Is the thing about anybody being able to bench 1pl8 true?

Is the thing about anybody being able to bench 1pl8 true?

I started lifting in September, I could only bench the like 95 and just now I can bench 1pl8. I only get like 1500 calories a day (fatass)

Is that bad? There's no way anyone can just start out being able to do 1pl8, right? 1pl8 means 135 lbs, right? These fucking meme terms are so confusing

When I started my 5rm was 135 but honestly what you do when you're young has a lot of influence like whether you sat inside playing games or went out and played sports and climbed trees. Everyone is different.

Nah, some of us are just weak faggots and that's ok. I just started lifting seriously and had to bench 115 for reps when I'm 22, 5'10, 180. When I was 16 I could barely do 95. Just eat and stay consistent, you'll get there. Here's a pic of my shitty body for context, now up to 140 5x5 after a couple weeks.

seen two twink looking guys struggle with like 25 kg a few days ago. that's like what, around 50 lbs? so there are people out there for sure

Some people are going to have good chest and tricep development already from doing a lot of push ups, some will not. Also weight plays a big role in how much you can bench.

Tbh not everyone is going to be able to bench 1pl8 the first time they step into the gym, but if they have been athletic before then yes.

yeah before i started lifting i couldnt even do a push up, i never played sports or anything and just stayed inside playing halo 3 all day during my childhood

at least i know its not a genetic thing

Nah I am still struggling with benching 50kg 5x5. Everyone starts somewhere, leave your pride outside the gym and do what you can.

It's okay, I started off in July and could only bench the bar.
Now I can do 0.75pl8 for 10 reps, will hit 1pl8 before June

I started at 165, I was a 115 lb sophomore in highschool. You must be a bitch

Your body has to learn how the different muscles need to move in order to get the bar up (Intermuscular Coordination) and your brain needs to learn how to recruit the most muscle fibres in order to move the bar (Intra-Muscular Coordination). So you first need to learn the movement, correct form, the amount of weight which can be moved is determined by these two factors and the muscular development of the need muscles (pecs, shoulders, tris).
When I began working out, I only did machines in the beginning, after a few months I moved to free weights and could easily load more on the bar every workout for a few weeks, but didn't Start with 1pl8 either

I was an extreme skeletor before going to the gym and I basically had to start benching with the bar.

It's not glorious but you make gains quick at least.

i could bench 80kg for 5 second time in a gym, but i ve been doing like 300-400 pushups a day with occasional 1000 pushups / hour apriori to that

When I was in high school, I took a weightlifting class. At the end of the year I was barely able to 1RM 1pl8.

Today, almost 25 years later, that's warm-up weight for me.

when you can bench 0,75 pl8 for 10 then 135 should be in(assuming you mean 50kg/110 lbs)

being able to do lots of pushups is an incredible help, through all my lifting life there where always calisthenic bros who i thought couldnt bench for shit but got close or even higher. pushups are an extreme advantage, and a bodyweight training guy doing dips, handstands and stuff can bench pretty high, especially as compared to their light weight

Started off a couple of months ago barely being able to bench 75lbs, now I am benching 120lbs. I grew up playing video games a lot and not being active, I wish I was active when I was younger but I'm still glad I started before I got into my 20s.

I can almost taste 1pl8, I can't wait.

I'm confused. My sophomore year in HS coach had us doing 135lb x10. And that was my first year of lifting any weights. 6'2 170lb at the time. Is it Genetics? Every average male can't lift 1pl8?

you gotta understand that most people on /fit are ,or were, fatties. For them benching 2pl8 isn't even bodyweight
I started in september with just the bar and could barely do 12 push ups. Now i can do 80kg for reps

Also most people are just showing their e-stats or trolling, like

When I started I could do 65 for a few reps. Im closing in on 3 plate now.

I'm usually the guy who posts in order to crush people's faith in themselves and set ridiculous benchmarks as the average but I feel merciful tonight.

I stalled at 1pl8 for a very long time. 6 months. I dreaded hitting chest and felt immense shame when newbie lifters would outbench me.

I kept pushing.

I now bench 2.5 plate for sets.

Just keep going man. Keep moving forward.

Just showcasing stats m8. I was a wrestler and a stronk boy. 165 at 115 is ficking lightweight

I could bench 3pl8 when I was 3 years old you dyel.

>doesn't believe 115 can lift 165
found the weak duckling

It honestly depends so much on bone structure, mass etc. in high school there was a guy I knew who literally started out benching 185. Personally I started with 95 for reps, and now I can hit 275 for reps. So don't fear, just keep working at it.

So you could bench almost 1.5 times your bodyweight the first time you ever benched?

Same here, whole life being a lazy shit playing videogames, started gym 6 weeks ago. First Bench day today and I struggled 2 sets of 75lbs, had to drop to 55 to even get the motions going without my arms wobbling like crazy.

Knowing that this is my peak physical fitness at 25 years old is kinda frustrating but I know I'm gunna make it in the end.

When I joined the army I was a 159lbs at 5'11" dyel and I could bench 135x7

55 on the bar, or bar+10lbs?

not him, but i started with basically just the bar. now i bench 110 for reps. it's slow progress, but it's something. people here don't know what it's like for lanky guys starting from years of zero physical activity.