>He listens to METAL while lifting
I hope no-one actually does this unironically.
He listens to METAL while lifting
Other urls found in this thread:
Power metal
Whatever death grips does
Retro wave
All that shit dog
wanna share with everyone what you listen to you fucking fag?
Anime or video game music would be my First guess
>not listening to this for liftan
>not getting more and more hyped waiting for 2:12
>not receiving infinite breakdown-induced retard strength
your loss buddy
Why do you give a shit what other people listen to? Death metal gets me hype as fuck. My friend listens to fucking Justin Bieber and One Direction to get hype for lifting. Why the fuck should I care?
If this doesn't get you hype kys
Damn right.
Death and black metal
Is for men with healthy testosterone levels. Anyone who talks shit is naturally a weak cuck who needs steroids.
>he doesn't lift for the synth gods
the whole build-up starting at 2:19 is one of the best ever
I listen to metal even when I'm not lifting but if lifting I usually stick to death or speed metal why you so butthurt about what type of music I enjoy?
Stop caring about what genres of music you and other people listen to. It doesn't matter at all man.
who cares what genre people listens to
it all lowers testosterone anyway
>he listens to music while lifting
this music has no energy at all
you might like more traditional meal
>Not lifting with crazy thrash guitar riffs while lifting
Not gonna make it
r8 my top 25
I reset the play counts every year so this is just 2017
You're god damn right I do
ITT anime fags and shitty metal
Top 10 Pop Charts Faggot Detected
>shitty metal
>links Slayer
How old are you, 12?
its not that, im just used to hard bass kicks, and metal doesnt really have those spikes in sound and somehow it feels flat to me. plus screaming can be cringey sometimes.
What are you implying exactly? That Slayer is shit?
thrash metal a best
thrash never die
This thread is taking me back to high school man. Some shit fucking times m8
>listening to anything while lifting
concentrate on what you're doing
genZshit who grew up on the metalarchives forums detected
>If you don't listen to neckbeard music, that means you listen to neckbeard music!
You're too stupid to exist.
>not listening to 90's memphis rap while lifting
>expecting to make gains
What is the appeal of monotonous sounds like these?
It's loud
It's very primal, listen to the snare
It's not monotonous if you're used to it, I guess. Generally by the time you're listening to that you've heard shitloads of stuff leading up to it in intensity and it's common to play at least a little yourself so you appreciate everything they're doing a lot more instead of just hearing BZZZZZZZ. I'll listen to two songs from slightly different genres or even years and hear them as completely different in intent while my friends just hear the same noisy shit.
unironically listening to metal after 13 should be in the DSM
How the hell do you lift to Toto Africa? No offence but id me too busy chuckling my ass off.
>the (((DSM)))
not buying any today thanks Schlomo
don't listen to metal but this is the only song I can remember back in my edgy metal days
>not listening to audiobooks for brain gains
you try this instead, it even got metal lyrics, i guess
>thinks that listening to an audiobook is the same as reading a physical copy
>being this much of a pleb
I don't mind stuff like this, it just makes me wish I could play Wipeout again
I lift and run to 80s pop. It's amazing
Hold on, let me get my raver pants pham.
sorry i missed this comment at first
thats hardcore tho
The only difference is lyrics and BPM.
its more than that, the biggest difference is the more distorted bass and often the lack of melody, but i can understand when people mix the genres up because there is rawstyle which is a harder and darker form of hardstyle (which is basically what most hardstyle used to be) but then theres also pretty soft hardcore tracks that are meant for more uplifting festivals
thats still the same thing, this constant chaotic "weak" bass that is all over the place, the best comparison i can give you is hitech dark psytrance, its really fast and has these tiny raindrop bass hits youtu.be
i dont know man, its just not my style, at least not when it comes to music that is "hard". there is certainly metal i can get into.
No. I play guitar and all the scaling and badass riffs are too distracting. I listen to tech 9, death grips, synthwave and kpop girl groups to get me koving weight. I know, it's weird.
I do
>not listening to LoveLive or IM@S music while lifting
That's why you listen to slam/osdm at the gym and listen to tech death/tech thrash at home
Whenever I do cardio I listen to Scooter. For some reason the hard kick drums + his loudspeaker vocals help me push through the pain when I feel tired.
>he doesn't listen to grind while lifting
How do y'all even get mad?
I listen to anime music
>put this on for motivation
>accidentally motivate yourself to start hurling plates at people
So, am I the only one that listens to jazz-hop or bossa nova while lifting?
Do you also wear a fedora to the gym?
Literally the only bossa nova I've ever heard is the demo tune on old keyboards, what is it?
Yea bro you totally showed him !
By the way did you listen to the last album of drake,shit is lit bro !
You're judgemental attitude is the reason you have no gf.
I unironically listen to uplifting EDM. Best preworkout there is, pumps me the fuck up
I've been listening to a lot of Outrun in the gym recently. Lazerhawk, Carpenter Brut, Miami Nights 1984, etc.
my mate was playing this the other night, amazing soundtrack
It's a niche of a niche of a niche of a niche, don't expect to be even close to getting it the first time you listen, I've been listening to brutal dm all my life and defeated sanity took some time to get
I r8 it gay/10. get some gg allin in there you fucking faggot
Lately I've been listening to eurobeat at the gym. If not that I'll listen to power metal. Either one can really get me hyped for a lift
Eurobeat is basically power metal in EDM form
If you listen to metal you're probably not old enough to go to the gym
To anyone who disagrees, try naming one metal band that makes non shit music that isn't actually just hard rock.
Pro-tip: you can't.
This post... makes no sense.
>listening to non-shit music while lifting
Name one strong person who does that.
Protip: you can't.
>Not lifting to the sound energy emitted by Mechina
Have fun not making it, faggots.
My man! Care to drop your playlist?
>he thinks hard rock is good
You're the biggest pleb in this thread, hell, this board
>not listening to country like a real American
>not PRing to Dierks
>not rolling home from the gym in your truck smoking herb and coolin to FlaGaLine
Try really cleanly produced slam
That's not what it said deary :^)
>not lifting to Nails
I listen to Two Steps from Hell soundtracks and Rock
this is the album that exposes posers and makes normies cry
>girls on film
my fucking man
I personally have a playlist of my top 25 favourite R.E.M songs, and that's all I listen to when I lift
I'm still building it up
I only listen to kpop.
>not listening to REAL black metal
This is the strongest /mu/ pleb repellant
>Not lifting to kpop
Not going to make it
Desu I like Gorguts but I'd have to resist imagining the riffing if I tried lifting to Obscura.
t. Autistic guitarist
Checkmate, atheists
stop proving my point with your growlshit