Veeky Forums anime
post manly and testosterone infused mongoloid cartoons
Veeky Forums anime
post manly and testosterone infused mongoloid cartoons
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Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero.
The most alpha main character I've seen in a romcom/harem anime in a while.
plus he's pretty Veeky Forums
This nigga
Hajime no Ippo is Veeky Forums as fuck.
Even the protagonist is a manlet.
Where does the hat end and the hair start?
I really don't know
Joseph best jojo
delet this
Big beefy hero benis
No kidding.
Part 2 was the best.
Is that fucking Tintin?
One punch man
Every shonen ever
I used to watch anime when I was 13-19
is everyone here underage
We just know how to have fun
do I need to find the one specific image about manly men in LOGH?
ryo sabea
All Out!!!
Great taste.
Vinland saga
Feng Shen Ji
Gurren Lagann
The new gundam sucks but Damn them boys are thicc
Gurren Lagann sucks
Anything with cute girls doing cute things.
If you can't enjoy watching cute girls, how can you call yourself a man?
>Can train in life extending Hamon, which has a wide range of utilitarian uses outside of combat.
>Chooses not to.
Not worse Jojo, but still an idiot.
Everyone look at this pleb
Kill la kill