Hey Veeky Forums
How do I get an ass like pic related? Apparently chicks dig it
Hey Veeky Forums
just b urself bro
Do ballet bra
It's like you're answering your own question.
good mornings
Be born with it
>squat is mediocre
>deadlift is DYEL
Chicks compliment my ass all the time
Isn't this a bit of what you wear rather than how you look
ye 100%
Use exercises designed to target your glutes
yoga pants
1.hip thrust
2. RDL
3. Glute bridge
4. Low bar squat
5. More hip thrusts
Focus on rep quality, getting that peak contraction, and progressive overload.
Same, never hit legs but get ass compliments from random chicks all the time
>Apparently chicks dig it
You mean homos. There's no biological or evolutionary reason for women to be attracted to ass.
glutes for the sloots
>has never talked to a woman
They love butts just as much as us brah.
Deadifts for volume. Makes your butt juicy as fuark and has carryover to deadlifting for strenght.
3x5 heavy. 3x10 medium and 3x20 light.
>Accepts the existence of homosexuality, which has no evolutionary reason/benefit
>doesn't accept women liking ass
>listening to women
I bet you think there really are girls who like Star Wats too, you fucking virgin
Homosex is a genetic mistake and evolutionary dead end, nothing so unusual about it.
What if women liking ass is a genetic mistake? It's not a dead end so they keep procreating. The end result is a lot of women liking ass.
We like big boobs, big butts and wide hips on women as a sign of energy sufficiency and safe child birth as an evolutionary advantage.
Women do in fact have an evolutionary reason for liking big glutes as well, a sign of a strong overall physique and lots of excess energy indicating hes a good provider for her offspring.
actually homosexuality lowers the in-group agression in any society (human or not)
eventho its disgusting and an evolutionary dead end like masturbating
>not being able to stand up for urself
>never gettin da pussy
>eventually start to like guy-shitter
>"doesnt matter ged segs"
>never procreate
>existence was pointless
good job m8 carry on
>his sole purpose in life is getting kids