Since when is it okay to compare your strength standards to the average man? the average guy is eating cheese and bread...

Since when is it okay to compare your strength standards to the average man? the average guy is eating cheese and bread, and drinking beers, he is at negative athleticism. 1/2/3/4 aint shit, go to a real gym and stop comparing yourself to the average, unless the bar is bending, you you not deadlifting

Other urls found in this thread:

>Implying the average cheese/bread-eating, beer drinking, negative athleticism man can do 1/2/3/4

2/10 for getting me to reply.

mfw 4/4.5/6/7

> OHP 4plate
You are a liar

Wtf are those numbers r u a god?


push press


who gives a shit about strength, you'll never be a pro lifter anyway

all that matters is aesthetics

Implying getting stronger doesn't go hand in hand with building muscle. Case in point, david laid worked up to a 600lb deadlift and look at his gains

>180kg OHP
sure dude


>lifting techniques for strenght
>lifting techniques for aesthetics

post a vid of that pp or shut up
doubt you can strict ohp almost 3pl8 which is on par

>unless the bar is bending, you you not deadlifting

power bars will never bend before 7 plate but oly bars will whip during deads at 3 plate


>180kg The Press
you're so dyel you can't even e-stat properly

you sound like a compulsive liar whos also desperate for attention judging by your other posts in other threads

never got a vid of 405 or 375 for reps, but here is 3 year old vid of me doing 355 ezpz

>tfw had to reactivate fb just to find vid


Vids getting an error on that thread.

tfw i'm gunan get doxxed now -_-

tfw one of my fb friends will receive rude texts


thats on your end user

so a jerk, which is not a push press, right babe?

>split legs by 1 foot

lol plz talk more about how it's not a proper push press so we can see how jelly u r

anyway I did proper push press with 405 after I was able to jerk it for 2x if you don't believe me then...



Not bad, kid.

But once you get to 7/8/12/25 you will feel truly enlightened, like me.

not that a 355 jerk isn't highly impressive, but you've gone from saying you can press 4 plate to pping 4 plate to pping 355 to jerking 355, your story is everywhere and you are lying

I'll go ahead and believe it, but only if you hand over your routine and stack, otherwise I'll lynch you ree


guess im lying about deadlifting over 700 too

press is more impressive than diddy tbhfammo

post routine/stack pls

i can't DL 700 and neither can most people on Veeky Forums, maybe you can. can't you see why you are making things difficult to believe here though

I mean after all there is only a video where I do 700 ezpz, obviously if I lifted even a single lb more or with slightly different form, I would have recorded it

>tfw user doesn't realize that lifts that are epic proportions to him are just another small pr

sorry small fry but my real goals are

500lbs jerk/pp
550lb bench
700lb squat
850lb dead


you want people to say you cant dl 700 so you can link ur yt vid of you doing 700 to feel good about urself about beating hatrz

>355lb jerk
>same as a 405lbs push press
Just stop embarassing yourself.

tehe, exposed

>average guy
>able to do 1/2/3/4

the 'average' guy in the western world could probably not do half of that on all of the major lifts

he could maybe curl with 8kgs in each hand, maybe not even that much

Post video, I'm genuinely curious.

i truly hate tripfags


tehe ty

How are u so strong but look that small


lanklet arms

I think my armspan is something like that of a person who is 6'9"+ I wanna say 7'+ but that seems outrageous(I know the real number is outrageous but I know it's atleast 4"+)

also despite what Veeky Forums says i'm natty, i'm just good at posing and always pose with a pump/dehydrated/downlight etc

lol literally all back

u really 6'5 bro? u not lanky at all from the pics iseen good job

sad about the whole negro thing tho

>who gives a shit about strength
get out