

only virgins give a shit about their virginity. sex is a fun activity, but it doesn't improve your life at all.. and if you think you were depressed/insecure before just wait until you get into an actual relationship. all your insecurities will be multiplied tenfold.

>tfw about to graduare from a fucking state school a virgin
Well I think I've made it past the most difficult part on my path to becoming a wizard.



>improve your social intelligence?


Just start talking to people, especially people you wouldn't normally talk to. Also, watch and be around people who are very socially intelligent.

bruh first step is to stop associating yourself with the toxicity and ironic memes of Veeky Forums

being lazy, self-loathing, apathy, being ambitionless, never being present to life, all that bad shit that makes you a toxic person nobody wants to be around.

that shit transfers via osmosis, it literally infiltrates your thoughts & behavioural patterns.

good news is so does positivity & all the good shit in life

so you gotta make a decision.

good luck niga.

This dude is right ok the money.
I'm graduating in a few weeks and lost my virginity several months ago... I thought I was on top of the world but now I'm miserable and crying my fucking eyes out

>tfw messed up my limited chances because those grills had ugly feet