That first pop of the day

>That first pop of the day

Honestly nigga if you want similar performance on tests just take some caffeine pills. Safer, legal for all, cheaper, not basically legal meth.

What is that?

adderall instant release

not even close my guy

took some vyvanse 30mg like 2 hours ago

>tfw vyvanse supply is running out
>accidentally sperged out on girl i used to buy it from and she won't talk to me
>saving the last few for exam week

i've been taking 10mg ritalin ir daily for the past week cus finals, and the high is already running out wat do

i've also lost gains from not eating so idk if it was worth it

Does it actually help? The only time I've taken it was when I was underslept and it just made me feel like I had to poo.

Ritalin fucked me up. I was on that stuff for years. Turned me into an emotionless zombie, social retard. Sucked all the joy out of my life. Literally made it so that I was uncomfortable in every situation and hated being around people. Kept taking it because it gave me good grades. Finally stopped taking it, and my life has been amazing since then. I've sworn off any ADHD medication.

Granted I was on 72mg, but still, I cannot recommend taking it. Shit sucks.

happy nuts bro

>72 mg


10mg gets me fucking hype. jaw popping out of my face

Instant release addy, snort 2.5mg. You'll be good for hours and you burn through your stash way slower.

read this as vynzanse Jesus christ

I've been taking addy 2-3 days a week for the past 4 years of college except for breaks. My biggest worry is that I'll need it when I'm working as an EE

Instant release?

20 mg ir were my shit. "oranges" best stuff in college.

can you people red pill the fuck otu fo me on these things. Im starting uni soon and wondering if i should look into these. Im older and have done coke a bunch of times so im no rookie ive just never been into pills or needed help studying i suppose.

If you dont need it then dont take.

>If you dont need it then dont take
That was highschool 8 years ago dude. I probably need it now.

I only use it under certain conditions and never for longer than a week. Pretty much only use it when I must work all day with few breaks and have to cram in a lot of work and/or memorization. Helps me do a lot even when I'm tired and low on sleep.
DONT just take it because you're shit at prioritizing your time and need to catch up. You'll rely on it too much and get lazy.
DONT allow distractions around you while you're on it, you will lose all your focus to stupid shit that doesn't need your attention.

anyone know where to get some addy, ritalin, or vyvanse?

which one specifically do you tae and do all 3 that have been mentioned do similar things?
Do you get yours locally or order online? Just curious

Why do you think you need it now?

Just go to a lmaorepist and say you have adhd and get low dosage

I looked into nootropics just a bit. I got l theanine to take with coffee and caffeine pills, isn't world changing like some people say but makes focusing and using the energy from caffeine a bit easier.
Anyone use modafinil? Only one that really interested me/I'm considering getting, seems really neat

The same reason as everyone else here i suppose. And im not even saying I do just want more info i guess.
Why do you use it?
Does it really make that much of a difference?
Stories idk

I want to stab all of you in the face with a brick exactly 119 times, also I hope all of you step on a Lego.

>tfw adderall gives you an amazing high but ritalin just amplifies your anxiety
>tfw your dealer is all out of adderall and only has ritalin left

it's fancy meth for idiots who haven't learned how to manage caffeine efficiently

>manage caffeine efficiently
tips on this
OK this is what im talking about
Can you explain this more. Whats the difference between the 2?

I have a dopamine deficiency, it allows me to tolerate things that i wouldn't normally be able to like socializing, reading, listening. Motivation in general.

>I have a dopamine deficiency
How were you diagnosed with this?

72 turns you into a fucking jittery zombie. The lowest dosage I ever took was 36, and that was before I quit. Still made me feel like shit. Looking back I can't believe my doctor let me take that much.

Not instant, but within 30 minutes generally, granted I had gotten used to it considering I took it almost every day for two years.

As the other guy said, if you don't need it don't take it.

Here's what it was like for me every day
>wake up, get ready, swallow pill
>Drive to school as you feel the pill sink to the bottom of your stomach like a rock
>feels horrible in your stomach
>feel jittery, gross
>slight sharp pain in head
>look around constantly
>sweating, sweating everywhere
>clothes feel horrible in my skin, just want to be naked
>imagine floating in an endless pool of water, completely naked
>friends are talking to you
>teeth are clenched and grinding, don't want to open your mouth to talk to them
>just smile and laugh nervously and nod your head
>taking notes, writing down every word the teacher writes, obsessively and as fast as you can
>as you write you get this bizarre anger and frustration in your chest, but you keep writing
>friends are talking to you again
>fuck leave me alone
>fuck fuck fuck don't touch me don't touch me
>fuck they touched you, their hands feel like hot coals on your skin
>jesus christ you're sweating so much, you leave a mark on your seat when you stand up
>why is everyone looking at me why are they looking at me
>try to speak but the words that come out are retarded
>see hot girls, can't even think about getting laid, the thought of someone else's skin touching you makes you want to shrivel up and die
>I don't want to talk to anyone I just want to do my work
>can't eat, the thought of food is revolting
>just want to be alone with your thoughts
>completely obsess over the stupidest things
>want to die
But hey, it's all worth it because math makes sense to you now

I explained symptoms to a psychiatrist and they gave me some drugs to try.

