Is The Golden One natty?
Is The Golden One natty?
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Loads of test filled going down his throat art what tho helped with thy gains.
Natty or Not?
cum is natty so yeh.
t. Beta leftists
He talked about using steroids at some point in the future when his test runs low or something. I'd say probably nah. He inspired me to start lifting like a year ago, not that I buy into all of his political BS
so was it april fool's joke that he would stay with varg for a week or have they not edited the videos yet? does anyone follow varg's vidme or golden's social media?
i dunno
but hes very genetically gifted thats for sure
*tips fedora*
>"Sweden should be for the Swedish people, not the rest of the world."
>Yeah, like, I don't buy that! Sounds like BS!
Kill yourself.
he's the sort of guy who would probably tell people if he did use steroids, and the way he talks about maybe using them once he get's older and can't keep getting bigger makes it sound like he's natty (for now)
but he's just so huge i simply can't believe that he isn't roids
your politics suck then
half, and full retard right
It was a joke.
he's 6'2" 98 kg and leanness isn't out of this world
given his experience i'd say it's possible with gifted genetics
hmmm maybe, i guess he has been lifting quite a good while now as well
Same, I started lifting a year ago because of him.
I don't think he goes far enough politically though, but of course he's still doing great work.
that leather thing looks gay af
this is what I was referring to
he's big at low-ish bodyfat but his vascularity while cold doesn't strike me as outrageous at all
>For instance, what the hell is going on in Sweden? If you haven’t heard the story of IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Toney Freeman being arrested in Sweden, then be prepared for some shocking revelations. Apparently Swedish police have free reign to profile individuals based on their physical appearance and arrest them on suspicion of being on steroids. That just doesn’t sound right.
he lives in a country that plain just doesn't tolerate that shit, no fucking way in hell would he tell you and anyone familiar with sweden knows it, maybe it's a hint that he's actually on gear but either way if he is smart if he is on steroids and living in Sweden he would pretty much be forced to maintain a fairly natural looking physique or police could literally decide to raid his house based on how he looks.
>The more you know
lederhosen are supposed to be worn with a shirt on. without, it looks like a gay photoshoot.
>implying it isn't a gay photoshoot
>if you need more god damn evidence
from article:
If his case wasn’t enough, there’s the case of Joras Tornros. Tornros was said to be enjoying a peaceful dinner when his waitress became alarmed by his massive size, particularly his large forearms.
Police were called, an undercover officer dispatched and laid in wait at the restroom until he could make his move. When Tornros went to use the bathroom, the undercover cop somehow managed to get a urine sample, return to the station to test its content which showed a slightly above average testosterone content. Based on that the police arrested Tornros! Now not to sound like a bleeding heart, but that’s pretty harsh and pretty damn drastic just to bust someone with a slightly above average testosterone level. Who wants to wake up in a jail cell just because you’re lifting some heavy weight?
apart from that: Why is it illegal to begin with? Who the fuck cares about private steroid use?
No. Not at all.
But he'll continue to lie because the swedish cucks will ruin his life and put him in jail.
Veeky Forums should stop being dumb and fall for angles , lightning play and profesional photoshoots. He isn't lean at all and doesn't look sharp in videos as he does in some photos or have the typical enhanced look when he is in motion. Also lol at the genetic cucks judging somebodys natty status purely on size. Size is not that much of factor unless combined with low BF, as some people are way more genetically gifted then others in that department. His physique looks pretty fucking standart and within the natty limit in a front mirrior shot without lightning , angles , flexing and other illusions
He's 27 now afaik.
He started lifting seriously at age 19.
>tfw I started at 18 and I'm only 22
That means there's a chance I can still make it and look juicy as fuark.
Well he has the viking genetics man....
I've got native american and some other kind of white genetics (Probably Irish and German) so maybe I'll be fine.
