Steroids general.
Jacked LARPing fags only.
Go read the wiki on leddit.
Steroids general.
Jacked LARPing fags only.
Go read the wiki on leddit.
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whites only
Is it true u can make like hgh out of simple bacteria or somethin can't get my doctor to prescribe meh hgh cuz 6ft mother fucker
I feel sorta feverish
I only.slept 3 hrs last night and im wearing a sweater
no thermomemter
i injected a non sterilized olive oil + test e mix twice now
man my glutes hurt
dose this look ok?
am i infected?
Is that ben affleck?
>south park
Last thread was the fastest we'd had in four months at least.
Test flu is a meme, I'm sick too and completely off gear, it's just that time of year brah
Sieg heil Viktoria
Spent way too much time staring at this pic looking for the infection before I realized there isn't one and you just posted your ass so we'd do exactly that; stare at it
8/10 troll, 7/10 ass
ya but its not real gear
i judt poured olive oil into my syringe and put in a scoop of test powder snd pined it
so im just a bit woried it could be celultis ir smthn bad
fever can also be a sign of infection
you have anaerobic bacteria liquefying your glutes right now
the toxic metabolites are hitting your bloodstream & the rest of your body
good luck
a brother dont need medications to have high test
How real is PIP? Something to be genuinely concerned about?
I thought orally distributed hgh didn't work because the stomach acid breaks it down to quick, the only way is pinning??
Concerned, no but it is real and happens to everyone. I'm especially sensitive and get it from basically everything except pharma test.
should i lift today?
will heating the mix in a spoon and adding benzyl alcohol next time prevent this?
>dat feel when you dont know how to get steroids and everyone online just says fuck off
You faggots are behind like 8 proxies why can't you say....even a source you don't use. Im not fbi I just want to know why its like a fucking fight club meme. Does everyone use shitty bitcoin to buy chinese bathtub roids or what?
every fucking thread
stop, you are not funny
we aren't getting banned for you. that's all there is to it, it's not some fight club shit.
>Does everyone use shitty bitcoin to buy chinese bathtub roids or what?
yeah pretty much
im not kiddintg
answer me
Pip is unpleasant but goes away pretty quickly.
read the prev thread see this BN faggot still mad Aff, but then againn.. no wonder he mad because he cries himself at sleep while thinking about my nnatty piccss. He mad because he gyno and i am not. He mad because he ugly and i am nnot, he mad because he shitty genetics andd me not. YA HEARR MEE?!!! YA HEAR MEE
MOMM PLEASEE TELL ME THIS ISNT TRUE, shut up faggot son you don't have the bbc genetics unlike masT
IS IT TREN?? IS IT CLEN? What it it what he is usinggg
If you have pain for 3 days so far post injection, does that mean you're infected?
We hear you MasT, now simmer down
Fraud related:
How long can I expect tren E to still show in a blood test? I know steroid tests aren't typical of any job outside the FBI or some shit but I'd like to err on the side of caution.
Semi-fraud related:
She's on the pill, I'm on assloads of tren and test, and I pulled out. Am I safe?
Okay so at this point I am considering just throwing my accutane out. it costed me like 150 bucks but I'll throw it all out because I don't want to get worse eczema by taking it.
I will cut out all dairy and any extra oils from my diet. Should I be fine on my dose of 550 test and 650 EQ? I know it's obviously very different person to person but my acne is very minimal right now and I'm 2 pins in.
If I get acne I will probably go to a smaller dose of test and a higher dose of weak androgens like EQ
I heard acne can begin to get worse 8 weeks in, can somebody care to explain why? I thought fluctuating hormones caused acne but 8 weeks into a cycle should be relatively stable yeah?
dat long finger tho
you probably are, with aids
>posting cock pics specifically just for other muscular men to look at
bruh wtf wrong with ur thumb tho? nigga got some kind of angelica houston gone wild thumb
I need you to spread them out a bit before being sure, it could be a nasty infection so please collaborate
Cap come to the discord lad.
You too wtf why didn't bimbo bring you into the discord chat yet. We have FL, and Chem, and jerry.
dont leave us alone with raws spoonheater user and bignig i beg you
During my last "cycle", after my last pin I had pip for almost 2 weeks, it's been a month since then and I ain't dead so I'd say you're good bro, try heating it before pinning
Ouch. It must suck to be black and have a small dick.