Addy makes you drop the best loads. Also study for 8 hours straight and retain everything.

Best drug for cutting too.

>Here's what it was like for me every day
jesus dude that sounds horrible was it worth it?
Was it only that bad because you were on so much?
I thought tons of people took thsi type of stuff to study and ive never heard of it being that bad before.

I take Adderall 20 mg instant release. Buy from a friend who has a prescription.

I thought it was worth it cause my grades were great, but looking back no, it wasn't. Honestly I don't know if it's just the way my body reacted to it or if it's just in how much I was taking, but it's likely a combination of both. I didn't really realize how high my dosage was at the time. I sold my friends some of my 36's and none had the same reaction as I did, but then again when I started out taking it that's not how I felt, it was after a while when it started making me feel awful. I've read stories of people having similar reactions to it, though. I know that adderall is different, but I'll never try it, staying clear of all of that shit now.

Why are you taking a viagra pill every day?

you can try starting with 100mg tablets. jet-alert is what i typically use because it's cheap and hit's that level. basically you find the right XXXmg that makes you alert but not hyper and use it when you need it. never try to "improve tolerance" you want to use only as much as you need. find out when it's best to take dosages. my favorite way is to take a 100mg pill, then put my head down for a few minutes. the caffeine kicks me back quickly and the nap helps clear my head

try a few different brands. even though they say a dosage i think brands have different levels of drive.

I will say though, the one great time I had on it was when I had this massive paper due in one day, so I took two of the 72's and drank coffee, put on hardcore punk music and fucking cranked unlike anything ever before. It was nuts, and I'll never do that again, but I've never had so much fun writing a paper.

>instant release
as opposed to what?
Whats the difference?
>Buy from a friend who has a prescription.
I dont get this. Does he just not need it and sells it?

Sorry i forgot if you werent taking adderall which one were you taking?

Extended release is the other. Basically half a pill instant and the other half hits you 4 hours laterish.

I figured you meant you combined caff with other things to enchance it or something, Im a coffee addict so 100mg wont do a single thing for me. I usually get in about 500 a day.

maybe you were taking too much or didn't really need it

when i take vyvanse or adderall, the worst i get is clenched teeth and the shits.
also i never really felt high when i take it, just helps me do work
don't really see how people use these drugs for fun desu


I definitely needed it, I've got ADHD like a motherfucker, and the meds helped me a ton, they just made me feel like shit. I wouldn't have kept taking it if it didn't help. But I definitely think I was taking wayyyyyy too much, I just never really voiced any of this to my doctor.

sorry but if you're doing 500mg that's about as much as you can safely take. you should try to go cold-turkey for awhile and lower your dependence

>that's about as much as you can safely take
Defnitely not true dude. I knew people in the navy consuing way more than that. It really isnt a big deal. 2 cups of joe and some pre workout basically.

IS this similar to adderall just a different brand basically or do they have different effects?
Do people take both when studying? Or is it one or the other no combining?

>>Buy from a friend who has a prescription.
I don't get this either. Does he just not need it and sells it? So, what, he lied from the beginning just to get legal drugs to illegally sell?

Or did he think the doctor wouldn't notice when he used 1 month's prescription in half the time?

Different effects. Totally different drugs, just generally used for the same purpose. I've never heard of anyone mixing the two, can't imagine it would be healthy, nor helpful.

yeah i drink ~ 72 ounces of coffee a day, which is roughly 800 mgs of caffiene.

feels good man

Im pretty much addicted to this shit

any of you out there have penis problems because of using brain pills?

buddy of mine got some kind of adhd medication prescribed to him, he told me he's wanting to get off of it because he tries to have sex with his girlfriend but he can't get it up.

it's hilarious because now he's taking penis pills to counter the side effects of his brain pills.

>can you red pill me on blue pills?

search pubmed more than 500mg is hurting your heart
>muh SOWs drunk more
most of those cunts are losers if you look at them

>They need drugs to cram at the last minute instead of studying a little bit to the weeks leading up to exams

LOL brainlet detected

About to get my science degree and I fucking coasted through college with studying only a day or two before the tests.

Focalin XR here. 10 hours long, fucking based. Like it better than adderall.

>Have done coke
>Need help studying

Truly never going to make it. Just study 1 or 2 hour a day faggot.

I used it for a bit, loved every second. Took it once every other day

adderall aint shit compared to dextroamphetamine

>Just study 1 or 2 hour a day faggot.
tell me more about your liberal arts degree.

I think you mean SWO and i def wasnt a swo dude those are the shittiest low tier officers in the whole military
mate you can always get better why are you being so gay. Just your nature?

>science degree
wtf is that

LOL geophysics. Try again faggot


Nobody really needs stimulant medication (narcolepsy being an exception). ADHD is a spook 9/10 times its diagnosed, if I could be fucked getting a prescription (bit late now I'm an adult, that's another testament to its spookiness as a condition) I would only use it for recreation, study and selling it. Doctors don't know at what rate you use the drug, they know when you come back and get another prescription, which is always once a month or there abouts so there's no danger.

