Why do hot people browse here? I'm a thirsty girl and I lurk through CBT threads and there are always a handful or Chads and Brads. I don't get it. I thought this was for losers.
Why do hot people browse here...
fake and gay
post dick or gtfo
>because we are men
Back to normie land with you vile female
fuck you cunt
Hi! few things to start off with =]
1. Yes I replied to you because you're a female poster, 'tis an awesome thing to see!
2. Pls be in London.
3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one making you protein shakes in the kitchen.
oh i'm so wet
Hilarious thread
Op never claimed it was her pic dumbass
>replacing My name is Brian with pls be in london
It's been a while since I've seen this one though.
/pol/ and Veeky Forums 90% cross posters. and 95% right wing.
really stimulates your almonds
You're a big brapper
>another neckbeardpretendstobeagirl thread
When will you faggots learn
Veeky Forums is a men's only board
gtfo dumb roastie
>Why are there fit people on a fitness related board!!???
OP what are you waiting for scoop this le gentleman up quick
He thinks being fit makes you attractive
Found the fat fuck jealous of others
Not OP but you know that's the automatic filename for images you save on your phone right? It's not just photos you take.
Tfw name is Brad
Found the ugly fuck who thinks he can lift the autism away
I know, but come on.
men is what we are
its ok user, this is a self improvement board. There are plenty of self deprecating boards and forums. Why bring that here..?
I believe in you user, I believe you can make it.
get a load of this kid lmao
humans are very judgemental creatures. just because someone looks attractive doesnt mean they do sterotypical things like playing sports or getting fucked up every weekend at parties.
because we're scarce, so Veeky Forums is the place where we can meet up and share our stories and conquests ?
What's with all these negative nannies? I haven't seen this many crabs in a bucket since i went to Joe's Crab Shack(™).
I strongly doubt that.
>mixing /pol/ and Veeky Forums
Ah yes, and since /r9k/ browses here we're all autistic neets too haha
Go back to your containment board ahmed nobody wants you here
U need 2 lurk more user is telling the truth
I'm, attractive, making big dollarooies, and very well socialized.
I shitpost here because it's a guys space. There aren't a lot of guys only places either online or IRL.
I occasionally have lunches with my bros, but everyone is getting married, in med school, grad school, law school, etc. People are in different cities and life is getting a bit busy.
Fit is the manosphere that I had going on IRL before everyone (myself included) got busy.
For others, it's the manosphere they never had.
Bottom line, it is devoid of politically correct culture and we can talk about whatever the fuck we want without worrying about offending anyone. This board specifically is fitness (and things tangentially related to getting fit)
I do not believe "all women are whores", and I have a great relationship with my wife, so trust me when I say that a "guys only space" is essential for a well-socialized man.
That people assume this place is only for losers is just as well. It keeps those that aren't curious out. The brusque nature of the website keeps newcomers in check as well.
I chuckled
Being user keeps the virtue signaling circle jerk away as well. It's the anti reddit
o babi let daddy come n lic k your pusy mm that SO good please toch my snek