FUCK you Veeky Forums and FUCK everything you stand for. starting TOMORROW I'm hopping on a meme brosplit and looking forward to doubling the speed of my gains
if you're following a strength routine stop what you are doing. all these fucking meme strength beginner routines are complete BULLSHIT. don't fall for the size=strength meme. you can be weak as SHIT but still look good if you're training for mass not strength
>gotta build the cake before you decorate it bro FUCK that and FUCK you. normies at the gym look better than most Veeky Forums posters here because they only understand the concept of working different muscle groups to failure. that and consistency is literally all you need.
Veeky Forums is making a simple issue astronomically harder than it needs to be just for the sake of APPEARING like you know what you are doing. I've finally figured it out.
>go to the gym, pick a single muscle group, work it to failure, repeat with a different muscle group the next day
there you go. no need to read the fucking sticky now. nobody apart from people on this board gives a dusty fuck about how much you actually lift. aesthetics trump all.
You fucking dumbass. How have you not been doing a brosplit? Im going to help you out. Wtf if you already have a strength base do a 5 set routine progressive overload routine.
Example when i do chest flies >set 1 40lbs dumbells x 12 >set 2 40lbs dumbells ×12 >set 3 45lbs dumbells ×10 >set 4 45lbs dumbells×10 >set 5 50lbs dumbelss×10
Increase the weight every 2 sets and go for 12 each time. 10 for the 5th set (heaviest)
Do this with every body part Squats >135 for 12 >185 for 12 >225 for 12 >225 for 12 >285 for 10
And if i dont get a (you) from OP he can go fuck himself and never make any gains
Samuel Martin
>>gotta build the cake before you decorate it bro >>build the cake >>build
Ian Thompson
Dylan Jackson
>normies at the gym look better than most Veeky Forums posters here because they only understand the concept of working different muscle groups to failure. >Implying that the majority of people on /fit actually go to the gym Also I know it's probably bait, but Since you were following a strength routine >post stats
Caleb Fisher
that is exactly what I am going to do. FUCK strength training.
mark rippetoe can choke on my cock
Isaiah Johnson
>not lifting for strength AND aesthetics
Out of my way, pleb.
Gavin Reed
Post your bodies with a timestamp then.
James Carter
But I want to be strong. I don't care about being some ottermode faggot. I want to get goddamn STRONG.
Currently dyel, doing accelerated SL program. I started off barely 5x5 benching half a plate last month; but come June I'm going to be benching 2pl8, deadlifting 4, just fucking watch me.
Connor Johnson
>t. fat guy coping
Ryan Moore
Ryan Gomez
Fuck the fat faggots on this board. You think fucking Zyzz did SS? You think jeff seid does a 5x5? Dont come here for advice come for the lolz.
This board praises skellies and fatfucks
James Myers
Skinnyfat, yeah
But not for long.
Xavier Williams
Stop being fat, stop believing memes
Asher Moore
keepnus updated in one year after your meme gains from volume stop coming and you completely stall because you arent roiding like schmucks at gym
Evan King
T. Autistic dyel cuck
Carson Russell
Why dont you post your fucking body fitness guru? Oh wait you wont, youre a skinnyfat faggot, lets see the results of that >nonmeme training
Nicholas Anderson
*flexes a 'cep*
Julian Barnes
What no timestamp user?
Justin Nguyen
>While doing a rear lat spread.
How about you post an image that isnt from a CBT fuckbitch?
Kayden Reyes
heres my timestamp *unzips dick*
100% natty ego lifting strength training physique
Carter Gray
I'm doing a brosplit and I'm the strongest I've been in my life. It hardly matters what routine you do as long as it's decent and hits all the muscles, and works for you.
Landon Stewart
I know for a fact thats not you.
Christopher Scott
I know this guy. We are in Virginia and I doubt he is on Veeky Forums. Nice try. If that is actually you, then get the fuck off this forum, you already made it.
Nicholas Clark
right arm more pumped than left, post jerkoff pic spotted
Jayden Campbell
Keep in mind Eric has been lifting for 18 years. That's 17 more years than the average fitizen.
