Honestyl, liking traps isn't gay right? One could argue that they are more feminine than modern women, and provide a niche but necessary role.
Honestyl, liking traps isn't gay right? One could argue that they are more feminine than modern women...
>has a penis
>more feminine than women
If you need validation that it's not gay, you're probably gay du
Having said that, like what you like and stop trying to label it.
Nah, you're a faggot. But there is nothing wrong with being gay in 2017.
I don't mind gays, but I hate faggots who say shit like "it's not gay to suck a feminine penis!"
lol that photoshop
It's gay to like traps
I like them too
But I guess that makes me bi
t. someone who has never seen trannies without flattering lighting and light photoshop
they're dudes with tits man
It's not gay at all. Tell me how be attracted to FEMININE traits makes you gay? Go ahead i'll wait.
Because you understand that the single most masculine trait of a man is on his body
Exactly! The femine penis is only a positive addition!
Putting a pink bow on a dick doesn't make sucking it any less gay user.
Time to come out of the closet.
It's gay but not as gay as straight up liking regular men. Just accept and embrace it
Traps kill my boner. That's how I know it's gay and I'm not.
i do have to say at least most of the camwhoring traps are free and lower body fat...I can tug one out to their ass as long they hide the dick.
>be at the club
>10/10 girl of your dreams comes in
>start dancing with her
>shes agrees to go home with you
>dj starts playing youtube.com
>start getting frisky back at home
>turns out she has a dick
>still 100% passable, looks like a girl, wide hips, small hands/shoulders, sounds like girl etc
And you're saying you wouldn't fuck? Just hit it from behind you don't even have to look at it.
wanting to fuck men is gay, period.
doesnt matter if they're big fat hairy bears or crossdressing twinks. if it has a cock and you still want to fuck it, you're a fucking faggot. that's all there is to it.
>sounds like girl
dont kid yourself
they sound like mid-puberty boys
The appeal of traps is the fact that they are so feminine, without actually being female. The feeling of the Bait-N-Switch it presents is a good one, the idea that a male is cuter than any girl is both extremely erotic and very, very adorable. It's not the fact that they're male and feminine, it's the fact that they aren't what they seem. It's the same reason many people like tomboys.
A slightly deeper meaning is that traps serve as this ideal that you aren't bound by gender roles or what people might think one should act like. Traps show that people can come in any attitude or personality and still give people a raging erection.
The main point is that people who like traps, as far as I can tell, aren't attracted to the fact they are male, but the fact they are a literal trap. Because it's not the "maleness" that attracts them, it isn't gay. I think the best example of this "genderless" attribute would be the iconic Hideyoshi, who is even referred to in-universe as some mystical third gender. This same idea carries over to many other traps, including the infamous reverse-trap, AKA the "You thought I was a guy acting like a girl, but really I was a girl acting like a guy acting like a girl."
Furthermore, traps fit into that sexual gray area that futanari also goes in. They don't really belong to either gender because of their extraordinarily feminine appearance and the fact they have a dick. You can't call liking traps straight, because they're definitely not female, but you can't call it gay because they're really not all that male either.
To close it out, I understand the people who think it's gay. It's a reasonable stand-point. However, as someone who likes traps but firmly hates non-trap dicks, I have to disagree.
TLDR: Don't feel bad because you like girly-guys. It's (possibly) not a gay thing. I mean, it's possible to be gay and like traps, but you could also be straight and like them too.
I'd have sex with a trap if I find her attractive enough, desu, however wouldn't allow her to enter my manhole unless we'd be in a serious relationship. 2bh a three way with a trap and a grill must be really gr8.
>that's michelle obama
fucking kek
Look at Kalindra Chan and tell me you wouldn't have sex with her. Then realize she has a penis.
i used to think so but then i saw an actual naked trap anally masturbating instead of just the anime traps i had seen before. it was disturbing. something about the ballsack unsettles me.
You wrote a dissertation about how liking a guy who dresses like a girl's dick, isn't gay.
Fucking lmao!
Dude I'm attracted to traps and I admit its gay. However transgenderism should be wiped off the map.
I was exactly like you until i saw a man fuking a FTM with a vagoo was fuking weird af then you see qt traps mind is getting fucked every day man
>being attracted to this is gay
Nothing gay about it bro. It's the most masculine dominating & alpha thing you can do.
Think about it. You're so manly you're fucking a boy who turned into a girl JUST so she could get fucked by you. Fucking traps in the ass is probably the manliest thing one can do.
ftm pre-op on m is straight.
How cruel must the world be for a 10/10 like this to be a trap
It's a fucking doll dude
You are right
it's not a doll
Not the same person
Are you an autist?
but it is
Fucking any gender in the ass in order to prove dominance is perfectly straight so long as you're not attracted to them.
What about animals
You should already be domaninant over animals... unless it's a tiger or something. In which case good luck fucking it in the ass you big guy you.
