>manlet claims to be 6'2"
>uses this to brag to everyone how tall he is
>tell him there is no way he is 6ft because I'm taller and barely 6ft even
>panic starts to set in
>claims his doctor measured him so it is true
>this is a common trick amongst manlets
>emphasize I'm not 6'2" so there is no way theyre 6ft
>everyone believes me
>manlet is filled with shame
>the I've done this multiple times

>Barely 6ft
>Thinks he isnt a manlet
I am LMAOing at your life

6'2" master height reporting in

Am 5'7''

Claim to be 5'1'' all the time, most people know I'm fucking around. Sometimes it makes other manlets freak out about their height.

ha ha!

funny new joke, my guy!

pic related. it's a guy named "lel", which is what i did @ your post!

ha ha!

have a nice day!

6'3" reporting

All i have to do is show up, right?

It gets the pussies wet



lol 69


Is that you Samuel? Please tell me this is you, holy shit! this is hilarious!.

I'm 5'9" and not even mad.

why should you be?

at what age you guys stop growing taller?
I'm 20yo and 185cm, is there a chance to become /tallmasterrace/ ?

kek, I do this sometimes. I am 6'2 and when people ask I say 5'10, quite amusing seeing the eyes of the manlets widen when I pull this shit as they claim to be 5'8 but are obviously about 6 inches shorter than me

> not understanding the joke

How's your first day on Veeky Forums

>passport says 190
>nobody believes me cause of my shit posture
>still a manlet even though i have good height genetics
lmao at my life boys

Can you use steroids or growth hormones to get taller later in life?

> im extremly insecure about myself the thread

I had something like this, a 5'5 guy who insisted I was 6'3 to make himself feel better. I'm 6'0 on a good day.

No, kys and hope for better luck in your next life

>implies manlets are shorter than 5'8 because obviously 6 inches shorter than him
>6'2" - 6" = 5'8"

Are you retarded user?

>uses a tripcode
>talks about insecurities

Really makes the brain work harder to understand