Michael Allen
Damn I actually have respect for you since ive seen your twink photos. I will stop badmouthing your in every thread that i see your shitty, drawn on facial hair
Owen Nelson
Eric bugenheimer or something equally nazi
Jeremiah Baker
>he hasen't seen the twinkiest
step the fuck back, we bout to go on a fitness journey lads
Zachary Johnson
>tell everyone to hop on brosplits from men's health and spot train8ing body parts once per week >dumbasses do this and end up looking the same with a little more definition for 5 years >stays on SS for the full 6 months and then cuts and does PPL for another few months >ends up looking better than them faster. D E V I L I S H
Gabriel Cruz
This is probably the "I need abs" low point of my life
Christopher Harris
>Skinnyfat, yeah >But not for long.
so you're going from skinnyfat to fatass fat?
David Lewis
>if you're following a strength routine stop what you are doing.
Don't worry, it took me almost a year to understand strength training is a meme if your goal is aesthetics.
Only retards and newfags will disagree with you.
David Rodriguez
Looks very good but do you have APT/hyperlordosis?
Bentley Nelson
I don't think so mayn, u tell me
Logan Cox
why is everyone acting like this isn't the most blatant bait in the world
Justin Jones
>Not strength training until you plateau so you can lift heavier weights on your aesthetic routines later to get better results
How is this not intuitive to you all? Are you stupid? You do strength training until you're at like 1.5/2.5/3.5/4.5 and then when you're no longer a weakling THEN you start shaping your body once it has the baseline material to build off of.
Xavier Gutierrez
>gotta download (2) the cake before you decorate it
Lincoln Reed
a-user I....
Carter Williams
Why not PPL then? Seems like you are too emotional to think for yourself considering your goals. First you started a strength routine when you only wanted aesthetics. Now you haven't achieved that goal, because of your own stupidity, and you falsely accuse Veeky Forums, and reject everything it says. You want an easy way out, Veeky Forums tells you there is no easy way, and ironically accepting that fact is the easiest way. But you are too much of a faggot to put effort into anything you choose to delude yourself with make believe realities and wishful thinkings that are in reality much less fruitful than what is recommended here. I guess it is good that you choose this path this early, you would never make it anyways.
Leo Foster
Linear Progression is a myth imo, no-one's strength increases 5lb between sessions.
>Mine did!
No shitbrain you started with the bar and "linear progressed" to the strength you were at when you started.
Like seriously how does no-one see through that con?
Christian James
how do i add strength into a push pull legs? did i meme myself because i started doing 2.5 months ago after doing home gym for a year. Also how do you get arms to grow iv been lifting for 1.3 years and my arms only grew a fucking half inch!! currently they are 14 3/4 and im a fucking manlet at 5"8 fuck strength im going to go on a damn brosplit and i hope that will give me some fucking growth
Josiah Nguyen
This people who think they're mutually exclusive have fallen for the memes >But I want to be strong. I don't care about being some ottermode faggot. I want to get goddamn STRONG. >Thus, having the highest possible relative strength should be your primary concern, rather than the greatest absolute strength. This, of course, flies in the face of the conventional online wisdom that "he who lifts the most wins", as anyone who's not a sloppy fucking mass of adipose tissue would be far more impressed with a stupendous lift by a guy with visable musculature than they would with a Louis Cyr lookalike's world-shattering lift. This is why everyone shits their pants about Stan Efferding, Joe Ladnier, and Matt Kroczaleski when there's a new record broken in the squat by a different circus fat man every 45 minutes. This is also the reason why most of you know who 170 lb Bulgarian Olympic Ivan Stoitsov is, and have seen his pic a thousand times, but have no idea who Tatiana Kashirina is, in spite of the fact that she probably clean and jerks what you deadlift. >If you're wondering why no one knows the name of a fat Russian chick who holds the world record in the clean and press and the snatch (a chick who probably outlifts the vast majority of us on just about everything), don't. Fat people aren't really people- they're placeholders where people should be. No one wants to look at them, strong or not, nor be around them long enough to locate their genitalia and fuck. They look like shit, wheeze when they breathe, and are in mortal danger of stroking out when doing anything other than doing a single repetition on one of their pet exercises or eating. This doesn't change much when a fat guy or girl picks up something heavy- we expect them to be able to do so when the object they're lifting is a fraction of their bodyweight, no matter how heavy that object is. Thus, if really doesn't matter that a fat person is all that strong.
