Daily reminder of the natty limit.
>Eugen Sandow
>late Victorian era bodybuilder
>Competed before steroids were even invented
Anyone claiming natty that is far off from this physique is lying.
Daily reminder of the natty limit.
>Eugen Sandow
>late Victorian era bodybuilder
>Competed before steroids were even invented
Anyone claiming natty that is far off from this physique is lying.
Can you look like that at above 6ft though natty?
He was a manlet though
I'm literally laugh at people who tout Frank Zane as natty.
>maybe he just worked harder and ate bigger than Sandow
>lmao men no
>this is a better idea than roiding
lolroflmfao @ you're live, kid
the natty limit while being a manlet and probably having natty test levels well above 1,000 (the equivalent of mild roiding for most). You would have to be a genetic freak to achieve this.
Who the fuck said coke was better than roids you mong. Simply pointing out that 95% of the people who look better than the OP are not natty.
The best natty bodybuilder before people knew the first thing about routines or dieting.
>sandow a well known cokehead who died early of heart failure as a result
>this is the natty limit brah just be a cokehead
now do you understand why you're retarded
anyone else having troubles loading pictures? chinkmoot is claiming they're all deleted
Coke has nothing to do with the point of this thread you fuck. Doesn't matter if he did coke or not. What we do know is that he 100% did not do steroids and they became common place after his era. Hence him being the natty limit.
>Jesus I hope you don't reproduce
>my tax dollars going to subsidize your shitty education & life
lol what are you even trying to say here?OP said he didn't do ster0nz, cocaine doesn't really matter. If anything he probably go better workouts and cuts from it mang
You know, I wouldn't mind looking like that, sans the Albert Einstein face.
You're claiming natty but he like all "natty" lifters before him trained on coke. That's not natty you retarded little shit.
Chest is a meme, it's a nearly useless muscle and shouldn't be any larger than the OPs
Coke is a performance enhancing drug like steroids it allows you to train harder and reduces body fat. It's also more dangerous, more expensive and less effective.
Holy shit you are retarded
>literally can you read?
it is you fucking autist
how does coke enhance muscle growth?
We don't need coke, we have pre-workout and rock music and girls in tight yoga pants to get us through tough workouts.
>coke giving similar results to Dbol and test
You just eat less on Coke as it makes you less hungry boi
coke doesn't have any effect on muscle growth. Hence, he is natty.
Agreed, I'm actually okay with this being the natty limit. I could still pull mad bitches with that body.
holy shit you're retarded. coke interferes with the ability to store fat. take a natural husky lifter and feed them a steady diet of coke and they'll be unnaturally lean. this is not natty and why sandow managed to have low bf%
kys faggots
back then having a big chest is like having gyno today.
Am roflcopter at this guy
>Not injecting straight into the veins for ultimate gains
>iirc I meant intramuscular lol
Fucking idiots Eugene was 5'9 manlet and over 205lbs ripped.
You realize that most youtubers ppl call fake natties are 170-175lbs ripped and thats pushing it. Dont you guys get it how big this guy would look with better chest and IG filters?
Smh @ anyone thinks this is somehow a let down or "natties btfo". Most steroid users arent this big. If anything this should motivate you to see how fucking big you can get nähty instead of taking the " red pill " and believing you can only be dyel or fat fuck without roids.
lol are you gonna cite an episode of Bill Nye the Science Guy next?
Modern nutrition and exercise science probably puts it SLIGHTLY higher
they cite the university of cambridge you autistic shit eater
Literally nobody does. His nickname was "The Chemist" because he did all sorts of crazy home brewed steroid cycles
Eugen looked fantastic except for his chest maybe.
Agreed, but probably just to Steve Reeves mode and that's pushing it
This guy is trying way to hard
are you completely retarded?
coke will increase the amount of weights you can lift, both arm and for reps in a session
more weight intensity and volume will obviously give you more results, with the proper diet
and yes, coke abuse as PWO would most definitely give more results than a low dose test enanthate cycle (which gives really fucking marginal results, after the water comes off, DESU)
hear hear
The American dream personified
>He eventually married to a Blanche Brooks Sandow and had two daughters. But he was constantly in the company of other women who actually paid money to feel his flexed muscles after his stage performances. Sandow also had a close relationship to a male musician and composer he hired to accompany him during his shows. The degree of their relationship has never been determined, but they lived together in New York for a time. It is clear Blanche was jealous of his relationships.
Goal physique & lifestyle right there to be t.b.h.
Mirin' this guy more than fairies like Zyzz
Are you seriously saying that cocaine makes you an "unnatural" bodybuilder?
