which lat insertions are more aesthetic? high or low?
Which lat insertions are more aesthetic? high or low?
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Low, the muscle covers more area and just looks overall more impressive
high insert makes waist look smaller and shoulders look broader so i say high insert
high insert master race
Damn great example.
I honestly think it depends if you're going for a fuller or leaner look.
Like that other user said high keeps the waist looking small and the shoulders appearing wide, but low gives you an overall wide look, if you have a naturally wide waste or hips I don't think low would be doing you any favors.
are my lats low ?
>to fat to tell master race
you have so much petential
>you have so much petential
Do I ?
Cutting is hell man managed to get down to 77kg
but I think I've hit a plateau
yeah lets hope you aren't low insertion shit teir
>so much petential to have high lats mebbe
if ur lats are low, remember to write a will before you kys
My biceps are already short so having low lats would be a nail in the coffin
>tfw high as well
you can make that look better by changing the way you pose brah... lol
>can't change having lats that make ur waist look hooge tho
How about my back?
>picture not long enough to tell
it's funny you are trying to hide it even tho u are high lat
example, love kai and he usualyl pwns phil but the low lats make his tummy look hooge
I think there is something about the physiology that causes low lats that also makes most people with them waist look big from the front too
Makes your v-taper look more drastic.
Bigger muscle surface.
More impressive physique.
Yeah but shit tier short high insert biceps are always gonna look like shit compared to long low insert biceps. You can twist your palm face away from you but its also gonna lower the peak cause shit tier short bicep spreads to bigger area.
>atleast i dont have chest gap
your lower back is dogshit
If you want to be massive bodybuilder then
>low insert
If you want to be physique guy like most of you fags do
>high insert
other way around. high is better for a v taper, low is better for actual strength and strongmode aesthetics
thas funny bcus i deadlift over 700lbs
why don't we see what kai would look like with higher inserts
tell that to olympia judges
>i deadlift over 700lbs
not with those legs you dont
I think we all know kai looks bigger in one but more aesthetic in the other....
>have high inserts
>also have child bearing hips
Who male hourglass here ;_;
>why do I have to keep posting this video
it's funny because first you insult my lower back and I stiff leg 750
now you insult my legs, so now I can tell you I squat 600 and i'm sure you won't believe me
>I don't have a video of skwats -_-
dude where the fuck are your erector spinae
same here.
contrary to popular broscience belief that says "dont deadlift or do squats bro it will make your ass big just drain delts", you should build up your legs, so it seems as if it's not your hips but your legs that are huge
But gay pants to wear to the gym
Nigga how the fuck do you squat 600 at 6'5? I'm the same height and my lower back gets cooked after anything more than 300.
Also how heavy are you?
what in the fuck are you wearing? Are those shuffling pants or something?
>shuffling pants
I've got reasonably wide hips, and I'm thankful for my low lats actually. I'd rather have jacked lats making me look wide than hips.
Also this
fuck me you're some prick
Wide hips and high lats here. Life is suffering.
The only path for us is getting T H I C C
P-pls no
I'm a manlet, I don't wanna enter thick teddy bear mode.
It's the only way if you have wide hips
Is mine high?
Is mine low?
Who knows, dyel anyway
black people like anime?? who would of known
i've got high and my back looks pretty fucking good, however this made me look a bit like an hourglass when i didn't big enough lats and obliques. low is better for fridge mode
be. i worked enough on them to mitigate this. remember to do full core work ( obliques and abs as well ) and spinal erectors. my core is pretty vertical from hips to lats and then the lats flare out like a pair of fucking wings. i'm pretty proud of my back, too bad i'm dyel in other muscle groups except for shoulders
I think this picture is a better comparison
This, high lats kind of make your hips look wider for some reason.
t. high latlet
>well that's just like your opinion and stuff man
the thing is OP's pic and his pic show 3 very different scenarios, op's second pic and that guys 1st pic are the same....
>the lats lowest point ends at the elbos
for OP's low lat comparison they end almost halfway down the wrists, and for that guys ^ comparison the high lats end way above elbows
so in the grand scheme the best proportions are to have lats....
>that end right at the elbows
not to high and not to low