I mean I guess you can always fuck black girls, but knowing you'd never get a white girl must blow.
OP I havent seen that pic in years. Have you been here for awhile???
We already have dood. Sorry. All the tripfags are shitposting rare puppers and relationship advice to each other now because fraud is ruin.
Who else isn't /fraud/, but just thinks that steroid usage is pretty fascinating?
Invite me to discord pls
Send me an invite thru email if u don't want the whole general in there dutch7@protonmail com
Is it debilitating? What kind of pain are we talking?
Hello fellow roid users
I bought creatine powder today and I'm a fucking n00b when it comes to creatine steroids so I was wondering if you could write me up some tips
masT post a back shot
It's not oral HGH, it's an HGH secreagoge (I butchered that spelling. It makes you secrete more natural HGH. Like how test boosters make u increase test, but most t boosters are memes and MK is legit from what I've read)
I'm literally 5 mins from ordering 4 grams of it for $120 off eBay
Who the fuck is cap?
dont invite this faggot
It's bimbo's channel. Ask him.
Cap "Memek666 shill" italist you fucking newfriend.
50 mg of tren ace eod for 5~ weeks to finish a cycle, is it aite for a first experience with tren?
Take it anally for best absorption.
oh i know, all the cool kids have left for the discord. but seeing some of them drop back in occasionally for banter and advice is enough for me to stay, just dont convince them to stop that too.
totally unrelated, where you at currently? havent followed your journey since prague
That's how I became a fraud. I originally just came to hang out in one of the best threads on fit.
yeah thats the standard beginner dose, sides should be relatively mild
Fair. I still lurk here, obviously. Some shit that's posted is kinda funny now that all the MASSIVE shitposting is gone.
I'm in budapest rn, again, going to Bucharest in Romania cus I have to fuck off out of the schengen provinces if I wanna pick up my bike and go to Switzerland/Italy in a month.
Might go to Croatia, Indonesia, or somewhere with a beach after this. Was in Krakow last week.
Shits cash in Eastern Europe man. 10/10 highly recommend.
is it really this easy to troll white guys?
just quietly tell them no matter how better they think they are than you that you can literally fuck their woman and make her scream to the point that she leaves them for you...
I could not give a fuck about the ronald discussion and advice (I found what I need to use for my goals long ago and stick to it) but the feels are comfy and the banter is superb. Although /fraud/ has seen a steep decline in quality lately.
N I C E. sorta mirin even though I could just take a four hour train ride for the same route, but I lack time and money lel
Onions, dog.
Listen well to be Listen Honestly I have spoonheated Spoon-Sterilized for year~decads and I've been just Right Fine kay.
Is it a meme? Idunno from what I've heard I'm willing to risk my $120 to see if it's a decent product
Wow that roid rage
never reply to me again
Okay. Guess I'll trip for now
Polski bus dood. 8 euros for a fucking 7 hour straight ride just about anywhere.
It's amazing. Free wifi and toilets too, but the wifi quality blows.
Got a half back piece done that I've wanted for years here, too. It's finally healed and I can hit up the bath house party this weekend without worrying about it fading.
Bitches inc.
It's shilled so fucking hard I'd be amazed if it wasn't, but some people and studies report decent shit. I wouldn't personally bother.
It's different for everyone. I cannot walk right now because of my ventrogluteal PIP
should i add anything to the pct?
im gonna be on nolva and hcg, ive read vitamin E is quite good as well and i plan to use it
pics or gtfo faggot
I don't recommend PCT as opposed to blast and cruise nor am I too familiar with it so I'll leave it to someone else to answer
yeah i know, but that still leaves me with the time problem, i happen to be an oldfag with a litter of kids kek
post back piece pls (or reference pic), need inspo for own new tats
Gotta have something to blame my sick gains on, people are startin to doubt the whole "lol creatine bro" line
So I'll just tell them to try mk677 and omit the fact that I'm on test tren and winstrol as well
>haha no j-just been buying smaller shirts b-bro
problem solved
Yeahhhh that too lol
Just added 4g of MK, 1000 empty gel capsules, and a capsule loaded to my cart on eBay and it's $141.50 total. I'm willing to roll the dice
Gotchya. Yeah I'm not a big fan of kids, that's why I'm traveling the world rn and my friends are all stuck in the town they grew up in with two+ munchkins.
