/plg/ powerlifting general

Comfy cookies edition

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Anyone think it's a good idea to train back 5x a week without rest days inbetween? Idk if this works well or not.

E.g. Bench+Pull-up, Squat+Row, Bench+Pull-up, Squat+Row, Bench+Pull-up?
Also, asked last thread, anyone have experience with Blevins programming?

>anyone have experience with Blevins programming?

I'm doing his free early intermediate. Been making small, steady volume PBs throughout. Seems like appropriate volume, lots of high rep work and time for accessories to build muscle mass. I'm at roughly 150/92/170 @ 78.

For like two or three sets a day, yeah you'd be fine. If you feel it catching up to you just skip it.

Considering I do both rows and pull ups on the same day and 3 times a week, I think you should be fine if you're doing only one each day. Also test for yourself I never knew for example I can bench 4-5 times a week without any rest and that's the best way to progress before I tried it. I was stuck cucking myself benching 2-3 times a week.

I dont even post nymire

How much row/pull-up volume do you do?

What's in c6w so it's about 12/10/10/8reps on rows and something similar on pull ups don't remember exactly it varies through weeks.

You'll never stop posting in my heart

gm everyone

it's past 17, but post more qts

Posting fully clothed roastie sluts isn't interesting
It isn't sexually arousing

Its pointless and annoying

Fuck both of you

says the low test BETA

Why are you so angry, have a girl rejected you recently?

umm user it's 10:15am???

Thanks, is there anything wrong with spending the whole time with exclusively higher reps? Not sure what effect it would have.

Eg. 3x10-12 of a back movement every day, 150 reps per week. Adding a set to everything each week and then cutting down to 2 sets and adding weight? During this, I'd keep the weight the same every time.

w1. 150 reps
w2. 200 reps
w3. 250 reps
w4. 100 reps (increased weight)

Not sure if there's some better way to progress?

Should I look up, down, or forward when doing high bar squats?

>Thanks, is there anything wrong with spending the whole time with exclusively higher reps? Not sure what effect it would have.
For assistance exercises not at all. I always keep my chest flies at 10-15 reps same with tricep extensions or chin ups. As with progress and weight tbf I just do them how I feel like on given day. I just try to keep the reps like I said between 10-15. So if I feel like I can't do the weight I did before I lower it a bit.

Oh I'm probably overthinking accessory then.

I'd like to just stick at something like 3x10-12 and basically just keep repeating it over and over until I reach 3x12 then progress by adding sets up to like 5x12 sets and when I do those I add weight and go back to 3x10-12. Idk the name, double progression?

Means I won't increase weight on rows/chins for a long time but I'm not sure if this is necessarily a bad or suboptimal thing?

Forward for any squat. Some like to look up as a sort of cue to stay upright but im not a huge fan of that

my preference is look at a point ahead of you in line with your head

so at the top youre looking straight ahead

in the bottom position youre looking slightly up, which reinforces a chest up posture and uprightness IMO

I prefer to look straight ahead

holy projection Batman

Forward or a bit up

Thanks, was squatting for the first time in a long time today, and I forgot about where to look, so I did it downwards for two out of the three working sets.

It got me worried about my back, since I'm always paranoid about it.

205/140/245 @ 95 kg
Did sheiko for 15 weeks and want to cut to 88 kg now. What program should I do ?

Don't change what you're doing, cutting on sheiko should be fine

I am gay and all my lifts are fake and I like poopoo

What about cutting on c6w :)

Nothing wrong with being gay I like fat cock in my mouth as well

If you cut after the first two weeks and eat at maintainance during the first two weeks, should be doable.

Im a fat retard hahahaha poooooooo

I see you giving advice quite often. What are your lifts and credentials?

More than you phaggot

pls leav

is this 2004 again

Finally got to 3x BW deadlift.
Been trying to get this for months but cutting has hindered me.

2004 called

They want their memes back loser!

I'm doing starting strength and shits getting hard. The squats are taking all my energy after working all day. The rest of my lifts are suffering because of it. Should I just eat more? Will caffeine help?

>Will caffeine help?
Yes it helps a lot. Especially if you don't drink caffeine or drink it rarely like me. I feel like a god after drinking some coffee. Don't forget to get some music and hype yourself before lifts.

Why do I eat a spoon of honey directly after my workout?

Because you're craving sugar and getting some simple quickly absorbed carbs is good after workout so you can keep doing it.

keep doing what

eating honey after workout

I'm not craving sugar though. Simply filling up those empty and exhausted tanks I guess

I have a hollow back. 2 months ago I started doing hyperextensions and abdominal isolations, after my lower back was killing me doing texas method thrice a week and riding my bicycle for 20 kilometres every day of the week.
Still riding, but will stop in two weeks time, because I'm moving on educational-wise.

My lower back is still hurting during certain activities, for example during dips.
Also I don't do bent over rows anymore because it didn't feel beneficial for my lower back during these times.

I guess I will have to give it some rest, let those discs heal and continue doing lower back and abdominal isolations, right?

I also do a lot of stretching like the pic in the next post, for months.

My executions are fine. I will post a gif too, you might have already seen it.

Thanks for reading, I've been coming to powerlifting general for a year now and I like looking at the posted gifs and pictures the most.

I did 5x5, Hepburn and now Texas Method. Will do 5x5 again in a month or so.

Here's the gif

Here's me doing stretches for lower back

gj virtus jr.

Eat more or just change programming. You have at least some basic competence on the big lifts, now get some meaningful, structured volume in.

Are you a yellow bear with no pants?


Learn how to unrack with both feet under the bar, and stop unracking with a split squat.

