is it so fucking huge
