Your gf will drop u in a second if this dude hits on her.
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While he toned his shape, I mastered the blade
Femanon here.
This guys face is 5/10
10/10 body tho
Lemme help u
u blind mate?
Nah, because nobody will fuck her like I do
I realized the other day that this guy has an 9+/10 body and 8+/10 face yet he's still not attractive for some reason.
what gf?
>tfw no gf
This face is hardly 3/10
It's not a 8+ face though is it
He has a weak ass jaw.
>never smiles
>wtf is that moustache, shave it off pls
>might be the lighting but jawline looks ehh
Can I get a quick rundown on this guy?
Actors from 13 Reasons Why, a new show on Netflix
Jeff was legit a good dude.
Only charcter who i didn't hate at some point
Not really into a babby faced man not really my type
Another femanon here.
Absolutely nope.
To be that lean he'll be the annoying little bitch obsessing about his calories all the time. "Can you ask your mom how many calories is in that dinner she made us? Oh no, I can't possibly have a beer. Oh honey I can't eat this chicken, it has too much fat in it."
Bear mode is best mode.
He looks like ugly Orb
Now you must prove you are not fat.
Thats why i don't have a girlfriend and only fuck bitches.
Dad bods are the best just give up on your dreams user
>shoo shoo
>your gf will dump you for this guy
Well its a good thing my boyfriend is a little runner twink who likes musclebears
Bruh if this guy hit on ME at I'd just blow him in the closest ally to completion with no regard for my gf.
jokes on him, my gf got stolen by a skinnyfat jew that never lifted a weight in his life
> Veeky Forums
I donno, I like the dedication tho. I would support it. Maybe I'm ok with that because I'm also pretty anal about my diet too
Well, each to their own :)
what did he mean by this?
I never had much against jews before I met this one. Now I totally understand why adolf did what he did
>Femanon here
>Bear mode is best mode.
Nice LARP faggot
Hey, it's all your business if you insist on being insecure and believe that all women have the same taste in men.
kek, true for some girls
>my ex use to say that guys with a little bit of fat and not complete shredded mode are comfier to cuddle
>that face
>looks like a manlet
Not in a million years.
My girlfriend is going to dump me for a 120lb manlet with a jacked up grill?
Sure thing
i mean look how big the outlet is relative to his distance from it, the wall corners, and the mirror
fucking MANLET
Yeah, no shit. That's why I lift - so I can look like him.
>Your gf will drop u in a second if this dude hits on her.
..and nothing of value was lost.
Seriously if anyones gf actually does that then she wasn't worth having around in the first place, just move on at that point. Don't answer her calls or texts or even acknowledge she exists anymore. Find someone else.
Looks bogpilled desu
>10/10 body
top ded
>looking for a single person to spend his life with
>not blue pilled
i dont have gf
>projecting this hard
Simply ebin
Jokes on you, I have no gf.
>your girl
Don't swing that way, I'm straight
And the guy in your pic looks like an insecure attention who're who doesn't even have a nice body type
Lol like anyone here has a gf to lose OP doesn't know Veeky Forums is a leaping board
He has an ugly body type?
>waering a cap
>those lips
>waering a plastic watch
>no chest hair or beard at all
>taking half naked mirror selfies
g8 b8 m8
his facial impression screams im a virgin
he probably isnt but he certainly lacks some confidence
There's a reason he is hiding his face. I'd love for some ugly gymcel to try and talk shit, dude would get mogged. It's all about face, height, and frame. Girls don't give a fuck about muscle if your face is busted
>8/10 face
Nigga he has a rat face
can someone please post the pic of that
Femanon2 here
I'd licc whipped cream off those abs
Unless youre packing double digits in your pants...youre NOT taking any women of mine.
sorry bruh...
the sad and horrifying truth Veeky Forums will never accept.
That bro's attitude is what we need. He's gonna make it.
What do you mean by Jew? Was he an actual Jew and/or did he have a lot of money?
Get left for a shorter, fatter, less attractive guy. My girl had legit mental problems and like him because he also had mental problems and "Got her"
t.fat guy
Greg? Is that you? Lol, he couldnt pick up any girl xD
This one?
Looks like he has a recessive chin, so I doubt it.
You know why? She was him before you. The qt that stopped responding? She saw him.
I'd leave my gf if this dude hit on me
Luckily my gf is way out of that dude's league
Let me tell you about women. Women are the bane of humanity's existence. Every day I curse the fact that we as men must court such heartless beasts in order to ensure the continued existence of our species. Inside all women beat a heart as black as volcanic ash; their cruelty and greed knows no bounds, and for the poor soul that is ensnared by their wicked seduction he shall surely be plundered of all his riches and wealth until there is nothing left but dust. Soon, the dust too shall be taken from him. Every day I curse my primal desire to lead me to sin against my better judgement and cloud my insight, as with all men. Such time could be spent extending our reach to the heavens, but alas, we are grounded, forever condemned to tending to the whims of the vile obssession of our primal desires as the planet slowly dies. Surely no loving God would have bestowed man with such unhappy creature that is woman.
Achievable natty? Is he natty? Looks about 5'11 on ig
>*implying I want girl who will date a Manlet
Kek low estrogen
Id drop him in a sec if he hit on my gf
kek, same, also send him thank you note
>random dude hits on gf
>get all up in his face, ready to fuck him up
>dude backs off, says sorry for causing trouble
>gf "jesus you made me so horny"
>fuck like animals
Hot scale in female eyes
Strong aggressive reckless guy >>> aesthetic rational beta
It's the weak jaw
im a femanon too
he looks like a beta bitch
i only fuck alpha jewish men as do most high end ladies
your girl tells you shes going out with the girls but in reality shes sucking abrahams big jewish cock
did someone say pretty anal?
im not attracted to dudes but i agree, his physique has no flow or any especially impressive parts
Lol at these copers saying he's ugly, he looks really good in motion
Joke's on you. If he tries to hit on my hand, i'd slap him.
What a fucking dork
You will drop ur gf in a second if this girl hits on you
How do you feel about the fact that he's a millionaire with a lot of status combined with good looks and a hot gf?
>my imaginary girlfriend leaves me for a manlet.
Damn, I need to get better at creating girlfriends.
>garbage hair
>face is literally so long that it touches the floor
When did Kellyanne Conway start pro bb?
My manlet-sense is tingling
>being this delusional
Women want cucks. He's not cuck enough
>T E L A V I V
Real jew, however i kinda understand why she chose him, i'd just sit in my room all day shoving moomin figures up my ass
don't give a shit I want to be a trillionaire.
Nobody likes your crush, just accept it
>She was him before you
>women taste
Why don't you have a gf then?
Mfw thinking about jeff dying