Stretching your hips is good, but look up "Stuart McGill big 3" and join the cult. Just looking at the first photo I can tell your hips are tight and your abs are weak, but paradoxically I've never found direct ab work really beneficial to correcting weak abs.

Looking at you hyperextend especially on your ascent. You need to learn to brace your abs. Paused squats can help teach this, but your hip/spine mechanics look fundamentally screwy. I'd prescribe front squats and more googling, this time "Chris Duffin how to squat" and watch the whole thing through, pausing to practice what he's talking about.

Thank you.

>your hip/spine mechanics look fundamentally screwy
I can work with that, just like with the clues you gave me

I always considered deadlifts and squats to be enough training for my abdominals, and also ohp and bent over rows to some extent

When I do rolling triceps extensions with a barbell, am I supposed to keep my elbows forward the whole time? Or can I let them flare?


I was hoping to get my bench up before I switched programs. But it seems SS is bad for bench anyway. Any suggestions for a new program? I was thinking of TM but I don't really know. I'll never be competing or anything. I just come to plg for strength tips. Don't care too much for aesthetics. That said I don't really want to get fat.

Are Nuckols 3 day versions always more volume than 2 day?

So it's a better idea to do 3x intmed than 2x int?

Also how does beginner 2x bench compare to 3x? What does the CGBP do and if I stop making progress with 3x, could it ever be a good idea to go to beg 2x?

>I'll never be competing or anything.
You say that now, I did too. I can only recommend it, it gives you much more purpose and direction in your training. Everyone is pushing them hard but I like the Nuckols programs and if you do the new/improved/heavily modified 5/3/1 it's not bad either as far as providing structure, though you'll need to do a lot of benching and probably up your bench weights a little faster. GZCL programs mostly look fun but for whatever reason no one here runs them and it's a reddit program.

what shoes does he wear?


eat a spoon

Does it matter that my bench and OHP are still novice level? My squat is almost at proficient on symmetric strength. Deadlift is intermediate, OHP is close to intermediate, bench is like half way to intermediate. I know you're supposed to get to intermediate levels before you switch out but my lower body is way more advanced then my upper body. Should I just stick with SS a couple more weeks and just eat more and take caffeine?

I do 1x5 every wednesday on deadlifts. Since I've been getting grip plateaus I'm doing mix grip. The question is should I alternate the grip (changing supinated right to left hand every week) every week or keep it the way it is? My focus is to lift for health and longevity so how would this affect me?

That's pretty common. And I don't think a few more weeks of grinding out 4.5 sets of bench per week will really help much. Do something with more volume, some assistance, and gain some size in the upper body.

Have you tried chalk?

Definetly should but it's hard to buy it where I'm from, so for now I'm trying the mixed grip.

>when you go to make da fried rice and forget da rice

hook grip anything else is a meme

alternate. the shoulders are in different positions during mixed and you'l end up with muscle imbalances

two other options are using straps and training your grip seperately (using the same weight you deadlifted), or sucking it up and using hook grip.

>the shoulders are in different positions during mixed and you'l end up with muscle imbalances

Oh for fuck's sake

gj user

Alright. So I should just drop weight and go for reps but continue with the SS schedule? Or do I fuck with it and bench 3x a week somehow. Thanks for the help

>not benching 5 times a week
not gonna make it

Bench at least twice a week, three is perfectly fine too. I would do something more than just 3x5 benching, you're not going to get much further with that kind of volume. More low rep sets and some accessories. Gotta go, other people here can help.

If I stop making progress on 3x beg bench, is it ever a good idea to go to 2x beg? Or do I just go straight to 3x int?

is there a discord for /plg/?

there is a "plg discord" but it doesnt really have anything to do with plg anymore

long as it's got chill people. got a link, or is it private

By going for reps I meant like 8 reps.
I do 8 hour bench sessions

anyone got wendlers krypteia program?

I dont have a link sorry. as far as Im aware tho, its really just a front for escort services provided by a pikey girl living in leeds(uk). so if youre not in driving distance, theres no point

>tfw have terrible impulse control
>tfw cant allow myself to eat cookies because ill go on a binge and get incredibly unhealthy

I have only eaten 6 cake slices in the last 2 years - I eat one slice at my mum, my dad and my sisters' birthdays. I haven't eaten a chocolate bar for going on 5 years now. I can't even remember the last time I had a cookie - must be almost a decade now.

Feels bad man.

meant for


She's picky and ignores all your advances if you don't pull 300kg reee

Sounds like a challenge. She the tall Slav who posts underwear pics?

How to fix shin splints

How to squat highbar with long femur, short tibia and short torso ?

I am already using squat shoes and my squat still looks like good morning.

Increase forward knee travel.

Therapy. What else can you do?
Fighting mental health issues alone isn't possible.

Perhaps have one chocolate bar a week. Don't make a big deal of it. Have it and go on with your life.

Then have one twice a week, then 3 and so on...


Look up at the top of the wall, where it meets the ceiling, but don't arch your neck to do so. there may be some tiny neck travel, but don't fret.

You have to keep your shoulders and chest high, your lower back tight, and push with your legs as you rise. Don't just "stand up" with the bar.

>have someone you respect at gym watch your form and offer advice. man....

>don't eat properly
>get 3 hours of sleep a night
>cardio or lifting everyday
>surprised fail two sessions in a row
>want to blow my fucking brains out


>get someone to film you doing squats
>it's from the wrong angle
>realize that your ass crack is showing

Upload pls?

no thats frog :^)

tfw finally making gains, thanks candito 6 week.

Bench has skyrocketed, i started on 107.5kg x 1 rep, just finished 3rd cycle and hit 115kg for 3 reps.

I disagree with people who say C6W is bad for bench.