I'm type 1 diabetic. I exercise daily. I get low blood sugar. I wanna replace bread. How do I do that? I've been eating dark bread now, if I get low blood sugar, but I think bread altogether is bad. What do?
Replace BREAD entirely
Other urls found in this thread:
make toast
Take less insulin?
eat a banana instead
wtf, diabetes makes you gave too much circulating glucose, having low blood glucose if from you injecting to much insulin
Did for years. For me, it was worse than dark bread, which is lesser of two evils, but still bread is bread.
Im a beetus as well, eat oats and fruits instead.
I inject insulin each workout, you are correct. I need something in my diet to get carbon hydrates from. Currently I eat protein including food after workout and load with dark bread whenever the blood sugar goes low.
deadset i did not type that comment like that, chink moot is fucking with me
Is banana healthy for daily use? I think I'd eat 2 to 3 bananas each day.
So bananas?
>eat oats
Oat porridge?
Bananas are good, I eat like 3-4 daily. Sometimes some apples and citruses, whatever you like senpai.
I think that's what you call it, I eat it on milk. 50-100g of oats with a cup of milk and some dried cranberries for taste.
What's your body like in relation to muscle and fat? I think I'll go with bananas for managing my blood sugar.
Nice trips, dude. I gotta look for cranberries. I think I'll pick them up myself during next autum and put to freezer.
Can someone tell me what should I eat on Candida diet? Please I am starving
I'm dyel as fuck still, something around 20% bf. Been lifting for 6 weeks now.
Haha, I'm on week 6 too, wtf. There's a clear difference on my pectorals. I'm skinnyfat mode. Trying to get rid of my stomach. There's clear change though, so I try not to get depressed over it. Do you have nonexistent shoulder muscles too?
Nuts? Unsweetened, unfried and unsalted.
Yep, I dont see much difference in my body but my lifts go up for sure.
I think our "problem" is still the lack of muscle. 6 weeks is nothing for gaining muscle, but it's great for getting the base right. Now, make it 52 years of lifting and healthy lifestyle and we might make it.
>52 years
Meant 52 weeks, fuck. But 52 years of healthy lifestyle and beyond may be the ultimate goal.
central nervous system gains mang
I'm T1D too. I just do keto, shit works and all my BG readings are 70 - 110 usually. Never hungry either.
This is actually the right mindset.
What mode are you on, Type 1 bro?
I guess average right now. I started lifting a couple months ago so there nothing big yet. Was skinnyfat before but the belly fat is almost gone from the diet.
Don't you get low sugar level often? Also are you on pump or shots?
So, like 8 months? I'd call myself skinny fat still after 6 months. You give me hope, my man.
get carbs from oatmeal and bananas. god tier foods.
Thanks, dude. I'll definitely try it now. Good bye, bread.
>I'm type 1 diabetic
Then you need to get the fuck off of Veeky Forums and find a forum where people give real advice. Veeky Forums is a piss take at worst and the blind leading the blind at best. It's bad enough when you just want advice on stuff like training volume and have morons telling you to do five different things. Please don't jeopardize your health by taking advice on serious issues like diabetes by listening to people here.
Ask people who know.
Thank you. You are right. Nothing bad with looking for ideas. I'll always ask my doctor before making big changes to my diet.
OP, diabetes no matter the type requires a diet. You inject insuline on a daily basis, means you see an endocrinologist from time to time to get prescriptions. Why don't you ask your doctor about a fucking diet???
My wife is type 1, encouraged her into trying lifting, working well for HBA1C so far. 'Replace bread' is a weird term - I assume you mean 'staple carb with meals'?
Oats where possible - works for breakfast, and is good with yoghurt and banana as a snack.
OP here.
Yes, you are correct.
I see the doctor very rarely. Health care is slow paced here where I live.
google dukan bread.
It's a bread-like cake made from egg and oat chaff. It's zero.5 % carb or something so i think it could fit your GI problem.
>Health care is slow paced here where I live.
Ah you're also afraid of people? It takes months for me to pull myself to the doctor when I have a problem just because I'm so afraid of talking.
I liked my doctor at my last town :( Now it's just strangers. Fuck. Also, yeah I'm afraid of people. Maybe when I make it I will suddenly be Chad ;_;
I wanna get rid of my chubby chubs i.e. stomach
Maybe. Thanks, I'll look it up.
Sauce pls
She's a model for Mandalynn Thea bikinis. Try to do some detective work. That's all I got.
That's a cute and well shaped nose desu
>I think bread altogether is bad
Well you are altogether wrong. If that's the only reason why you want to replace bread, you should eat 24 white bread PB&J sandwiches, and inject no insulin, just so you off yourself from the genetic pool.
exercise will pull glucose into muscle and cause hypoglycemia. If you inject insulin around the the same time you exercise, those are two hypoglycemic factors working together.
who is this nut buster
What does that mean?
Camila Morrone
But why? Why would you use insulin if you don't eat anything before working out? Eat preworkout snack if it's been a while since your last meal and always carry glucose with you. Aim for balanced blood sugar levels before working out and eat something after you are done. Be it protein shake or proper meal. Are you fresh case of t1? Since you really should know this.
But like other anons have said, oats are god tier replacement for bread. I eat oatmeal daily and it keeps my blood sugar levels good for 2-3 hours, just long enough for lunch time. You should aim to keep your breakfast as stable and samey as possible. Oats are great here as well since you can add berries, honey or whatever to mix things up while keeping carbs and other macros around the same. Breakfast is ideal for something like this since it's easier to start the day with good blood sugar levels and just maintain than just adjusting from high or lows. It just usually leads to blood sugar levels bouncing up and down due to under/over adjusting.
I've been lifting for 8 months now as t1 and I think I've gotten low blood sugar less than 4 times while working out. Just check your levels regularly and keep at it. Ask your doctor about this if still feeling unsure. Though I'm pretty sure they'll give the same advice as I did since I got my morning routine from my new doctor. Pretty sure you can reach them with just a phone call so no need to autismo over going to meet them. Gl betus user
Also not related but something about your posts makes me think you are finn.
it means you RIP. idk why he decided to bring it up, has nothing to do with the OP
are you stupid or did noone ever explain diabetes to you?
carbs are the fucking point of bread.
>o wow this """bread""" has no carbs :^)
it also has 0 nutritional value. because its woodchips idiot, eating glue is low carb too