What the fuck happened to bodybuilding ?
What the fuck happened to bodybuilding ?
Other urls found in this thread:
it was always shit and littered with freaks
It's no longer about aesthetics but size.
Then how did Heath win?
>manlets discover weight lifting to make up for their tiny stature
>manlets discover roids to make up for their mental weakness and hey, might as well make up for your tiny penis
>manlets get to pretend that they're actual men
tl;dr - manlets.
t. Obvious manlet shitposting about manlets to feel good about being a manlet
6'5, 249, 12% bodyfat, been at it for 9 years.
just because there exists actual men like me who aren't bitchy little whiners like you doesn't mean that everybody else is projecting. just you.
grow up immature retard. this website is 18+.
post pics
Post pic then to prove it, manlet.
>inb4 he googles one or takes it from a CBT
7'2" 400lbs 10% bodyfat, been at it for 40 years, reporting in
prove it
You first, manlet
>Tfw 14'4 and 40lb
>tfw solid steel core
>tfw light headed after lifting
>tfw lamppost
>not a flagpole
time to go back to some natty builders
>tfw 29,029′ 357 trillion lbs
>tfw great peaks
>tfw manlets can't even see the top
>tfw mount everest
8'14" 973lbs -2% bodyfat, been at it for 160 years, reporting in
Kronos pls go.
u sound incredibly insecure
Literally no idea.
>light headed
>6'5, 249, 12% bodyfat
Ask me how I know you're either lying or on steroids.
Yeah but a flagpole lifts something
Oh, I know. It's because you're wrong.
kekd at the piano one
I like Roelly Winklar. Fuck you OP.
6'5 is tall enough that a lot the weight is because he is tall. maybe he got a thick booty too
Heath wasnt the biggest on stage dummy. If it was based off size ramy would sweep every year
>lying on a Japanese meme board
>being this insecure
Literally kys manlet
12'12 1200lbs .5%bodyfat I'm only 19 years old
i just like this gif. its pretty decent editing too
27'11" 7500lb 2% bf
Get on my level manlet
>when will they learn
pics or gtfo
>oh shit, someone on the internet is physically/mentally superior to me
>how do i avoid admitting that i'm an emasculated bitch
>i know, i'll just deny it super hard
l m f a o .
But they're not denying, they're asking you to prove yourself
>bbing in boxers
His fucking face.
Gets my every tiem
I wonder if this guy fucks that old bitch who follows him everywhere.
>wearing more clothes will make bodybuilding gayer
You know he does
The design on the wall makes it look like his traps go up to the top of his head
lmao so you're just gonna shamelessly keep roleplaying?
3 500 miles 8 billion lbs here
Tfw just hit an intergalactic deadlift yesterday, feels good man
It was always for insecure closet homos. All of them have done gay for pay. Pure degeneracy.
To be such a low body weight for your height, and then for so much of it to be fat makes you an unimpressive liar.
As well why would you be telling us your stats if lifting/bodybuilding is for manlets?
Clearly the former was correct, you're a manlet shit talking about manlets so you feel better about being a manlet.
I suppose you'll never learn...
>only deadlifting lmao1galaxy