There alreay is one
Those either look like shit or their face looks like shit. Fuck off shit cbt
nice bod, weird pic tho. Rule of thumb is let the old cbt hit 250-270 before usurping.
slowly changing race
pls help friends
Runningfag here. Added weightlifting to my training about a month ago.
Will I eventually get out of skelly mode?
Well I may not be super buff but I lost a bunch of weight and had excess skin removal surgery 4 weeks ago (chest surgery is this fall)
can someone tell me if I have narrow hips of wide hips?
Kinda old pic, but still look almost the same
Just get wide Delts and lats. That fixes everything
How am I doing?
are you a former fat?
Ok, I know to hit delts and lats to improve it. But from the genetic point of view, is what I have normal or wide or narrow? I still don't really get how to tell.
how much did the surgery cost?
Nice but where are your lats son?
eat a lot of fiber to soak up estrogen you can still be saved
SS claims another victim
You can only tell that after you've reached your full frame from lifting 3 years. Then you can tell
22k €. The chest lift will be 12k €
As I said, this is older pic, my lats are bigger now (actually its the only thing that has changed) here is a more recent, but with bad lightning
Nope, in fact the opposite, former skeleton. I kinda look bloated, probably due to water retention
Yee I know I should really be trying to build more muscle, but I hate the fat that I have now so I've been cutting.
awesome pics. great size. looking thick, solid, tight.
you're skinny fat, dont bulk nor cut.both of them are a meme if you're skinnyfat.just stick to a linear progression program + accessories until you hit 1/2/3/4, only bulk when you stall completely.i do not mean those 1-2 month stalls where you can keep going after a simple deload, i mean a stall where you're absolutely sure you cannot go further without more weight.at that point increase your calory intake by 300 cals.that is called a lean bulk.just do this until you reach your physique goals.
Not sure if the copy pasta or you really mean it, but thanks!
You have a good base. believe it or not starting skinny has its advantages.
The muscle you build will look better at your already low bf.
fatties don't have this luxury.
Source ex skelly
doesn t look natty I bet you at least use some test injections
thank you. i will try that now. i know this is a new fag question but i will still gain muscle mass while eating at maintenance correct?
yes you will get noob gains, dont forget to include bicep curls.in my experience biceps are one of the most noticeable muscles for the normies + they grow fast.
ok thank you for the advice
Flattered that you think I roid, but I dont need test injections, I'm 23 (been lifting since 18). And I'm natty, never took even basic supplements like creatine in my life (keep in mind I don't look that big in real life tho)
what bf % do you have
Never measured my bf, all I can tell you is my stats which is 5'8, around 136 lbs
Down from 250 fatty to probably 200ish (I don't weigh myself consistently). Any advice besides hit chest and keep cutting?
>cutting at that bodyfat percent
Senpai, please. There's nothing to cut down to, you need to build more muscle. Besides, more muscle makes cutting and being lean easier.
Checked. And w2c those shorts?
New pic. Posted one from a week ago in the other
225 bench
275 squat
350 dead
140 lb 5'8
ohp trying for 1pl8 today!
I have some questions.
How do ai get my arms bigger? They feel small.
Best features? Worst features?
>inb4 tattoo and watch
Picked them up at H&M about two years ago. They're the most comfortable shorts I've ever worn, 10/10 for sure.
lmao OP looks like you have tumor growths all over your legs...
thank god I don't work out my legs too much. I don't want to become toothpick mode but I sure as hell don't want to have elephant legs either.
Thighs looking thicc bru
Lmao 1pl8 ohp achieved!!!!
out of proportion looks like you have been ignoring few muscles but you made it
Why do i never get (you)s whats wrong with me?
you dont eat enough and you take shitty photos.
why have your shorts 2 inches down from your undies and your undies covering shit up. you look like a virgin to me
When do people usually start cutting for the summer?
in march or april
Woops, I guess I'll have to continue bulking
>Best features?
Holy crap. Nice job. 37k though? Jesus...
Err, 34 I meant.. but still. You must be earning a lot. Good for you user
>you dont eat enough and you take shitty photos
Are you a CBT regular?
And your mom knows im not a virgin bitchboi
5'7, 71kg, please respond
How do you guys get good pictures? I feel I look way worse in them compared to what I see in the mirror.
6'3" 193lbs
50 days in with a new /beer/
IMO cutting will help
Aww hell yeah what are you drinking?
>Dumbell chest flies, incline dumbell, decline bench
I would give you photo advice but according to this fag im shit at everything
a month ago
I'm trying, I started doing a little cardio
just a little beer, man, cut me some slack
>little cardio
>cut me some slack
You sound like my grandpa
Does your grandpa still have sex with random women?
Then we' re probably alike, cut him some slack.