Thanks for the name
Have a meme
This dude is literally thinking up senenarios where he ends up with a dick in his mouth (or ass) at the end of the night.
>thinks he's not a homo
> implying he's the catcher
Problem with traps is that they age worse than milk. After their early 20's, you're qt boipucci gf is just going to be a fucking creep in drag.
>walk in club
>dj starts playing lola
That's when you realize you're in a fag club, faggot. Take the hint
That's why it's best to be the chad of traps then marry a 100% female 8-9/10 (cause 10s don't exist)
That's my plan anyway
only in canada
what is you want to dom feminine boys but also want a big, thick cock to play with?
holy shit this thread... is everyone on Veeky Forums a closet homosexual?
The most alpha thing you can do is dominate another man
The most beta is be dominated by a woman
If traps are gay, what about futa?
Tell me why I did this to my ex girl whenever I was mad. Felt fire af
Corinthians 6:9-10
Or know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with men, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
You get extra man points if you choke them while taking their asshole.
>implying that it's just liking traps that's going to keep me out of heaven
It was lit, she had a bf too
I 100% guarantee you won't get hard to traps if you stop watching porn for a couple weeks
>thinking up scenarios in which fucking something that has a penis isnt gay
The delusion.
if you're attracted to him because it's a woman that has a penis, you're gay.
but nothing in the photo suggests he has a penis, if you showed this to a bunch or normies and asked them if they were attracted to him, then they would say yes
if you didn't know he was a guy or see his bulge you'd be attracted to it too, don't lie now. you probably saw quite a few trannies in real life without knowing and were probably attracted
Ok....take this same scenario....fuck the scenario.....its just a dude and you fuck him.
Is it still gay?
Putting a pretty bow on a box a shit still makes it a shitty present.
Putting piss in a jar but decorating with golden ribbons studded in diamonds still makes it a jar of piss.
Fucking a man dressed as a man is still fucking a man.
And if dressing a penis up is enough for you to accept having sex with it, you're gay.
You. Are. Gay.
Now there's nothing wrong with being gay though, go ahead, but stop lying to yourself and everyone else.
Youre never gunna make it of you cant stop lying.
You probably lie about your diet.
Skip entire sets when your "fucking tired, wow."
Half ass leg day, but damnit "i never skip it."
You sound like you half ass fucking everything, and you sound like you cant commit to objectivity.
You're. Never. Going. To. Make. It.
read Romans 1:18-32
read some non-fiction
Deuteronomy 22:5 (KJV)
5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.
you guys are gay
believing in this fairy tale is a much worse mental illness than being homosexual ever will be
Y'all need Jesus
you have to admit though, its pretty good fiction
>modern women
How long has it been since you last got laid and how bitter are you about it?
Yeah it's pretty sad lol. I like traps because I'm a bisexual pervert, and I admit it.
being bi is the greatest gift i could have received. but i don't like masculine men though, just feminine looking ones so it's all good
this desu
I like extremes. I like to fuck qt traps and get fucked by big burly men. Nothing in between.
Im gay and think traps are gross so they must be straight
hey i'm not judging, live your life user to the fullest
Nice, you too, man!
I can appreciate that
>be me, God
>decide to make another planet just for lols, even though i've already made 50 sextillion of them in this universe alone
>call it earth
>create humans to live there
>make them creatures of inherent sexual desires, just like every other creature on this planet
>no really, make them want sex above all else except eating
>also plant a bunch of fake monster skeletons on the planet to see how freaked they get
>let them live there for a while until they have created society and civilization
>decide to fuck with them, tell them sex is bad and tell them not to do a bunch of other stuff
>don't give them any reasoning as to why this stuff is bad
>don't know why i waited this long to do so either, just got bored
>send my son down to earth one day because they need to repent because they broke a bunch of my arbitrary rules
>except hes actually not my son but he is in fact me as well
Guys this doesn't make any sense
>uploaded 21 mins ago
So, uh, that means there are nudes? Hm-hm. Sauce?
maybe if you actually tried to understand Christian theology and doctrine instead of putting up a strawman of a child's understanding of religion
Eating pussy is more gay than fucking traps
liking feminine penis is not gay
I think that's a fair point. OP wasn't talking about traps specifically, OP asked about dicks in his mouth and if traps make it less gay. OP wants a dick, not a trap.
google confirms traps aren't gay but are in fact female, checkmate
Liking traps is gay.
Liking traps is not gay.
Christian theology and doctrine? You mean scripts and literature and that were written by men only 2000 years ago max? When civilization had existed for thousands of years before it and modern humans as we know them for hundred of thousands before that? Why would i believe anything to do with christanity when there is no actual proof of any of it?
>expecting the God of infinite power who made the universe from nothing to make sense within the confines of human understanding
>muh 'god works in mysterious ways and that's the reason 3 year olds can get bone cancer' excuse
Liking gay is traps.
Gay liking is traps
Is gay liking traps
Liking is gay traps