>if srs holy autism
I need to know.
>more weight intensity and volume will obviously give you more results
Yeah, but only to a certain point w/o the use of steroids. You can only get so big genetically natural, cocaine doesn't increase that limit.
I'm saying back then you could eat like a land whale, lift like ahnold and look like Sandow thanks to coke.
Today, if you're going to be a non natty you'd be a retard to use coke for that purpose obviously as roids are cheaper and safer but that doesn't take away the unnatural advantage it gives.
>and yes, coke abuse as PWO would most definitely give more results than a low dose test enanthate cycle
He didn't have the bench press, could one say the natty limit might have a bigger chest?
Is he /our/ guy desu
The problem is without coke, if you get big, you also get fat. Coke lets you eat like shit without getting fat while retaining lean body mass. Your muscles don't grow wildly like with roids but you certaily do gain a big advantage over a natty. To claim Sandow as natty while ignoring his coke abuse is disingenuous at best.
Probably yeah, imo he'd look fucking 10/10 if his chest was a bit more developed. Definitely a great goal to shoot for.
Here he is in motion
It's just CICO m8,
More like CICOKE
>needs more sun filter
>here we have a prime example of a cocaine abuser
>notice the bulging muscles and low bf
>not even once
Coke will help you shed fat mass, but also fucks your hormones and at a certain stage will prevent you from gaining additional lean mass. So realistically it could be said that Sandow could have been even bigger if it wasn't for his cocaine abuse.
Must suck to have no good verifiable samples of aesthetic nattys not even your victorian era cucks can save you from your needly doom
>and at a certain stage will prevent you from gaining additional lean mass
yeah when your heart stops working which couls be in 1-25 years depending on genetics. look up how many of those old time strongmen/bbs died of heart failure before making it past their 60's. they virtually all did.
>Ugly bacne apologist
Enjoy your inevitable gyno, shrunken balls, and heart attack at 50
Huh? Just use Eugen Sandow as a point of reference for when it's time to enter the shadow realm nigga. Point is he didn't use any actual steroids so he's natty enough for a ballpark measurement.
Your point?
>Coke still won't make you an unnatural bodybuilder in terms of LBM
No, before that it will inhibit muscle growth. Cocaine is not good for your endocrine system
bench press also hadn't been invented
Nah I'm not deluding myself into false hope.
he died at 58 of heart failure dude. He ate like a pig and breathed coke. That's how he was decent size and lean. Nothing natty about it.
By the time your muscles stop growing your heart is soon to stop pumping. Plenty of time to peacock and die.
How does it feel to know that 99.9% of the fitness community disagrees with your autistic perception of unnatural bodybuilding?
Dude looks like a modern day aesthetics bro but better. Thats fucking cool
the fuck are you even trying to defend
just saw this in the catalog, natty?
tbf he actually looks fucking good
5'9" on the left, 5'6" on the right
I've seen bigger natty pecs desu
Natty limit is determined by genetics, if you have shit genetics you won't reach that, if you have superior genetics you might get a slightly better physique.
Don't be so stupid
>out angled by a cokehead from the 1800's
He's actually six foot
Yeah but you'd look more like this
You can't be that slow on the uptake.
>still not that bad
Nah man I think it's a lil better
But the real question
>does he do cocaine
>not natty
recreational use obv doesn't fall under the same category as roids anymore because there are proper peds for that like clen and tren so meh meme away retards you still are stupid for claiming old cokehead bodybuilders as some source of natty inspiration
You're a fucking teenage faggot if you don't take coke, most normal people do
When he was lifting, big chests were considered feminine. The first chest exercise hadn't been invented until the early 1900s and that wasn't even the bench press.
pushups and dips probaly already existed bro
Nobody does pushups for mass.
nobody does any more because we have other better exercises
>Sandow died at his home in Kensington, London, on October 14, 1925, of what newspapers announced as a brain hemorrhage at age 58.[1][20] It was allegedly brought on after straining himself, without assistance, to lift his car out of a ditch after a road accident two or three years earlier.[19] However, without an autopsy, his death was certified as due to aortic aneurysm, which his biographer in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography states may have been syphilitic in origin.[19]
Lol holy fuck this thread
Jesus could this guy be any more of a fucking alpha?
>when you literally DIE from lifting
>Spend your life lifting and eating horses to become the most aesthetic natty lifter in history
>Still shredded at 58
>Die because you tried to lift your fucking car out of a ditch
What a man.
Just lots of liver tabs, bro
I do admire his dedication to stay Veeky Forums his entire life
>aortic aneurism
so, weak ass heart from being a coke head dead at 58