Veeky Forumss advice should always he ignored. You dipshits tell every new person to bulk and do SS, they look like shit and leave
THE NEW STICKY: 1. Cut to 10-12% bodyfat, cardio 2. Brosplit and clean bulk until your lifts plateau 3. Strength train and suppliment with hypertrophy after your sets are done
Seriously its fucking easy, almost 90% of the people here could be near their ideal physique within a year if you didnt keep fucking them off with le SS and bulk/cut memes
Samuel Bennett
After starting gym with SS a week ago every other thread I see is someone telling how shit strenght training is. Ok fine, what about this: a beginner does a strenght routine for ~month, gets strong enough to bench like one pl8 and then starts training for aesthetics? Is there seriously something wrong this? It's better than doing brosplit from the start without having any idea of even the basic barbell movements, no?
Jeremiah Ortiz
Zachary Evans
Who gives a shit about getting a relatively max lift right now in "the basic lifts" if they lack the absolute work capacity to use it to build mass and the far more important strength endurance?
Carter Hernandez
Just do both...
Robert Perez
The best part is we have trips that look decent without lifting heavy or doing any compounds and they just get accused of roiding
Owen Evans
Please tell me you understand why brosplits are considered a meme.
If not, I'll spoonfeed your ass.
Luke Morgan
Yet people are on it and achieve a great physique.
Wyatt Ross
It only takes twice as long.
Hudson Martin
Because they spend years doing it. Do you understand what volume is? Are you actually stupid enough to think that you can only work a muscle group once a week and that'll be enough volume, especially if your goal is to "get big"?
Why are you intentionally trying to make things take longer? Are you mentally ill?
Christopher Powell
It is enough volume you retard. Train on a brosplit 4 times a week and you will get better results than any other meme routine everyone here so loves.
Samuel Richardson
Do you know what a bro split is?
Asher Mitchell
Frequency matters too. Your muscles only grow for 48 hours even if you blast the fuck out of them.
You're better off training each body part at least twice a week, with the volume split into multiple sessions.
PPL, UL, or Full body 3-4 times a week are all superior to a brosplit. Nothing says that you can't do extra accessory volume on a strength routine either.
Jose Fisher
Brosplits are just bad programs in general. Unless you're doing 8 hour arms or some shit, no muscle group needs a week to heal.
Mason Long
But I want to be strong?
Elijah Walker
Sure but hit each muscle twice a week please so do something like 2 body parts every time. Thank s
Elijah Allen
this is a good post
Caleb Wilson
Honest question
If you train only 3 times a week, wouldnt a brosplit or PPL be the same since you train each muscle group only once a week?
Owen Powell
Moot question, if you train PPL you shouldn't be on 3x/week. Most PPL are 5x programs.
If you brosplit 3x/week, just take 1/3 of the volume and put it on each of three days for full-body, same volume but more frequency.
I'm happy I did a strength training routine, I have PE so staying at a relatively higher bf helps me hide it a bit
Asher Perez
Lincoln Martinez
Here's my starting point, 1 year ago
Austin Martin
Fucking good job user. I'm impressed.
David Sanchez
Thanks man, I needed that today
Hunter Phillips
Mirin hard
Benjamin Collins
mirin those numbers. Slayed the 1234 goal. you made it.
Parker Taylor
Because this board is comprised mainly of faggots and trolls
Chase Richardson
i LP'd my squat till it hit 315
LP isn't as much about strength as it is about neural adaptation and becoming good at the skill that is correct form. also, by the end of LP your muscles will be larger and heavier so yeah you're wrong there
Evan Bennett
No they do steroids.
Matthew Stewart
>implying I wouldn't be happy looking like I could tear a lesser man in half
Connor Sanchez
I think people are underestimating how volume you can add by skipping leg day
Imagine a brosplit of Chest/Back and Shoulders/Arms where the big movements are Bench, Barbell Row, and OHP, but after that it's all accessary.
Then you go 6 times a week like ABABABx, and you're hitting everything in you're upperbody three times a week. I spent a month on SL from skinnyfat mode and got to a 65kg bench and then got bored and just fell into a habit of doing this and it's working a miracle.
The truth is it's impossible not to get swole lifting 6 times a week with good nutrition.