It's a map of the world I'm filling in with the National flag of all the countries I visit. So far I only have the countries I visited up till I was 18, I'll probably fill in all of the euro countries I've been to later this year. Shop hours are kinda still expensive and I'd rather get em all done at once. See pic related.
Do that then lol. If you don't wanna tell people you roid you might as well.
I don't have any decent pics yet. I'm like 20+% bf
I'm looking like a boulder right now though compared to a month ago. Leaner by the day.
So I'm gonna be starting my first cycle at the end of the month
>8-10 weeks Test C
>4 weeks Dbol
Been reading up on the science of cycling for about a year. Figured I'd stop by the place that got me into lifting to ask: what were some things you wished you had known before you started your first cycle?
Was it worth it in the end?
How hard is it to realistically hold on to your gains post cycle?
Bro, did you just copy my name? Not cool
But one thing I wish I knew was to stock up on halo, I'm cycling var instead this time because I can't afford any. Oh and pip is a bitch, don't go suspension or prop the first time
Why does mast almost always come in a propionate ester?
Also, if I were to start home brewing, would it be practical to have multiple compounds in a blend? I'm not surprised it's not sold by sources often, but it seems like a no-brainer if you already know what you'll be taking for a given cycle.
>8-10 weeks
try 20
Ya go ahead as long as you dont oversaturate ur junk
Tbh i just heat min in a spoon
Yeah bro, mast so btfo he don't even respond
Got warned and post removed BTW xD
Do I need a liver protector on Dbol?
Cardio on pin days, preferably not too long after pinning, I'd say it helped me a lot
Don't cycle, just blast and cruise, cycling is a waste of time and money, you will fuck up your natural hormone production in the long run regardless
does this shit work?
noticed he didnt respond to that
Double that length
things I wish I took seriously (I already knew them, just thought I was above it):
> C U T to at the very least 13% before hopping on. I bulked too hard and got fat and hated myself until my cut... still great gains though
>Don't fucking hesitate to increase the AI at signs of high estro just because you might run out... You can order more, gyno is a real fuckin tough cookie to get rid of
>On that note, the dbol gains were great but I probably shouldn't have ran it first cycle when I was still learning how to control e2, another oral would have been a better idea
You are fucking retarded
All you B&C advocates are drastically misled
Cycling the the best and healthiest way for a young man to go about this. If you're 45 and on TRT regardless, then yeah that's a different story. But after my first cycle and PCT my test levels were higher than when I started... no need to shut yourself down for long periods when recovery is so easy
i would travel the world too if i had the money, dont make fun of your friends
What did the cardio help with specifically?
Everyone I've talked to IRL on the subject has said shorter is better especially when starting off - most research seems to back this too, why would you say run longer?
I second this question
where the fuck do i get ephedrine in israel
i have lots of shekels
if you're going to run some retarded 8 weeks cycle, at least use test prop
any hairlets on test? how has it affected your hair? anyone using finasteride with test?
bNc jimmies up you hormones way more
yearly 16w cycles in the bulk season is the way of champions
Banned from 4chin oh gawd. Thats all I really wanted to know is if they just trust shitty chink bathtub tren.
how long you planning on running it? 4 weeks you'll be ok at anything below 50mg, up to 6 weeks you'll probably need some relief if you're going as high as 50mg, never use for longer than 6 weeks in a row even with support, that's when it can get a bit hairy
I thnk I infected myself
I feel warme and my ass hurts
i saw enough of the world to last me a lifetime of good memories, tbqh the settled family life is fucking comfy if you have no What If regrets making you depressed all day like it is with most who get memed into having kids too early. sounds harsh but what can i say.
tattoo is a splendid idea, could get fucky with smaller states but i love the concept.
I saw your post on Reddit
Whichvone? link pleas
Does talking about creatine belong here?
Cardio helped with pip pain management, I was pinning eod and when I pinned on rest days, I always felt shittier the day after if I didn't cardio
Prop x Halo baby, the first time and every time
How can I minimise water retention on test-e?