Man, dexxies are the best, still might try to get that prescription, anybody have any tips to getting a quick diagnosis?

lmao did you have fun wasting your time? garbage job opportunities and crap pay compared to other stem degrees.

is that >dextroamphetamine

yes, its adderalls alpha big brother. adderall is half levo-amph and half dextro-amph, the dextro giving you everything good about the drug and levo giving you all the negative side effects (twitching, somatic discomfort etc). dexxies is just pure euphoria and stimulation.

Doesnt really matter. I went to college for free because I was poor and the gov't thought I was smart.

Try you cuck

>Try you cuck
try what?
also you actually black barred your location? Are you retarded? Do you actually think anyone cared?


Also you can see above that it says he's in Riverside anyway haha.

Modafinil is what I'm really interested in, fuck taking speed long term. Could you describe the effects? Any side effects?

try harder in baiting you dimwitted fuck.

Sharing my location on a pill popping coke snorting degenerate thread. Nice try ya cuck.

>try harder in baiting
How is it bait you idiot. Why would anyone care where you are? Plus it would have just been your city not your damn house address and again even if it was who the fuck would care?


I love me some sexy dexxies

Dexxies are great if you wanna drink 100 beers and not get messy. Hangovers aren't the best though.

On a serious not I'm prescribed for adderall. Should I take it? Did it help anyone here who started taking it regularly?

Anyone looked into taking adrafinil as a prodrug for modafinil? supposedly it's broken down in your system as modafinil and its OTC in the USA

dexxies are great for everything all the time

Can anyone tell me what Xanax is like?

I have bad anxiety and I really want to study abroad in France this summer (from USA). I'm worried that I'm going to have a panic attack and shit my pants during the long flight, and I'm wondering if I should go to my doctor can get xanax prescribed so I can survive the flight. I actually dislike feeling high (I used to smoke and do drugs like acid/shrooms, but after a bad trip I don't do anything except drink), I'm worried that xanax will make me feel high which is what I'm trying to avoid.

Will it help me w/ anxiety? I know this is a random question but this thread feels appropriate

I've never heard of it, I'll look into it. I live in Australia though so it's probably not available OTC for me.

If you take a regular dose of Xanax you won't feel 'high' exactly, it'll just make you super relaxed and not anxious at all. It sounds appropriate for your needs.

Be careful though, that stuff is pretty addictive so don't take it all the time. It fucks with your short term memory as well, especially if you take it with booze.

If you live in a marijuana legal state 4:1 CBD to THC sublingual spray is really good for relieving anxiety and doesn't make you feel high at all. Xanax just makes me want to sleep. I take it sometimes when I fly.

don't rely on drugs. sort yourself out

Undoing a terrible upbringing seems impossible.

Mate, my life was on calamity for about a year from summer 2013-summer 2014. What I was mentally going through, the fact that I didn't kill myself or take drugs, is mindblowing and even I myself dont know how I got through it. Don't tell me to sort myself, I've certainly helped myself. But I'm still scarred with anxiety and sometimes get very bad panic attacks but they don't last for more than a few seconds. Still, it's one of the most frightening feelings ever.

The only reason I'm asking is for the flight, lol. I just dont want to freak out and be stuck on a plane for 10+ hours in panic mode


stop trying out your material on Veeky Forums, kevin nealon

> Adderall literally contain 50% dextroamphetamine

I take Adderall and have the opposite problem. It makes yoi super horny. It makes you last longer in the sack too. Also blowing a load is 10x better on it. Take a little green tea or coffee with it.

I've had a script for a couple years now. Would definitely advise against taking it regularly. It's impossible to maintain gains, if you lift at all hard on you you run the risk of kidney damage pretty much for certain. Forget about taking creatine+adderall+coffee, your body will literally just piss out the water or store it in stomach. Will cause cortisol to be elevated=Lose fat everywhere but gut for max skinny fat. I wish I could take it everyday but now 10mg once a week is my norm on my 13hr class day. (Grad school)

Not to mention the crippling depression when you stop taking it cause lolnodopamineorserotonin after a few days on. Shit almost wrecked my relationship :(

>tfw never taken any adhd medicine. ever.
>dont drink coffee or rely on caffeine except for occasional ice tea (southerner master race)
>finished hs and uni with greater than 3.5 gpa
>have career job in good field with above average income
>smoke the herb on the reg

When will you faggots learn big pharma is in biz to make money? Big edu is just the same. Its all a game you just have to show up and be above average. No one gives a shit if you understand tne concepts, only that you pass the tests and gtfo at the end of the semester. The real money is starting your own business. Too bad you'll never find that out being cracked out on addy and have a fried brain by 25. Suck to be you

Supposed to be hard on your liver, I suppose I'll try it and report back. It does metabolizes into modafinil, but modafinil is just so much easier to take if you can get your hands on it