Has Veeky Forums considered taking cold showers?

Has Veeky Forums considered taking cold showers?
>Increases Alertness
>Refines Hair and Skin
>Improves Immunity and Circulation
>Stimulates Weight Loss
>Speeds Up Muscle Soreness and Recovery
>Eases Stress
>Relieves Depression
Did it last night and I honestly felt 10x better.

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literal meme

How cold are we talking?

I take them after the sauna which I might do a couple of times a week, but not otherwise.

Cold enough to make you uncomfortable.

i normally turn the temperature down at the end of a shower so i don't feel as lethargic when i get out

Did you notice a difference?

It feels good but it's not magic.

Don't touch the hot water tap

>Stimulates weight loss
>Improves muscle recovery

Which one is it? A skele like me does not want to lose weight.

I've been doing cold showers for about a week and a half, it's made a lot of differences for me. Much better feeling hair and skin, more alert, less noticeable bags under my eyes, faster recovery times.

For me, I felt less stressed, more relaxed, and with more energy. The type of energy where you get shit done.

Why would I why to speed up my muscle soreness?

its going to increase your metabolism, but not enough to counteract a calorie surplus, no fear skelly-delly only good things may come of this

Norwegian here

I go icebathing twice a week all through the winter
Makes you feel amazing afterwards and gives some cool bragging pictures to post on your social media whatevers

Give it a shot

Hopefully you can find your answer here.

probably placebo but if it works for you because of that that's fine

Just your typical Norwegian.

When you see things that say they cause both weight loss and muscle growth, red flags should go off. That means these claims are coming from studies on rats or cells in petri dishes and each study is going to fail to find the other benefit. Point being it's bullshit. If cold showers make you feel happy then take them. They burn 50 calories at most, they don't cause more muscle recovery than a hot shower, and they won't cure your depression.

This reply will probably be ignored and this thread will get 100 replies because cold showers are one of those things everyone on Veeky Forums believes in because it's on artofmanliness and other bullshit websites.

is there any difference between cold shower and being cold?

Yes. Having the cold water gush on you is totally different from being cold itself. You tense up, you feel like you can't breath, etc...
Being cold is just being groggy.

The problem I have with this theory is that swimmers who jump into cold pools every day should experience the same benefits

Lots of science going on in this thread.

>I'm a fatass who took one cold shower and didnt lose weight so they don't work looosers

Been doing it for a a couple of weeks so far. Will never be taking a hot shower again.
>hair looks amazing, like I used shampoo, and yet I haven't put anything for ages.
>relieves my dandruff itching without chemical bombing
>definitely notice increased alertness, more readyness and feeling less sluggish
>also noticed I look my best right after a cold shower. Muscles are pumped up
>feel suddenly explosions of warmth in areas of my body, I'm assuming that is the brown fat being burned that they're talking about

All in all, cold showers have been one of those things where I actually noticed effects immediately. Please never take hot showers again except for when you're in a Jacuzzi or something.

Hmmm took one today and what it did, was it made me force myself to do something uncomfortable beyond my vomgurt zone. Set the mood for the day in that fashion.

Day was pretty productive at work but i really wanna take a warm bath now like i almost always do after work but hmm... Should I?

It doesn't cause you to lose weight it just increases your metabolism so that its easier to burn calories. It increases muscle recovery because it helps decrease inflammation in the muscles.

I did last night because I got high as fuck and thought I was dying, I crawled to the shower and tried to snap myself out of it

Fuck no, a hot shower is literally one of my favorite small luxuries in life

On what

This is the stupidest fucking shit.

My Grandpa didn't kill Nazis' so I could take a cold shower.

Given you're logic, the eskimos would be the most beautiful people in the world.

Post me some Ms. Universe (eskimo) lady and I might take my tea less hot, you fuckin' spurg.

Morning glory.

>Speeds Up Muscle Soreness and Recovery
No, that's broscience.



story time son

>tripping on fucking bird food instead of dropping a tab/eating some shrooms

Took a cold shower an hr ago, can confirm I was really uncomfortable but felt amazing min later

You made me laugh really hard for some reason thanks mate

Doesn't do shit for hair or skin.
Doesn't do shit for stress or depression.

Everything else is legit.

does it even have any effects if you are not in a pool with cold water? just cold shower seems kind of useless

Any sauce on all those benefits you listing?

I've read that hot showers burn more fat. Something is a meme here and I'm not sure which one is.

>cold showers
>Increases alertness

The laziness of mankind knows no limits. Everyone wants a shortcut no one wants to do things that suck.

I cold shower but mostly after workouts not exclusively, but when I do take one in the morning I'm in and out of the bathroom in 5 minutes and wide awake regardless of 6/7/8 hours the night before.

Hell most of the things on that list are objectively true...being cold as fuck immediately raises your heart rate and gets your blood flowing you don't have to be a fucking medical professional to see obviously there's real benefits

wtf is that thing

I do then when I sauna after my workout.
cold shower
30 minutes
cold shower
30 minutes
cold shower

no not unless it's a million degrees inside

cold showers do burn calories, cause you are shivering caues its cold. IMO the biggest real benefit is it might reduce bacne.

that said, someday civilization is going to fall. Maybe someday soon. Maybe tommorow. And you will never again enjoy a nice hot shower. And as you shiver in some muck filled ditch, trying to clean the herpes sores on your crotch, you will think "why the fuck didn't I take more hot showers when I had the chance? they were so LUXURIOUS, yes so FREE. And now I will always be cold, always be hungry, always be tired"

the future

Been feeling like shit the last week because I haven't been able to work out due to a god awful pinched nerve in my foot, and the stress of finals. Will report back, maybe it will give me the boost of energy to finish the last page of my essay.

that was actually pretty refreshing, I wish I could have made it colder. I def feel more awake, and i feel better overall, looking forward to my cold shower tomorrow morning .

>it's a million degrees inside
You'd be dead retard.

Been taking cold showers for about two weeks now, and the hair gains I've made are fucking crazy. Nothing other than that though.

I feel more alert and less depressed. Feels good!

I forgot it also really helped stop me from pit sweating my shirts into oblivion. I live in Texas so it's hot as balls, significantly less pit sweat over the day with cold showers.