What does Veeky Forums think of this stuff?

What does Veeky Forums think of this stuff?

Biggest fucking DYEL question I've seen in a while

You will NEVER make it noob


hah. we were just playing catch with one of those at work out when it was dead as fuck

You are the biggest basic bitch if you use that

felt more effective than monster drinks



get creatine monohydrate and beta alanine and mix it with water

Look at this DYEL wanknoozle

How are people like you even ALLOWED to enter a gym?


underdosed shit

Literally made my own preworkout that'll last me over 100 servings for £45, has 6g Citrulline Malate and 4g Beta Alanine, which is literally all you need in a pre-workout besides caffeine, which I take in pills.

I started taking C4 on Monday. It feels great when I get to the gym get a good 2 hours of endless energy, I do 90 min of weight lifting and the last 30 mins low intensity fat burning cardio.

I work early 0600 so I cant work out in the morning most of the time, so I end up taking it around 4pm and work out till 6pm. My sleep is super fucked.

I'm 5'9'' 250lbs 30% BF I need to cut been /fat/ all my life. C4 is really helping me at the gym because I feel like if I don't get a good workout I'll stay up all night (even though I already do)

i enjoy good sleep over being able to lift more and for more reps

C4 is like a legal performance enhancer, though any type of drug cant be good for you long term. maybe just use it to test your 1RM

i used to take it but quit after my second container

Not OP, I just started taking it but I figured after my first container I would have cut enough BF and be motivated enough by my progress to continue on without it for a couple months then use another container, kind like cycle off and on of it.

I work on a brick crew and I'm lifting all day, it's like an 8 to 12 hour workout. Could the C4 work for me or could someone recommend something better?

wew lad

all this momscience

I've been using C4 ultimate. Blue Razz tastes pretty good, and I feel pretty good about it.

>use it
>Dat fucking energy
>Dat fucking pump

Fucked with my sleep though.

Don't listen to all of these faggots, OP.
The preworkout is decent enough. I've been taking it for some time now. 1 month/2scoops per workout since I'm 90kgs 185cm and then 2 weeks without it & repeat. Gives decent enough energy and strength, combine it with monohydrate creatine and ur set.
It's certainly better than Hot Blood which was an absolute shit experience for me. Also, don't drink any coffee or energy drinks if you want the preworkout to have some effect. Everybody has preferences and there might be better preworkout supps on the market but taking this one, the experience was decent enough

I have a similar job user. I put pic related into a 32oz container with water and drink it throughout the day. 400mg caffeine.

Can you drink it every day or just once in a while?