>Former Joblet (before his big break)
>Not a Beardlet at least
Does Jason Statham represent everything Veeky Forums hates?
>Former Joblet (before his big break)
>Not a Beardlet at least
Does Jason Statham represent everything Veeky Forums hates?
>people on the internet hate confident succesful man
more at 11pm
He gets posted in goal body threads all the time so no
It's called Hairlet
>good chin
>good decent beard
His beard and chin makes him look very manly and totally disregards his baldness.
>be 6'4
>weak chin
>big nose
>drunk eyes
Don't make me lose my hair please, that's all I got left. Fitting is still a work in progress.
Jay-Stay is pretty cool
No, he represent everything insecure social rejects (AKA beta males) who happen to lift as compensation hate. They are like 20% of Veeky Forums, but 80% of shitposters.
he's a handsome man tho, i think its his skull, perfect shape
wasn't he a competitive diver or something?
he doesnt have any special features though, his nose is big, his forehead is big, his chin is nothing special. but he is the perfect example for a masculine man. guy does not even bother shaving his head regularly
yes he was
he was also an amateur model for a company that wanted a "not-so-model" looking guy
op's kind of "he just got lucky hah" thinking is the reason why he is here brah
Wasn't Statham also an Olympics-level Diver?
Apparently you're a brainlet
he's the only guy I know that looks better bald
wasn't he a model before his movie career though?
Take some roids, develop a stoic attitude, and it works out just fine.
this board hates everyone who isn't a less successful version of them or how they used to be, so i'd say a good chunk of people hate him. i used to occasionally get told i looked kind of like a young jason statham, so if i can end up pulling off the balding manlet look a fraction as well as he does i should be all set. unfortunately, my nose is noticeably more prominent than his is and i'm overall less attractive, but i'm 2-3'' taller than him and i have more narrow hips so i can't tell if i lucked out or not.
Please go on about how Veeky Forums is one person
Why would I hate a celebrity. I pity them honestly considering what they have to endure
he is what we should aspire to be
Dwayne Johnson
Vin Diesel
Bruce Willis
rosie is like 175 and probably wearing high heels
he must be around 180, thats average even for hollywood and famous people
hairlet is a meme if you got a good skull like I let my hair grow when I got tired of the drug dealer look and people were telling me how much better I looked shaved