I'm the only person at the Gym who does Deadlifts
Are DL an autistic exercice?
I'm the only person at the Gym who does Deadlifts
Are DL an autistic exercice?
you're on fit
search your feelings, you already know the answer
You need to post your form in all honesty. Painful it may be but better to be self-aware now, than ignorant later.
Ask him how retarded you look in 6 months when you are making gains and he isn't. Do your DLs, literally nobody cares what are doing at the gym, and if they do, its because they are projecting.
It's just a tough work out that requires perfect form and normies are too lazy to do it because its not bicep curls.
Normies are really ignorant man. There is abounds difference in knowledge between the Joe who hops in the gym, runs for 15 min and does curls, versus someone with even basic knowledge of Starting Strength. Don't let that normie condescension get to you, you will have gains and you will laugh.
Same here
I go to the School Gym. I'm trying SS routine(squats and deadlifts every two days)
Some schoolm8 told me he does not understand my routine, he told me it looks stupid. He is into brosplits.
Is he right?
how do you correct a deadlift when your lower back is doing too much of the work?
I'm definitely the only person who does deadlifts properly. Everyone else pretty much drops the weights from the top. A few guys drop the weights from the top, but they will at least get some foam pads from the stretching room and put them on both sides.
Same here
Why noone's interested in deadlifts?
I thought it was the best exercice
SS is a meme.
What do you recomend?
Lower back is normally the weak part when people start deadlifts. It will get stronger, just don't lift more than proper form allows.
SS is a meme is a meme
do SS
Deads/chins/rows give you a great back but people think it's a waste of time to do deadlifts for whatever reason.
doesnt give you big biceps/chest so normies don't care
My wife thinks deadlifts look like the stupidest, most pointless tryhard cringercise in the gym. Who cares? I do them anyway, she likes the results, all is well.
Defend your honor and beat her ass.
What does her son think?
ayo i think dat old cracka look dumb af
>wife thinks dl are stupid
>wife uses squat machine backwards so everyone in the gym can see her ass
it builds your v-taper makes you more aesthetic.
Chick to the left or to the right? I think left. Maybe far right.
Lift a weight you can cope with until you have behaviours set more strongly. You want setup to be replicated every rep.
Develop reminders to ensure you keep form (ie chalk dot on the wall to know where to look, which keeps your head in alignment).
Film yourself and be brutal when assessing form. Film everything. You should look the same no matter the weight, unless you're in competition going for an absolute max.