Nice chest insertions.
I'd fuck you/10
he does
What do I have to say for you to call me daddy?
good then, keep it up
Do I look like I lift?
tell me how much you love doing legs and calves
I have learned that bulking is a meme through experience. You gain muscle at the same rate even at maintenance or less. I am getting stronger at the same rate as when I bulked. It's a hard truth but the fitness industry makes money on this idea.
I hour long bodyweight squat and hip thrust sessions while thinking about cute petite girls.
Does that help?
Take your shirt off faggot.
>petite girls
unrelatd to me so dropped lol
But you are petite.
200 lbs
5'11" master race
good potential, decent asthetics
needs more gear
Well I am cutting now, but I still weigh like 144lbs maine, and no abs showing yet. I weighed 162lbs bulking weight on February tho. lol
mirin legs
It must really suck being a jawlet.
Try training legs some more.
What did he mean by this?
>"whats wrong with me?"
>gets criticism
>gets butthurt
Yeah, you are never going to make it.
send pix bb
6'3" 185.
still skinnyfat
4 weeks into my cut. Probably at 14-15% bf still, so I'm gonna keep pushing for another 4-6 weeks
174lbs (was 185lbs in first pic)
>inb4 hips
You're my favorite user here
You're a tiny slip of a thing. The fuck are you talking abo...OH.
No, you're yolked as fuck.
Much respect.
>Thinking I want to see that lickable tummy and that amazing navel ruined by a six pack
You stay how you are goddamnit
ur nipples are hard did you get horny taking that pic boy?
5'9 165lb.
In tinder news, 3rd date with new grill ended with her spahetti falling out a bit. shy, anime watching, ninja turtle sock wearing, inexperienced physically, probably low-spectrum qt.
>cuddling on coach watching netflix
>light from tv has my forearm vascularity looking ridiculous
>she's staring at them
>I say something joking about how phlebotomists love me
>her: "they always have trouble finding my veins...but you can probably just walk in and say "i'm jacked, take my blood""
She's cute that way though. Makes subtle compliments/mires without going full slut "I like your body, wanna fuck?"
Might keep her around for a while.
>5'8 136lb
Damn son, as you pointed out the leanness and angles/lighting make for some aesthetic pics but for 5 years of lifting you could be packing substantially more mass and not suffer from
>keep in mind I don't look that big in real life tho
Not sure why you haven't been using even basic supplementation like creatine. They do make a difference when you start talking about multiple years of cumulative lifting (provided routine and diet are already on point).
forgot bracelet in your inb4
>Inb4 fatass
6'2, 226 lb, 22.4% bf.
Been cutting, down from 27% bf, but seeing a plateau. Any advice for breaking the monotony?
started training with dumbells 5 years ago in my back yard. started training with barbell 3 years ago and yet,disproportional lift stats to years.
Pathetic self-discipline with following diets. Could never stick to a deficit for more than 2 weeks, and it always ended in a binge (7,000+ cal) ...
will i ever become what i want to? Zyzz? Scooby? Omar Isuf? Elliot? anyone?
Pictures like this are so funny, because it's specifically intended to hide the fact that he looks like a literal child. And this isn't just me hating on him for being lean and looking good, because there are plenty of guys in this thread that look better than me, and plenty of manlets that look better than me too.
It's just this guy, at that fucking WEIGHT, would easily pass as a child, and is 100% a size small or XS or possibly even has to wear children's clothing.
you look like you yodel
Been trying to bulk for two straight years, should I just cut and see what happens? Do you think I'd look better if I cut? I gain mass and strength so slow.
I'll never be a powerlifter, I should say fuck it and go jogging until I'm otter mode.
good arms so far, still got a little titty fat but at least your abs are starting come through. keep it up broski
You look like a regular dude, but you're building a little bit of a frame. You're still fat, by Veeky Forums standards, but not by normie standards.
Your body is boring. Not good enough to comment on either out of jealousy or honest mirin, not bad enough to make fun of or call out, no funny things like tattoos or moles to make fun of you about. You look unremarkable; fine, good by normie standards even, but unremarkable.
At your weight, in January, fatass.
You look DYEL
Your physique is an absolute joke
Looking good. Huge delts, great chest, not much of a core but I guess at 200 lbs you've got some cutting to do.
You look like you lift, but you've got a long way to go.
Good cut, you've even got a bit of muscle under there. How are the lifts changing?
Best physique of the thread, you win. Surprisingly light for your size, but overall great looking.
Eat less, move more.
Here's a pic I just took last one was 5 days old
too lewd
Sounds like you haven't adjusted your tdee to your new weight and bf%.
Punch your new numbers into the calculator and adjust you cal intake and exercising accordingly.