>inb4 Irish aren't white, you know what I mean
he had some pretty gay(swedish) friends who became an /int/ meme before some aussie megautist went through the short one's personal information and found out his was extremely lonely after leaving High School and his little sister of 15 was a grade 1 coalburner.
>they almost kiss
sauce on coalburning sister, for research of course
>German genetics
user, I don't know how to tell you this
that zyzz clone back tatt
>my sides
It's in swedish, but the pictures give it away hopefully.
I see no black people just some mexican looking kid can someone swedish translate plz or atleast give me synopsis
Well I'm not a cuck, so maybe my Native American genes overpower the German genes. It would explain why I'm weary of people coming into my homeland to kill me and take over.
there's also a video where they wrestle eachother on the ground, and another where the short guy, butt naked, takes a torch and goes into the ocean.
fucking rock worshippers lmao
I'm 6'2 and almost all online muscular potential calculators put me at about 215-220lbs at 10% body fat. So no I don't think he's on roids. Seems perfectly reasonable.
>online calculators
hurr durr
found my new trip, thanks
the swedish govt does not want a population of strong/aggressive/defiant men, it wants weak, passive, delicate men
You're alright, Niggerman
You're alright.
Not all of us are this fucked in the head yet.
bästa jag läst
(kärnvapenbomba oss snarast...!)
Are you bignig? What have you been up to? Also why did you come back to fit?
why is it illegal to do heroin? why does the government care about private heroin use?
>Steroids make you stronger and have little to no side effects if you aren't an idiot about it
>Heroine is bad for you regardless of if you're "smart" about it, is highly addictive and has ruined lives.
Dat false equivalency though
I dunno, it's none of their business.
agreed. some people don't understand the hypocrasy of niggers having 20 children and white people being forced to let these scum into our countries
yeah sup dood, back because I started liftan again
He's a cum-guzzler with an ugly, subhuman Lappoid midface(i.e. average swede), Dolph Lundgren is the only good thing to come out of this land of cock jockeys.
why did you stop lifting?
He's like an ugly DIO
>"Sweden should be for the Swedish people, not the rest of the world."
>gf isnt even swede
fuck latsbrah, pure cringe.
that horse faced fuck is a racist,pro nazi retard who was an asshat since the days of misc and now he is even a bigger ass since his channel grew.
literally all his subscribers who worship him are le redpilled "testosteroneous" /pol/ virgins who only recently started working out and engage in a complete circlejerk of "no-fappers",like this faggot here.
also he is not natural. look at older pics of him when he misc'ed.
stop giving this cum gulper attention.
Stop shitting up the board with these bullshit threads. Either go look at his channel where he OPENLY ADMITS TO STEROID USE or stop posting this thread as bait because you already know he fuckinh juices. Fuckin hell m8
in his defense he is making a decent bit of money shilling via patreon and possibly thru youtbe although maybe not because of the whole nazi shit, i'm sure he is smart enough to have clients who came from his channel and come to him because they believe he is natty and "clean"(brb no weed or alcohol but maybe ill take steroids in the future lol) and want someone to train who they can also talk to about their crazy beliefs
link to video? he claims natty
I agree this thread is stupid as fuck, anyone who looks thru his history can see he was juicing but I promise he isn't going around still admitting it, sweden doesn't play that shit, if he was user would have gotten him arrested by now... although who knows maybe he already has been
>arrested for steroid use
whoa sorry to here lad hope life's getting better.
Thanks man, it is, anyway, i'm back for good and gunna be doing Veeky Forums vids and stuff, gunna try to see if I can train someone for free and give info about gear w/ progress & info blurred face etc and try to reach peak aesthetics, desu I'm pretty excited I hope Veeky Forums enjoys it
Damn looking forward to it. This is exactly what Veeky Forums needs, not a bunch of /r9k/ and /pol/ shit.
I agree with all his nationalist sentiments, I just hate when he tries to make Hitler seem like a genius who tried hard.
Are you a doctor now?
naw tho i'm just another asshole with a fitness channel who wants people to pay him to train them thru the internet